Source code for csle_common.dao.emulation_action.attacker.emulation_attacker_nmap_actions

from typing import Optional, List
import csle_common.constants.constants as constants
from csle_common.dao.emulation_action.attacker.emulation_attacker_action import EmulationAttackerAction
from csle_common.dao.emulation_action.attacker.emulation_attacker_action_type import EmulationAttackerActionType
from csle_common.dao.emulation_action.attacker.emulation_attacker_action_id import EmulationAttackerActionId
from csle_common.dao.emulation_action.attacker.emulation_attacker_action_outcome import EmulationAttackerActionOutcome

[docs]class EmulationAttackerNMAPActions: """ Class containing Attacker NMAP actions in the emulation """
[docs] @staticmethod def TCP_SYN_STEALTH_SCAN(index: int, ips: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> EmulationAttackerAction: """ Runs a TCP SYN scan :param index: index of the machine to apply the action to :param ips: ips of the machines or subnets to apply the action to :return: the action """ id = EmulationAttackerActionId.TCP_SYN_STEALTH_SCAN_HOST if ips is None: ips = [] if index == -1: id = EmulationAttackerActionId.TCP_SYN_STEALTH_SCAN_ALL cmd = ["sudo nmap -sS -p- " + constants.NMAP.SPEED_ARGS + " "] return EmulationAttackerAction(id=id, name="TCP SYN (Stealth) Scan", cmds=cmd, type=EmulationAttackerActionType.RECON, descr="A stealthy and fast TCP SYN scan to detect open TCP ports on the subnet", ips=ips, index=index, action_outcome=EmulationAttackerActionOutcome.INFORMATION_GATHERING, backdoor=False)
[docs] @staticmethod def PING_SCAN(index: int, ips: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> EmulationAttackerAction: """ Runs a Ping scan :param index: index of the machine to apply the action to :param ips: ip of the machine or subnet to apply the action to :return: the action """ id = EmulationAttackerActionId.PING_SCAN_HOST if ips is None: ips = [] if index == -1: id = EmulationAttackerActionId.PING_SCAN_ALL cmd = ["sudo nmap -sP " + constants.NMAP.SPEED_ARGS + " "] return EmulationAttackerAction(id=id, name="Ping Scan", cmds=cmd, type=EmulationAttackerActionType.RECON, descr="A host discovery scan, it is quick because it only checks of hosts " "are up with Ping, without scanning the ports.", ips=ips, index=index, action_outcome=EmulationAttackerActionOutcome.INFORMATION_GATHERING, backdoor=False)
[docs] @staticmethod def UDP_PORT_SCAN(index: int, ips: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> EmulationAttackerAction: """ Runs a UDP port scan :param index: index of the machine to apply the action to :param ips: ips of the machines or subnets to apply the action to :return: the action """ id = EmulationAttackerActionId.UDP_PORT_SCAN_HOST if ips is None: ips = [] if index == -1: id = EmulationAttackerActionId.UDP_PORT_SCAN_ALL cmd = ["sudo nmap -sU -p- " + constants.NMAP.SPEED_ARGS + " "] return EmulationAttackerAction(id=id, name="UDP Port Scan", cmds=cmd, type=EmulationAttackerActionType.RECON, descr="", index=index, ips=ips, action_outcome=EmulationAttackerActionOutcome.INFORMATION_GATHERING, backdoor=False)
[docs] @staticmethod def TCP_CON_NON_STEALTH_SCAN(index: int, ips: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> EmulationAttackerAction: """ Runs a TCP CON (non-stealthy) scan :param index: index of the machine to apply the action to :param ips: ips of the machines or subnets to apply the action to :return: the action """ id = EmulationAttackerActionId.TCP_CON_NON_STEALTH_SCAN_HOST if ips is None: ips = [] if index == -1: id = EmulationAttackerActionId.TCP_CON_NON_STEALTH_SCAN_ALL cmd = ["sudo nmap -sT -p- " + constants.NMAP.SPEED_ARGS + " "] return EmulationAttackerAction( id=id, name="TCP Connection (Non-Stealth) Scan", cmds=cmd, type=EmulationAttackerActionType.RECON, index=index, descr="A non-stealthy and fast TCP SYN scan to detect open TCP ports on the subnet", ips=ips, action_outcome=EmulationAttackerActionOutcome.INFORMATION_GATHERING, backdoor=False)
[docs] @staticmethod def TCP_FIN_SCAN(index: int, ips: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> EmulationAttackerAction: """ Runs a TCP FIN scan :param index: index of the machine to apply the action to :param ips: ips of the machines or subnets to apply the action to :return: the action """ id = EmulationAttackerActionId.TCP_FIN_SCAN_HOST if ips is None: ips = [] if index == -1: id = EmulationAttackerActionId.TCP_FIN_SCAN_ALL cmd = ["sudo nmap -sF -p- " + constants.NMAP.SPEED_ARGS + " "] return EmulationAttackerAction( id=id, name="FIN Scan", cmds=cmd, type=EmulationAttackerActionType.RECON, index=index, descr="A special type of TCP port scan using FIN, can avoid IDS and firewalls that block SYN scans", ips=ips, action_outcome=EmulationAttackerActionOutcome.INFORMATION_GATHERING, backdoor=False)
[docs] @staticmethod def TCP_NULL_SCAN(index: int, ips: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> EmulationAttackerAction: """ Runs a TCP Null scan :param index: index of the machine to apply the action to :param ips: ips of the machines or subnets to apply the action to :return: the action """ id = EmulationAttackerActionId.TCP_NULL_SCAN_HOST if ips is None: ips = [] if index == -1: id = EmulationAttackerActionId.TCP_NULL_SCAN_ALL cmd = ["sudo nmap -sN -p- " + constants.NMAP.SPEED_ARGS + " "] return EmulationAttackerAction( id=id, name="Null Scan", cmds=cmd, index=index, type=EmulationAttackerActionType.RECON, descr="A special type of TCP port scan using Null, can avoid IDS and firewalls that block SYN scans", ips=ips, action_outcome=EmulationAttackerActionOutcome.INFORMATION_GATHERING, backdoor=False)
[docs] @staticmethod def TCP_XMAS_TREE_SCAN(index: int, ips: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> EmulationAttackerAction: """ Runs a TCP XMAS TREE scan :param index: index of the machine to apply the action to :param ips: ips of the machines or subnets to apply the action to :return: the action """ id = EmulationAttackerActionId.TCP_XMAS_TREE_SCAN_HOST if ips is None: ips = [] if index == -1: id = EmulationAttackerActionId.TCP_XMAS_TREE_SCAN_ALL cmd = ["sudo nmap -sX -p- " + constants.NMAP.SPEED_ARGS + " "] return EmulationAttackerAction(id=id, name="Xmas Tree Scan", cmds=cmd, type=EmulationAttackerActionType.RECON, index=index, descr="A special type of TCP port scan using XMas Tree, " "can avoid IDS and firewalls that block SYN scans", ips=ips, action_outcome=EmulationAttackerActionOutcome.INFORMATION_GATHERING, backdoor=False)
[docs] @staticmethod def OS_DETECTION_SCAN(index: int, ips: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> EmulationAttackerAction: """ Runs a OS detection scan :param index: index of the machine to apply the action to :param ips: ips of the machines or subnets to apply the action to :return: the action """ id = EmulationAttackerActionId.OS_DETECTION_SCAN_HOST if ips is None: ips = [] if index == -1: id = EmulationAttackerActionId.OS_DETECTION_SCAN_ALL cmd = ["sudo nmap -O --osscan-guess --max-os-tries 1 " + constants.NMAP.SPEED_ARGS + " "] return EmulationAttackerAction(id=id, name="OS detection scan", cmds=cmd, type=EmulationAttackerActionType.RECON, descr="OS detection/guess scan", index=index, ips=ips, action_outcome=EmulationAttackerActionOutcome.INFORMATION_GATHERING, backdoor=False)
[docs] @staticmethod def VULSCAN(index: int, ips: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> EmulationAttackerAction: """ Runs a vulnerability scan using the VULSCAN script :param index: index of the machine to apply the action to :param ips: ips of the machines or subnets to apply the action to :return: the action """ id = EmulationAttackerActionId.VULSCAN_HOST if ips is None: ips = [] if index == -1: id = EmulationAttackerActionId.VULSCAN_ALL cmd = ["sudo nmap -sV --script=vulscan/vulscan.nse " + constants.NMAP.SPEED_ARGS + " "] return EmulationAttackerAction(id=id, name="vulscan.nse vulnerability scanner", cmds=cmd, type=EmulationAttackerActionType.RECON, index=index, descr="Uses a vulcan.nse script to turn NMAP into a vulnerability scanner", ips=ips, action_outcome=EmulationAttackerActionOutcome.INFORMATION_GATHERING, backdoor=False)
[docs] @staticmethod def NMAP_VULNERS(index: int, ips: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> EmulationAttackerAction: """ Runs a vulnerability scan using the Vulners script :param index: index of the machine to apply the action to :param ips: ip of the machine or subnet to apply the action to :return: the action """ id = EmulationAttackerActionId.NMAP_VULNERS_HOST if ips is None: ips = [] if index == -1: id = EmulationAttackerActionId.NMAP_VULNERS_ALL cmd = ["sudo nmap -sV --script vulners.nse " + constants.NMAP.SPEED_ARGS + " "] return EmulationAttackerAction(id=id, name="nmap_vulners vulnerability scanner", cmds=cmd, type=EmulationAttackerActionType.RECON, index=index, descr="Uses vulners.nse script to turn NMAP into a vulnerability scanner", ips=ips, action_outcome=EmulationAttackerActionOutcome.INFORMATION_GATHERING, backdoor=False)
[docs] @staticmethod def TELNET_SAME_USER_PASS_DICTIONARY(index: int, ips: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> EmulationAttackerAction: """ Runs a dictionary attack trying combinations with same user+pw against telnet :param index: index of the machine to apply the action to :param ips: ips of the machines or subnets to apply the action to :return: the action """ telnet_args = constants.NMAP.TELNET_BRUTE_HOST id = EmulationAttackerActionId.TELNET_SAME_USER_PASS_DICTIONARY_HOST if ips is None: ips = [] if index == -1: id = EmulationAttackerActionId.TELNET_SAME_USER_PASS_DICTIONARY_ALL telnet_args = constants.NMAP.TELNET_BRUTE_SUBNET cmd = ["sudo nmap " + telnet_args + " " + constants.NMAP.SPEED_ARGS + " "] return EmulationAttackerAction( id=id, name="Telnet dictionary attack for username=pw", cmds=cmd, type=EmulationAttackerActionType.EXPLOIT, index=index, descr="A dictionary attack that tries common passwords and usernames " "for Telnet where username=password", ips=ips, action_outcome=EmulationAttackerActionOutcome.SHELL_ACCESS, vulnerability=constants.EXPLOIT_VULNERABILITES.TELNET_DICTS_SAME_USER_PASS, backdoor=False)
[docs] @staticmethod def SSH_SAME_USER_PASS_DICTIONARY(index: int, ips: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> EmulationAttackerAction: """ Runs a dictionary attack trying combinations with same user+pw against ssh :param index: index of the machine to apply the action to :param ips: ip of the machine or subnet to apply the action to :return: the action """ ssh_args = constants.NMAP.SSH_BRUTE_HOST id = EmulationAttackerActionId.SSH_SAME_USER_PASS_DICTIONARY_HOST if ips is None: ips = [] if index == -1: id = EmulationAttackerActionId.SSH_SAME_USER_PASS_DICTIONARY_ALL ssh_args = constants.NMAP.SSH_BRUTE_SUBNET cmd = ["sudo nmap " + ssh_args + " " + constants.NMAP.SPEED_ARGS + " "] return EmulationAttackerAction(id=id, name="SSH dictionary attack for username=pw", cmds=cmd, type=EmulationAttackerActionType.EXPLOIT, index=index, descr="A dictionary attack that tries common passwords and usernames " "for SSH where username=password", ips=ips, action_outcome=EmulationAttackerActionOutcome.SHELL_ACCESS, vulnerability=constants.EXPLOIT_VULNERABILITES.SSH_DICT_SAME_USER_PASS, backdoor=False)
[docs] @staticmethod def FTP_SAME_USER_PASS_DICTIONARY(index: int, ips: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> EmulationAttackerAction: """ Runs a dictionary attack trying combinations with same user+pw against ftp :param index: index of the machine to apply the action to :param ips: ip of the machine or subnet to apply the action to :return: the action """ ftp_args = constants.NMAP.FTP_BRUTE_HOST id = EmulationAttackerActionId.FTP_SAME_USER_PASS_DICTIONARY_HOST if ips is None: ips = [] if index == -1: id = EmulationAttackerActionId.FTP_SAME_USER_PASS_DICTIONARY_ALL ftp_args = constants.NMAP.FTP_BRUTE_SUBNET cmd = ["sudo nmap " + ftp_args + " " + constants.NMAP.SPEED_ARGS + " "] return EmulationAttackerAction(id=id, name="FTP dictionary attack for username=pw", cmds=cmd, type=EmulationAttackerActionType.EXPLOIT, descr="A dictionary attack that tries common passwords and usernames " "for FTP where username=password", index=index, ips=ips, action_outcome=EmulationAttackerActionOutcome.SHELL_ACCESS, vulnerability=constants.EXPLOIT_VULNERABILITES.FTP_DICT_SAME_USER_PASS, backdoor=False)
[docs] @staticmethod def CASSANDRA_SAME_USER_PASS_DICTIONARY(index: int, ips: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> EmulationAttackerAction: """ Runs a dictionary attack trying combinations with same user+pw against cassandra :param index: index of the machine to apply the action to :param ips: ips of the machines or subnets to apply the action to :return: the action """ cassandra_args = constants.NMAP.CASSANDRA_BRUTE_HOST id = EmulationAttackerActionId.CASSANDRA_SAME_USER_PASS_DICTIONARY_HOST if ips is None: ips = [] if index == -1: id = EmulationAttackerActionId.CASSANDRA_SAME_USER_PASS_DICTIONARY_ALL cassandra_args = constants.NMAP.CASSANDRA_BRUTE_SUBNET cmd = ["sudo nmap " + cassandra_args + " " + constants.NMAP.SPEED_ARGS + " "] return EmulationAttackerAction(id=id, name="Cassandra dictionary attack for username=pw", cmds=cmd, type=EmulationAttackerActionType.EXPLOIT, descr="A dictionary attack that tries common passwords and usernames " "for Cassandra where username=password", index=index, ips=ips, action_outcome=EmulationAttackerActionOutcome.SHELL_ACCESS, vulnerability=constants.EXPLOIT_VULNERABILITES.CASSANDRA_DICTS_SAME_USER_PASS, backdoor=False)
[docs] @staticmethod def IRC_SAME_USER_PASS_DICTIONARY(index: int, ips: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> EmulationAttackerAction: """ Runs a dictionary attack trying combinations with same user+pw against irc :param index: index of the machine to apply the action to :param ips: ips of the machines or subnets to apply the action to :return: the action """ irc_args = constants.NMAP.IRC_BRUTE_HOST id = EmulationAttackerActionId.IRC_SAME_USER_PASS_DICTIONARY_HOST if ips is None: ips = [] if index == -1: id = EmulationAttackerActionId.IRC_SAME_USER_PASS_DICTIONARY_ALL irc_args = constants.NMAP.IRC_BRUTE_SUBNET cmd = ["sudo nmap " + irc_args + " " + constants.NMAP.SPEED_ARGS + " "] return EmulationAttackerAction(id=id, name="IRC dictionary attack for username=pw", cmds=cmd, type=EmulationAttackerActionType.EXPLOIT, descr="A dictionary attack that tries common passwords and usernames " "for IRC where username=password", index=index, ips=ips, action_outcome=EmulationAttackerActionOutcome.SHELL_ACCESS, vulnerability=constants.EXPLOIT_VULNERABILITES.IRC_DICTS_SAME_USER_PASS, backdoor=False)
[docs] @staticmethod def MONGO_SAME_USER_PASS_DICTIONARY(index: int, ips: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> EmulationAttackerAction: """ Runs a dictionary attack trying combinations with same user+pw against mongo :param index: index of the machine to apply the action to :param ips: ips of the machines or subnets to apply the action to :return: the action """ mongo_args = constants.NMAP.MONGO_BRUTE_HOST id = EmulationAttackerActionId.MONGO_SAME_USER_PASS_DICTIONARY_HOST if ips is None: ips = [] if index == -1: id = EmulationAttackerActionId.MONGO_SAME_USER_PASS_DICTIONARY_ALL mongo_args = constants.NMAP.MONGO_BRUTE_SUBNET cmd = ["sudo nmap " + mongo_args + " " + constants.NMAP.SPEED_ARGS + " "] return EmulationAttackerAction(id=id, name="MongoDB dictionary attack for username=pw", cmds=cmd, type=EmulationAttackerActionType.EXPLOIT, index=index, descr="A dictionary attack that tries common passwords and usernames " "for MongoDB where username=password", ips=ips, action_outcome=EmulationAttackerActionOutcome.SHELL_ACCESS, vulnerability=constants.EXPLOIT_VULNERABILITES.MONGO_DICTS_SAME_USER_PASS, backdoor=False)
[docs] @staticmethod def MYSQL_SAME_USER_PASS_DICTIONARY(index: int, ips: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> EmulationAttackerAction: """ Runs a dictionary attack trying combinations with same user+pw against mysql :param index: index of the machine to apply the action to :param ips: ip of the machines or subnets to apply the action to :return: the action """ mysql_args = constants.NMAP.MYSQL_BRUTE_HOST id = EmulationAttackerActionId.MYSQL_SAME_USER_PASS_DICTIONARY_HOST if ips is None: ips = [] if index == -1: mysql_args = constants.NMAP.MYSQL_BRUTE_SUBNET id = EmulationAttackerActionId.MYSQL_SAME_USER_PASS_DICTIONARY_ALL cmd = ["sudo nmap " + mysql_args + " " + constants.NMAP.SPEED_ARGS + " "] return EmulationAttackerAction(id=id, name="MySQL dictionary attack for username=pw", cmds=cmd, type=EmulationAttackerActionType.EXPLOIT, index=index, descr="A dictionary attack that tries common passwords and usernames " "for MySQL where username=password", ips=ips, action_outcome=EmulationAttackerActionOutcome.SHELL_ACCESS, vulnerability=constants.EXPLOIT_VULNERABILITES.MYSQL_DICTS_SAME_USER_PASS, backdoor=False)
[docs] @staticmethod def SMTP_SAME_USER_PASS_DICTIONARY(index: int, ips: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> EmulationAttackerAction: """ Runs a dictionary attack trying combinations with same user+pw against smtp :param index: index of the machine to apply the action to :param ips: ips of the machines or subnets to apply the action to :return: the action """ smtp_args = constants.NMAP.SMTP_BRUTE_HOST id = EmulationAttackerActionId.SMTP_SAME_USER_PASS_DICTIONARY_HOST if ips is None: ips = [] if index == -1: smtp_args = constants.NMAP.SMTP_BRUTE_SUBNET id = EmulationAttackerActionId.SMTP_SAME_USER_PASS_DICTIONARY_ALL cmd = ["sudo nmap " + smtp_args + " " + constants.NMAP.SPEED_ARGS + " "] return EmulationAttackerAction(id=id, name="SMTP dictionary attack for username=pw", cmds=cmd, type=EmulationAttackerActionType.EXPLOIT, index=index, descr="A dictionary attack that tries common passwords and usernames " "for SMTP where username=password", ips=ips, action_outcome=EmulationAttackerActionOutcome.SHELL_ACCESS, vulnerability=constants.EXPLOIT_VULNERABILITES.SMTP_DICTS_SAME_USER_PASS, backdoor=False)
[docs] @staticmethod def POSTGRES_SAME_USER_PASS_DICTIONARY(index: int, ips: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> EmulationAttackerAction: """ Runs a dictionary attack trying combinations with same user+pw against postgres :param index: index of the machine to apply the action to :param ips: ips of the machines or subnets to apply the action to :return: the action """ postgres_args = constants.NMAP.POSTGRES_BRUTE_HOST id = EmulationAttackerActionId.POSTGRES_SAME_USER_PASS_DICTIONARY_HOST if ips is None: ips = [] if index == -1: postgres_args = constants.NMAP.POSTGRES_BRUTE_SUBNET id = EmulationAttackerActionId.POSTGRES_SAME_USER_PASS_DICTIONARY_ALL cmd = ["sudo nmap " + postgres_args + " " + constants.NMAP.SPEED_ARGS + " "] return EmulationAttackerAction(id=id, name="Postgres dictionary attack for username=pw", cmds=cmd, type=EmulationAttackerActionType.EXPLOIT, index=index, descr="A dictionary attack that tries common passwords and usernames " "for Postgres where username=password", ips=ips, action_outcome=EmulationAttackerActionOutcome.SHELL_ACCESS, vulnerability=constants.EXPLOIT_VULNERABILITES.POSTGRES_DICTS_SAME_USER_PASS, backdoor=False)
[docs] @staticmethod def FIREWALK(index: int, ips: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> EmulationAttackerAction: """ Runs a firewalk scan to try to identify and bypass firewalls :param index: index of the machine to apply the action to :param ips: ips of the machines or subnets to apply the action to :return: the action """ firewalk_args = constants.NMAP.FIREWALK_HOST id = EmulationAttackerActionId.FIREWALK_HOST if ips is None: ips = [] if index == -1: firewalk_args = constants.NMAP.FIREWALK_HOST id = EmulationAttackerActionId.FIREWALK_ALL cmd = ["sudo nmap " + firewalk_args + " " + constants.NMAP.SPEED_ARGS + " "] return EmulationAttackerAction(id=id, name="Firewalk scan", cmds=cmd, type=EmulationAttackerActionType.RECON, index=index, descr="Tries to discover firewall rules using an IP TTL expiration technique " "known as firewalking.", ips=ips, action_outcome=EmulationAttackerActionOutcome.INFORMATION_GATHERING, backdoor=False)
[docs] @staticmethod def HTTP_ENUM(index: int, ips: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> EmulationAttackerAction: """ Runs a HTTP enumeration scan :param index: index of the machine to apply the action to :param ips: ips of the machines or subnets to apply the action to :return: the action """ http_enum_args = constants.NMAP.HTTP_ENUM id = EmulationAttackerActionId.HTTP_ENUM_HOST if ips is None: ips = [] if index == -1: http_enum_args = constants.NMAP.HTTP_ENUM id = EmulationAttackerActionId.HTTP_ENUM_ALL cmd = ["sudo nmap " + http_enum_args + " " + constants.NMAP.SPEED_ARGS + " "] return EmulationAttackerAction(id=id, name="HTTP Enum", cmds=cmd, type=EmulationAttackerActionType.RECON, index=index, descr="Enumerates directories used by popular web applications and servers.", ips=ips, action_outcome=EmulationAttackerActionOutcome.INFORMATION_GATHERING, backdoor=False)
[docs] @staticmethod def HTTP_GREP(index: int, ips: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> EmulationAttackerAction: """ Runs a HTTP grep scan :param index: index of the machine to apply the action to :param ips: ips of the machines or subnets to apply the action to :return: the action """ http_grep_args = constants.NMAP.HTTP_GREP id = EmulationAttackerActionId.HTTP_GREP_HOST if ips is None: ips = [] if index == -1: http_grep_args = constants.NMAP.HTTP_GREP id = EmulationAttackerActionId.HTTP_GREP_ALL cmd = ["sudo nmap " + http_grep_args + " " + constants.NMAP.SPEED_ARGS + " "] return EmulationAttackerAction(id=id, name="HTTP Grep", cmds=cmd, type=EmulationAttackerActionType.RECON, index=index, descr="Spiders a website and attempts to match all pages and urls " "to find ips and emails.", ips=ips, action_outcome=EmulationAttackerActionOutcome.INFORMATION_GATHERING, backdoor=False)
[docs] @staticmethod def FINGER(index: int, ips: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> EmulationAttackerAction: """ Runs a fingerprint scan :param index: index of the machine to apply the action to :param ips: ips of the machines or subnets to apply the action to :return: the action """ finger_args = constants.NMAP.FINGER id = EmulationAttackerActionId.FINGER_HOST if ips is None: ips = [] if index == -1: finger_args = constants.NMAP.FINGER id = EmulationAttackerActionId.FINGER_ALL cmd = ["sudo nmap " + finger_args + " " + constants.NMAP.SPEED_ARGS + " "] return EmulationAttackerAction(id=id, name="Finger", cmds=cmd, type=EmulationAttackerActionType.RECON, index=index, descr="Attempts to retrieve a list of usernames using the finger service.", ips=ips, action_outcome=EmulationAttackerActionOutcome.INFORMATION_GATHERING, backdoor=False)