Source code for csle_rest_api.util.rest_api_util

from typing import Tuple, Union
from flask import Response, jsonify
import paramiko
import csle_common.constants.constants as constants
from import ManagementUser
from csle_common.metastore.metastore_facade import MetastoreFacade
import csle_rest_api.constants.constants as api_constants

[docs]def check_if_user_is_authorized(request, requires_admin: bool = False) -> Union[None, Tuple[Response, int]]: """ Checks if a user request is authorized :param request: the request to check :param requires_admin: boolean flag indicating whether only admins are authorized or not :return: the non-authorized response or None """ # Extract token and check if user is authorized token = request.args.get(api_constants.MGMT_WEBAPP.TOKEN_QUERY_PARAM) token_obj = MetastoreFacade.get_session_token_metadata(token=token) if token_obj is None: response = jsonify({}) response.headers.add(api_constants.MGMT_WEBAPP.ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN_HEADER, "*") return response, constants.HTTPS.UNAUTHORIZED_STATUS_CODE user = None if requires_admin: user = MetastoreFacade.get_management_user_by_username(username=token_obj.username) if token_obj is None or token_obj.expired(valid_length_hours=api_constants.SESSION_TOKENS.EXPIRE_TIME_HOURS) \ or (requires_admin and user is not None and not user.admin): if token_obj is not None: MetastoreFacade.remove_session_token(session_token=token_obj) response = jsonify({}) response.headers.add(api_constants.MGMT_WEBAPP.ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN_HEADER, "*") return response, constants.HTTPS.UNAUTHORIZED_STATUS_CODE else: return None
[docs]def check_if_user_edit_is_authorized(request, user: ManagementUser) -> Union[None, ManagementUser, Tuple[Response, int]]: """ Check if a user is authorized to edit another user :param request: the request to extract the user from :return: the non-authorized response or the user """ # Extract token and check if user is authorized token = request.args.get(api_constants.MGMT_WEBAPP.TOKEN_QUERY_PARAM) token_obj = MetastoreFacade.get_session_token_metadata(token=token) request_user = None if token_obj is not None: request_user = MetastoreFacade.get_management_user_by_username(username=token_obj.username) if token_obj is None or token_obj.expired(valid_length_hours=api_constants.SESSION_TOKENS.EXPIRE_TIME_HOURS) \ or request_user is None or (not request_user.admin and request_user.username != user.username): if token_obj is not None: MetastoreFacade.remove_session_token(session_token=token_obj) response = jsonify({}) response.headers.add(api_constants.MGMT_WEBAPP.ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN_HEADER, "*") return response, constants.HTTPS.UNAUTHORIZED_STATUS_CODE else: return request_user
[docs]def set_container_terminal_winsize(ssh_channel: paramiko.Channel, row: int, col: int, xpix: int = 0, ypix: int = 0) \ -> None: """ Set shell window size of the host terminal :param ssh_channel: the ssh_channel of the shell :param row: the number of rows of the new window size :param col: the number of cols of the new window size :param xpix: the number of x pixels of the new size :param ypix: the number of y pixels of the new size :return: """ ssh_channel.resize_pty(width=col, height=row, width_pixels=xpix, height_pixels=ypix)
[docs]def ssh_connect(ip: str) -> paramiko.SSHClient: """ Sets up an SSH connection to a given IP using the CSLE admin account :param ip: the IP to connect to :return: the created ssh connection """ conn = paramiko.SSHClient() conn.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) conn.connect(ip, username=constants.CSLE_ADMIN.SSH_USER, password=constants.CSLE_ADMIN.SSH_PW) transport = conn.get_transport() if transport is not None: transport.set_keepalive(5) else: raise ValueError("Could not connect with SSH") return conn