How-to: Add Base Containers

To add a base container with the name “my_container”, do the following steps:

  1. Create a sub-directory with the name my_container in the following directory:

    Listing 154: Directory with base Docker images.

  2. Add a Dockerfile to the following directory:

    Listing 155: Directory with the Dockerfile of a container with the name `my_container`.

  3. Add build and push instructions to the following Makefile:

    Listing 156: Makefile for base Docker images.

  4. Update the following README file:

    Listing 157: README file for base Docker images.

  5. Build and push the image to DockerHub by running the commands:
      cd csle/emulation-system/base_images; make my_container
      cd csle/emulation-system/base_images; make push_my_container

    Listing 158: Commands to build and push the base Docker image `my_container` to DockerHub.