Source code for csle_common.util.ssh_util

from typing import List, Tuple
import time

[docs]class SSHUtil: """ Class containing utility functions for SSH connections """
[docs] @staticmethod def execute_ssh_cmds(cmds: List[str], conn, wait_for_completion: bool = True) -> List[Tuple[bytes, bytes, float]]: """ Executes a list of commands over an ssh connection to the emulation :param cmds: the list of commands :param conn: the ssh connection :param wait_for_completion: whether to wait for completion of the commands or not :return: List of tuples (outdata, errdata, total_time) """ results = [] for cmd in cmds: res = SSHUtil.execute_ssh_cmd(cmd=cmd, conn=conn, wait_for_completion=wait_for_completion) results.append(res) return results
[docs] @staticmethod def execute_ssh_cmd(cmd: str, conn, wait_for_completion: bool = True, retries: int = 2) \ -> Tuple[bytes, bytes, float]: """ Executes an action on the emulation over a ssh connection, this is a synchronous operation that waits for the completion of the action before returning :param cmd: the command to execute :param conn: the ssh connection :param wait_for_completion: boolean flag whether to wait for completion or not :param retries: number of retries :return: outdata, errdata, total_time """ exp = None for i in range(retries): try: transport_conn = conn.get_transport() session = transport_conn.open_session(timeout=128) start = time.time() session.exec_command(cmd) outdata, errdata = b'', b'' # Wait for completion while True: # Reading from output streams while session.recv_ready(): outdata += session.recv(1000) while session.recv_stderr_ready(): errdata += session.recv_stderr(1000) # Check for completion if session.exit_status_ready() or not wait_for_completion: break end = time.time() total_time = end - start return outdata, errdata, total_time except Exception as e: exp = e time.sleep(10) raise ConnectionError(f"Connection failed: {str(exp)} {repr(exp)}")