Source code for csle_common.dao.emulation_action.defender.emulation_defender_stopping_actions

from csle_common.dao.emulation_action.defender.emulation_defender_action import EmulationDefenderAction
from csle_common.dao.emulation_action.defender.emulation_defender_action_type import EmulationDefenderActionType
from csle_common.dao.emulation_action.defender.emulation_defender_action_id import EmulationDefenderActionId
from csle_common.dao.emulation_action.defender.emulation_defender_action_outcome import EmulationDefenderActionOutcome
from typing import List

[docs]class EmulationDefenderStoppingActions: """ Class implementing stopping actions for the defender """
[docs] @staticmethod def STOP(index: int) -> EmulationDefenderAction: """ Reports a detected intrusion and stops :param index: index of the machine to apply the action to :return: the action """ id = EmulationDefenderActionId.STOP cmd: List[str] = [] alt_cmd: List[str] = [] return EmulationDefenderAction(id=id, name="Report Intrusion", cmds=cmd, type=EmulationDefenderActionType.STOP, descr="Reports an ongoing intrusion to the infrastructure and stops", index=index, ips=[], action_outcome=EmulationDefenderActionOutcome.GAME_END, alt_cmds=alt_cmd)
[docs] @staticmethod def CONTINUE(index: int) -> EmulationDefenderAction: """ A "continue" action, the defender chooses to not make any action :param index: index of the machine to apply the action to :return: the action """ id = EmulationDefenderActionId.CONTINUE cmd: List[str] = [] alt_cmd: List[str] = [] return EmulationDefenderAction( id=id, name="Continue", cmds=cmd, type=EmulationDefenderActionType.CONTINUE, descr="A 'continue' action, the defender chooses to not make any action", index=index, ips=[], action_outcome=EmulationDefenderActionOutcome.CONTINUE, alt_cmds=alt_cmd)
[docs] @staticmethod def RESET_USERS(index: int) -> EmulationDefenderAction: """ A non terminal stop action, the defender resets all user accounts, which means that password vulnerabilities are mitigated. :param index: index of the machine to apply the action to :return: the action """ id = EmulationDefenderActionId.RESET_USERS cmd: List[str] = [] alt_cmd: List[str] = [] return EmulationDefenderAction( id=id, name="Reset Users", cmds=cmd, type=EmulationDefenderActionType.ADD_DEFENSIVE_MECHANISM, descr="A non terminal stop action the defender resets all user accounts, which means that " "password vulnerabilities are mitigated", index=index, ips=[], action_outcome=EmulationDefenderActionOutcome.ADD_DEFENSIVE_MECHANISM, alt_cmds=alt_cmd)
[docs] @staticmethod def ENABLE_DPI(index: int) -> EmulationDefenderAction: """ A non terminal stop action, the defender enables DPI by starting the IDS :param index: index of the machine to apply the action to :return: the action """ id = EmulationDefenderActionId.ENABLE_DPI cmd: List[str] = [] alt_cmd: List[str] = [] return EmulationDefenderAction(id=id, name="Enable DPI", cmds=cmd, type=EmulationDefenderActionType.ADD_DEFENSIVE_MECHANISM, descr="A non terminal stop action, the defender enables DPI by starting the IDS", index=index, ips=[], action_outcome=EmulationDefenderActionOutcome.ADD_DEFENSIVE_MECHANISM, alt_cmds=alt_cmd)
[docs] @staticmethod def BLACKLIST_IPS(index: int) -> EmulationDefenderAction: """ A non terminal stop action, the defender blacklists all IPs that generate IDS alerts that exceed a threshold, the blacklist is implemented using the firewall. :param index: index of the machine to apply the action to :return: the action """ id = EmulationDefenderActionId.BLACKLIST_IPS cmd: List[str] = [] alt_cmd: List[str] = [] return EmulationDefenderAction( id=id, name="Blacklist IPs", cmds=cmd, type=EmulationDefenderActionType.ADD_DEFENSIVE_MECHANISM, descr="A non terminal stop action, the defender blacklists all IPs that generate " "IDS alerts that exceed a threshold, the blacklist is implemented using the firewall.", index=index, ips=[], action_outcome=EmulationDefenderActionOutcome.ADD_DEFENSIVE_MECHANISM, alt_cmds=alt_cmd)