
CSLE uses pytest for Python tests and integration tests, and jest for JavaScript tests.

The Python unit tests are available at:

  • csle/simulation-system/libs/csle-base/tests
  • csle/simulation-system/libs/csle-agents/tests
  • csle/simulation-system/libs/csle-attacker/tests
  • csle/simulation-system/libs/csle-collector/tests
  • csle/simulation-system/libs/csle-common/tests
  • csle/simulation-system/libs/csle-defender/tests
  • csle/simulation-system/libs/csle-rest-api/tests
  • csle/simulation-system/libs/csle-ryu/tests
  • csle/simulation-system/libs/csle-system-identification/tests
  • csle/simulation-system/libs/gym-csle-stopping-game/tests
  • csle/simulation-system/libs/csle-cluster/tests
  • csle/simulation-system/libs/gym-csle-intrusion-response-game/tests
  • csle/simulation-system/libs/gym-csle-apt-game/tests
  • csle/simulation-system/libs/gym-csle-cyborg/tests
  • csle/simulation-system/libs/csle-tolerance/tests
  • csle/simulation-system/libs/csle-attack-profiler/tests

To run the Python unit tests, execute the command:


Listing 135: Command to run the Python unit tests.

When adding new Python unit tests note that:

  • All unit tests must be written in a tests/ directory inside the Python project.
  • File names should strictly start with “tests_”.
  • Function names should strictly start with “test”.

The JavaScript unit tests are available at:


Listing 136: Directory with the JavaScript unit tests.

To run the JavaScript unit tests, execute the command:

cd management-system/csle-mgmt-webapp; npm test

Listing 137: Command to run the JavaScript unit tests.

To run the CSLE integration tests, execute the command:


Listing 138: Command to run the CSLE integration tests.