Source code for csle_agents.agents.hsvi.hsvi_agent

from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Any
import math
import time
import os
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
import gymnasium as gym
import pulp
from csle_common.dao.simulation_config.simulation_env_config import SimulationEnvConfig
from import ExperimentConfig
from import ExperimentResult
from import AgentType
from csle_common.util.experiment_util import ExperimentUtil
from csle_common.logging.log import Logger
from csle_common.metastore.metastore_facade import MetastoreFacade
from import TrainingJobConfig
from import ExperimentExecution
from import AlphaVectorsPolicy
from csle_common.util.general_util import GeneralUtil
from csle_common.dao.simulation_config.base_env import BaseEnv
from csle_agents.agents.base.base_agent import BaseAgent
import csle_agents.constants.constants as agents_constants
import csle_agents.common.pruning as pruning

[docs]class HSVIAgent(BaseAgent): """ Heuristic-Search Value Iteration for POMDPs (Trey Smith and Reid Simmons, 2004) Agent """ def __init__(self, simulation_env_config: SimulationEnvConfig, experiment_config: ExperimentConfig, training_job: Optional[TrainingJobConfig] = None, save_to_metastore: bool = True, env: Optional[BaseEnv] = None): """ Initializes the HSVI agent :param simulation_env_config: configuration of the simulation environment :param experiment_config: the experiment configuration :param training_job: an existing training job to use (optional) :param save_to_metastore: boolean flag whether to save the execution to the metastore :param env: the gym environment for training """ super().__init__(simulation_env_config=simulation_env_config, emulation_env_config=None, experiment_config=experiment_config) assert experiment_config.agent_type == AgentType.HSVI self.training_job = training_job self.save_to_metastore = save_to_metastore self.env = env
[docs] def train(self) -> ExperimentExecution: """ Runs the value iteration algorithm to compute V* :return: the results """ pid = os.getpid() # Initialize metrics exp_result = ExperimentResult() exp_result.plot_metrics.append(agents_constants.COMMON.AVERAGE_RETURN) exp_result.plot_metrics.append(agents_constants.COMMON.RUNNING_AVERAGE_RETURN) exp_result.plot_metrics.append(agents_constants.HSVI.WIDTHS) exp_result.plot_metrics.append(agents_constants.HSVI.LB_SIZES) exp_result.plot_metrics.append(agents_constants.HSVI.UB_SIZES) exp_result.plot_metrics.append(agents_constants.HSVI.INITIAL_BELIEF_VALUES) descr = f"Computation of V* with the HSVI algorithm using " \ f"simulation:{}" for seed in self.experiment_config.random_seeds: exp_result.all_metrics[seed] = {} exp_result.all_metrics[seed][agents_constants.COMMON.AVERAGE_RETURN] = [] exp_result.all_metrics[seed][agents_constants.COMMON.RUNNING_AVERAGE_RETURN] = [] exp_result.all_metrics[seed][agents_constants.HSVI.WIDTH] = [] exp_result.all_metrics[seed][agents_constants.HSVI.UB_SIZE] = [] exp_result.all_metrics[seed][agents_constants.HSVI.LB_SIZE] = [] if self.env is None: self.env = gym.make(self.simulation_env_config.gym_env_name, config=self.simulation_env_config.simulation_env_input_config) # Initialize training job if self.training_job is None: self.training_job = TrainingJobConfig(, experiment_config=self.experiment_config, progress_percentage=0, pid=pid, experiment_result=exp_result, emulation_env_name=None, simulation_traces=[], num_cached_traces=0, log_file_path=Logger.__call__().get_log_file_path(), descr=descr, physical_host_ip=GeneralUtil.get_host_ip()) if self.save_to_metastore: training_job_id = MetastoreFacade.save_training_job(training_job=self.training_job) = training_job_id else: = pid self.training_job.progress_percentage = 0 self.training_job.experiment_result = exp_result if self.save_to_metastore: MetastoreFacade.update_training_job(training_job=self.training_job, # Initialize execution result ts = time.time() emulation_name = None if self.emulation_env_config is not None: emulation_name = simulation_name = self.exp_execution = ExperimentExecution(result=exp_result, config=self.experiment_config, timestamp=ts, emulation_name=emulation_name, simulation_name=simulation_name, descr=descr, log_file_path=self.training_job.log_file_path) if self.save_to_metastore: exp_execution_id = MetastoreFacade.save_experiment_execution(self.exp_execution) = exp_execution_id for seed in self.experiment_config.random_seeds: ExperimentUtil.set_seed(seed) exp_result = self.hsvi_algorithm(exp_result=exp_result, seed=seed) # Calculate average and std metrics exp_result.avg_metrics = {} exp_result.std_metrics = {} for metric in exp_result.all_metrics[self.experiment_config.random_seeds[0]].keys(): value_vectors = [] for seed in self.experiment_config.random_seeds: value_vectors.append(exp_result.all_metrics[seed][metric]) avg_metrics = [] std_metrics = [] for i in range(len(value_vectors[0])): if type(value_vectors[0][0]) is int or type(value_vectors[0][0]) is float \ or type(value_vectors[0][0]) is np.int64 or type(value_vectors[0][0]) is np.float64: seed_values = [] for seed_idx in range(len(self.experiment_config.random_seeds)): seed_values.append(value_vectors[seed_idx][i]) avg = ExperimentUtil.mean_confidence_interval( data=seed_values, confidence=self.experiment_config.hparams[agents_constants.COMMON.CONFIDENCE_INTERVAL].value)[0] if not math.isnan(avg): avg_metrics.append(avg) ci = ExperimentUtil.mean_confidence_interval( data=seed_values, confidence=self.experiment_config.hparams[agents_constants.COMMON.CONFIDENCE_INTERVAL].value)[1] if not math.isnan(ci): std_metrics.append(ci) else: std_metrics.append(-1) else: avg_metrics.append(-1) std_metrics.append(-1) exp_result.avg_metrics[metric] = avg_metrics exp_result.std_metrics[metric] = std_metrics ts = time.time() self.exp_execution.timestamp = ts self.exp_execution.result = exp_result self.training_job.experiment_result = exp_result if self.save_to_metastore: MetastoreFacade.update_experiment_execution(experiment_execution=self.exp_execution, MetastoreFacade.update_training_job(training_job=self.training_job, return self.exp_execution
[docs] def hparam_names(self) -> List[str]: """ :return: a list with the hyperparameter names """ return [agents_constants.COMMON.EVAL_BATCH_SIZE, agents_constants.COMMON.CONFIDENCE_INTERVAL, agents_constants.COMMON.RUNNING_AVERAGE, agents_constants.COMMON.GAMMA, agents_constants.HSVI.TRANSITION_TENSOR, agents_constants.HSVI.REWARD_TENSOR, agents_constants.HSVI.OBSERVATION_TENSOR, agents_constants.HSVI.OBSERVATION_SPACE, agents_constants.HSVI.STATE_SPACE, agents_constants.HSVI.ACTION_SPACE, agents_constants.HSVI.EPSILON, agents_constants.HSVI.INITIAL_BELIEF, agents_constants.HSVI.USE_LP, agents_constants.HSVI.PRUNE_FREQUENCY, agents_constants.HSVI.SIMULATION_FREQUENCY, agents_constants.HSVI.SIMULATE_HORIZON, agents_constants.HSVI.NUMBER_OF_SIMULATIONS]
[docs] def hsvi_algorithm(self, exp_result: ExperimentResult, seed: int) -> ExperimentResult: """ Runs :param exp_result: the experiment result object :param seed: the random seed :return: the updated experiment result """ discount_factor = self.experiment_config.hparams[agents_constants.COMMON.GAMMA].value T = self.experiment_config.hparams[agents_constants.HSVI.TRANSITION_TENSOR].value R = self.experiment_config.hparams[agents_constants.HSVI.REWARD_TENSOR].value Z = self.experiment_config.hparams[agents_constants.HSVI.OBSERVATION_TENSOR].value O = self.experiment_config.hparams[agents_constants.HSVI.OBSERVATION_SPACE].value S = self.experiment_config.hparams[agents_constants.HSVI.STATE_SPACE].value A = self.experiment_config.hparams[agents_constants.HSVI.ACTION_SPACE].value epsilon = self.experiment_config.hparams[agents_constants.HSVI.EPSILON].value b0 = self.experiment_config.hparams[agents_constants.HSVI.INITIAL_BELIEF].value lp = self.experiment_config.hparams[agents_constants.HSVI.USE_LP].value prune_frequency = self.experiment_config.hparams[agents_constants.HSVI.PRUNE_FREQUENCY].value simulation_frequency = self.experiment_config.hparams[agents_constants.HSVI.SIMULATION_FREQUENCY].value simulate_horizon = self.experiment_config.hparams[agents_constants.HSVI.SIMULATE_HORIZON].value number_of_simulations = self.experiment_config.hparams[agents_constants.HSVI.NUMBER_OF_SIMULATIONS].value Logger.__call__().get_logger().info(f"Starting the HSVI algorithm, epsilon:{epsilon}, " f"discount_factor: {discount_factor}, lp_nf: {lp}, " f"prune_frequency: {prune_frequency}, " f"simulation_frequency: {simulation_frequency}, " f"number_of_simulations: {number_of_simulations}, " f"simulate_horizon: {simulate_horizon}, b0: {b0}") alpha_vectors, avg_returns, running_avg_returns, widths, ub_sizes, lb_sizes, initial_belief_values = self.hsvi( T=np.array(T), R=np.array(R), O=np.array(O), S=np.array(S), Z=np.array(Z), A=np.array(A), gamma=discount_factor, b0=b0, epsilon=epsilon, lp=lp, prune_frequency=prune_frequency, simulation_frequency=simulation_frequency, simulate_horizon=simulate_horizon, number_of_simulations=number_of_simulations) exp_result.all_metrics[seed][agents_constants.HSVI.WIDTHS] = widths exp_result.all_metrics[seed][agents_constants.HSVI.LB_SIZES] = lb_sizes exp_result.all_metrics[seed][agents_constants.HSVI.UB_SIZES] = ub_sizes exp_result.all_metrics[seed][agents_constants.HSVI.INITIAL_BELIEF_VALUES] = initial_belief_values exp_result.all_metrics[seed][agents_constants.COMMON.AVERAGE_RETURN] = avg_returns exp_result.all_metrics[seed][agents_constants.COMMON.RUNNING_AVERAGE_RETURN] = running_avg_returns alpha_vec_policy = AlphaVectorsPolicy( player_type=self.experiment_config.player_type, actions=self.simulation_env_config.joint_action_space_config.action_spaces[ self.experiment_config.player_idx].actions, states=self.simulation_env_config.state_space_config.states, alpha_vectors=alpha_vectors, agent_type=self.experiment_config.agent_type, avg_R=avg_returns[-1],, transition_tensor=T, reward_tensor=R) exp_result.policies[seed] = alpha_vec_policy return exp_result
[docs] def hsvi(self, O: npt.NDArray[Any], Z: npt.NDArray[Any], R: npt.NDArray[Any], T: npt.NDArray[Any], A: npt.NDArray[Any], S: npt.NDArray[Any], gamma: float, b0: npt.NDArray[Any], epsilon: float, lp: bool = False, prune_frequency: int = 10, simulation_frequency: int = 10, simulate_horizon: int = 10, number_of_simulations: int = 10) \ -> Tuple[List[List[float]], List[float], List[float], List[float], List[int], List[int], List[float]]: """ Heuristic Search Value Iteration for POMDPs (Trey Smith and Reid Simmons, 2004) :param O: set of observations of the POMDP :param Z: observation tensor of the POMDP :param R: reward tensor of the POMDP :param T: transition tensor of the POMDP :param A: action set of the POMDP :param S: state set of the POMDP :param gamma: discount factor :param b0: initial belief point :param epsilon: accuracy parameter :param lp: whether to use LP to compute upper bound values or SawTooth approximation :param prune_frequency: how often to prune the upper and lower bounds :param simulation_frequency: how frequently to simulate the POMDP to compure rewards of current policy :param simulate_horizon: length of simulations to compute rewards :param number_of_simulations: number of simulations to estimate reward :return: None """ # Initialize upper and lower bound lower_bound = self.initialize_lower_bound(R=R, S=S, A=A, gamma=gamma) upper_bound = self.initialize_upper_bound(T=T, A=A, S=S, gamma=gamma, R=R) # Initialize state w = self.width(lower_bound=lower_bound, upper_bound=upper_bound, b=b0, S=S, lp=lp) iteration = 0 cumulative_r = 0.0 average_rewards: List[float] = [] widths = [] ub_sizes = [] lb_sizes = [] average_running_rewards: List[float] = [] initial_belief_value = [] # HSVI iterations while w > epsilon: lower_bound, upper_bound = self.explore( b=b0, epsilon=epsilon, t=0, lower_bound=lower_bound, upper_bound=upper_bound, gamma=gamma, S=S, O=O, R=R, T=T, A=A, Z=Z, lp=lp) w = self.width(lower_bound=lower_bound, upper_bound=upper_bound, b=b0, S=S, lp=lp) if iteration % simulation_frequency == 0: r = 0.0 for i in range(number_of_simulations): r += self.simulate(horizon=simulate_horizon, b0=b0, lower_bound=np.array(lower_bound), Z=Z, R=R, gamma=gamma, T=T, A=A, O=O, S=S) cumulative_r = r / number_of_simulations if iteration > 1 and iteration % prune_frequency == 0: size_before_lower_bound = len(lower_bound) size_before_upper_bound = len(upper_bound[0]) lower_bound = pruning.prune_lower_bound(lower_bound=np.array(lower_bound), S=S) upper_bound = self.prune_upper_bound(upper_bound=upper_bound, S=S, lp=lp) Logger.__call__().get_logger().debug( f"[HSVI] Pruning, LB before:{size_before_lower_bound}, after:{len(lower_bound)}, " f"UB before: {size_before_upper_bound},after:{len(upper_bound[0])}") initial_belief_V_star_upper = self.upper_bound_value(upper_bound=upper_bound, b=b0, S=S, lp=lp) initial_belief_V_star_lower = self.lower_bound_value(lower_bound=lower_bound, b=b0, S=S) iteration += 1 if iteration % self.experiment_config.log_every == 0 and iteration > 0: Logger.__call__().get_logger().info(f"[HSVI] iteration: {iteration}, width: {w}, epsilon: {epsilon}, " f"R: {cumulative_r}, " f"UB size:{len(upper_bound[0])}, LB size:{len(lower_bound)}," f"Upper V*[b0]: {initial_belief_V_star_upper}," f"Lower V*[b0]:{initial_belief_V_star_lower}") average_rewards.append(cumulative_r) running_avg_J = ExperimentUtil.running_average( average_rewards, self.experiment_config.hparams[agents_constants.COMMON.RUNNING_AVERAGE].value) average_running_rewards.append(running_avg_J) widths.append(w) ub_sizes.append(len(upper_bound[0])) lb_sizes.append(len(lower_bound)) initial_belief_value.append(initial_belief_V_star_lower) return (list(lower_bound), average_rewards, average_running_rewards, widths, ub_sizes, lb_sizes, initial_belief_value)
[docs] def explore(self, b: npt.NDArray[Any], epsilon: float, t: int, lower_bound: List[int], upper_bound: Tuple[List[int], List[int]], gamma: float, S: npt.NDArray[Any], O: npt.NDArray[Any], Z: npt.NDArray[Any], R: npt.NDArray[Any], T: npt.NDArray[Any], A: npt.NDArray[Any], lp: bool) -> Tuple[List[int], Tuple[List[int], List[int]]]: """ Explores the POMDP tree :param b: current belief :param epsilon: accuracy parameter :param t: the current depth of the exploration :param lower_bound: the lower bound on the value function :param upper_bound: the upper bound on the value function :param gamma: discount factor :param S: set of states :param O: set of observations :param Z: observation tensor :param R: reward tensor :param T: transition tensor :param A: set of actions :param lp: whether to use LP to compute upper bound values :return: new lower and upper bounds """ w = self.width(lower_bound=lower_bound, upper_bound=upper_bound, b=b, S=S, lp=lp) print(f"explore, w:{w}, ep:{epsilon * math.pow(gamma, -t)}") if (gamma > 0 and w <= epsilon * math.pow(gamma, -t)) or (w <= epsilon): return lower_bound, upper_bound # Determine a* a_Q_vals = [] for a in A: upper_Q = self.q(b=b, a=a, lower_bound=lower_bound, upper_bound=upper_bound, S=S, O=O, Z=Z, R=R, gamma=gamma, T=T, upper=True, lp=lp) a_Q_vals.append(upper_Q) a_star = int(np.argmax(np.array(a_Q_vals))) # Determine o* o_vals = [] for o in O: if self.observation_possible(o=o, b=b, Z=Z, T=T, S=S, a=a_star): new_belief = self.next_belief(o=o, a=a_star, b=b, S=S, Z=Z, T=T) o_val = (self.p_o_given_b_a(o=o, b=b, a=a_star, S=S, Z=Z, T=T) * self.excess(lower_bound=lower_bound, upper_bound=upper_bound, b=new_belief, S=S, epsilon=epsilon, gamma=gamma, t=(t + 1), lp=lp)) o_vals.append(o_val) else: o_vals.append(-np.inf) o_star = int(np.argmax(np.array(o_vals))) b_prime = self.next_belief(o=o_star, a=a_star, b=b, S=S, Z=Z, T=T) lower_bound, upper_bound = self.explore(b=b_prime, epsilon=epsilon, t=t + 1, lower_bound=lower_bound, upper_bound=upper_bound, gamma=gamma, S=S, O=O, R=R, T=T, A=A, Z=Z, lp=lp) lower_bound, upper_bound = \ self.local_updates(lower_bound=lower_bound, upper_bound=upper_bound, b=b, A=A, S=S, Z=Z, O=O, R=R, T=T, gamma=gamma, lp=lp) return lower_bound, upper_bound
[docs] def initialize_lower_bound(self, R: npt.NDArray[Any], S: npt.NDArray[Any], A: npt.NDArray[Any], gamma: float) -> List[Any]: """ Initializes the lower bound :param R: reward tensor :param S: set of states :param A: set of actions :param gamma: discount factor :return: the initialized lower bound """ vals_1 = [] for a in A: vals_2 = [] for s in S: vals_2.append(R[a][s] / (1 - gamma)) vals_1.append(min(vals_2)) R_underbar = max(vals_1) alpha_vector = np.zeros(len(S)) alpha_vector.fill(R_underbar) lower_bound = [] lower_bound.append(alpha_vector) return lower_bound
[docs] def initialize_upper_bound(self, T: npt.NDArray[Any], A: npt.NDArray[Any], S: npt.NDArray[Any], gamma: float, R: npt.NDArray[Any]) -> Tuple[List[Any], List[Any]]: """ Initializes the upper bound :param T: the transition tensor :param A: the set of actions :param S: the set of states :param R: the reward tensor :param gamma: the discount factor :return: the initialized upper bound """ V, pi =, num_states=len(S), num_actions=len(A), R=R, theta=0.0001, discount_factor=gamma) point_set = [] for s in S: b = self.generate_corner_belief(s=s, S=S) point_set.append([b, V[s]]) return (point_set, point_set.copy())
[docs] def generate_corner_belief(self, s: int, S: npt.NDArray[Any]): """ Generate the corner of the simplex that corresponds to being in some state with probability 1 :param s: the state :param S: the set of States :return: the corner belief corresponding to state s """ b = np.zeros(len(S)) b[s] = 1 return b
[docs] def local_updates(self, lower_bound: List[Any], upper_bound: Tuple[List[Any], List[Any]], b: npt.NDArray[Any], A: npt.NDArray[Any], S: npt.NDArray[Any], O: npt.NDArray[Any], R: npt.NDArray[Any], T: npt.NDArray[Any], gamma: float, Z: npt.NDArray[Any], lp: bool) -> Tuple[List[Any], Tuple[List[Any], List[Any]]]: """ Perform local updates to the upper and lower bounds for the given belief in the heuristic-search-exploration :param lower_bound: the lower bound on V :param upper_bound: the upper bound on V :param b: the current belief point :param A: the set of actions :param S: the set of states :param O: the set of observations :param R: the reward tensor :param T: the transition tensor :param gamma: the discount factor :param Z: the set of observations :param lp: a boolean flag whether to use LP to compute upper bound beliefs :return: The updated lower and upper bounds """ new_upper_bound = self.local_upper_bound_update(upper_bound=upper_bound, b=b, A=A, S=S, O=O, R=R, T=T, gamma=gamma, Z=Z, lp=lp) new_lower_bound = self.local_lower_bound_update(lower_bound=lower_bound, b=b, Z=Z, A=A, O=O, S=S, T=T, R=R, gamma=gamma) return new_lower_bound, new_upper_bound
[docs] def local_upper_bound_update(self, upper_bound: Tuple[List[Any], List[Any]], b: npt.NDArray[Any], A: npt.NDArray[Any], S: npt.NDArray[Any], O: npt.NDArray[Any], R: npt.NDArray[Any], T: npt.NDArray[Any], gamma: float, Z: npt.NDArray[Any], lp: bool) \ -> Tuple[List[Any], List[Any]]: """ Performs a local update to the upper bound during the heuristic-search exploration :param upper_bound: the upper bound to update :param b: the current belief point :param A: the set of actions :param S: the set of states :param O: the set of observations :param R: the reward tensor :param T: the transition tensor :param gamma: the discount factor :param Z: the set of observations :param lp: whether or not to use LP to compute upper bound beliefs :return: the updated upper bound """ b, new_val = self.upper_bound_backup(upper_bound=upper_bound, b=b, A=A, S=S, Z=Z, O=O, R=R, T=T, gamma=gamma, lp=lp) upper_bound_point_set, corner_points = upper_bound upper_bound_point_set.append([b, new_val]) new_corner_points = self.update_corner_points(corner_points=corner_points, new_point=(b, new_val)) upper_bound = (upper_bound_point_set, new_corner_points) return upper_bound
[docs] def update_corner_points(self, corner_points: List[Any], new_point: Tuple[npt.NDArray[Any], float]) -> List[Any]: """ (Maybe) update the corner points of the upper bound :param corner_points: the current set of corner points :param new_point: the new point to add to the upper bound :return: the new set of corner points """ new_corner_points = [] for cp in corner_points: corner_match = True for i in range(len(cp[0])): if cp[0][i] != new_point[0][i]: corner_match = False if corner_match: new_corner_points.append((cp[0], new_point[1])) else: new_corner_points.append(cp) return new_corner_points
[docs] def local_lower_bound_update(self, lower_bound: List[Any], b: npt.NDArray[Any], A: npt.NDArray[Any], O: npt.NDArray[Any], Z: npt.NDArray[Any], S: npt.NDArray[Any], T: npt.NDArray[Any], R: npt.NDArray[Any], gamma: float) -> List[Any]: """ Performs a local update to the lower bound given a belief point in the heuristic search :param lower_bound: the current lower bound :param b: the current belief point :param A: the set of actions :param O: the set of observations :param Z: the observation tensor :param S: the set of states :param T: the transition tensor :param R: the reward tensor :param gamma: the discount factor :return: the updated lower bound """ beta = self.lower_bound_backup(lower_bound=lower_bound, b=b, A=A, Z=Z, O=O, S=S, T=T, R=R, gamma=gamma) if not pruning.check_duplicate(np.array(lower_bound), beta): lower_bound.append(beta) return lower_bound
[docs] def lower_bound_backup(self, lower_bound: List[Any], b: npt.NDArray[Any], A: npt.NDArray[Any], O: npt.NDArray[Any], Z: npt.NDArray[Any], S: npt.NDArray[Any], T: npt.NDArray[Any], R: npt.NDArray[Any], gamma: float) -> npt.NDArray[Any]: """ Generates a new alpha-vector for the lower bound :param lower_bound: the current lower bound :param b: the current belief point :param A: the set of actions :param O: the set of observations :param Z: the observation tensor :param S: the set of states :param T: the transition tensor :param R: the reward tensor :param gamma: the discount factor :return: the new alpha vector """ max_beta_a_o_alpha_vecs = [] for a in A: max_beta_a_vecs = [] for o in O: if self.observation_possible(o=o, b=b, Z=Z, T=T, S=S, a=a): new_belief = np.array(self.next_belief(o=o, a=a, b=b, S=S, Z=Z, T=T)) max_alpha_vec = lower_bound[0] max_alpha_val = float("-inf") for alpha_vec in lower_bound: alpha_val = if alpha_val > max_alpha_val: max_alpha_val = alpha_val max_alpha_vec = alpha_vec max_beta_a_vecs.append(max_alpha_vec) max_beta_a_o_alpha_vecs.append(max_beta_a_vecs) beta_a_vecs = [] for a in A: beta_a_vec = [] for s in S: o_idx = 0 beta_a_s_val = 0.0 beta_a_s_val += R[a][s] expected_future_vals = 0.0 for o in O: if self.observation_possible(o=o, b=b, Z=Z, T=T, S=S, a=a): for s_prime in S: expected_future_vals += (max_beta_a_o_alpha_vecs[a][o_idx][s_prime] * Z[a][s_prime][o] * T[a][s][s_prime]) o_idx += 1 beta_a_s_val += gamma * expected_future_vals beta_a_vec.append(beta_a_s_val) beta_a_vecs.append(beta_a_vec) beta = beta_a_vecs[0] max_val = float("-inf") for beta_a_vec in beta_a_vecs: val = np.array(beta_a_vec).dot(np.array(b)) if val > max_val: max_val = val beta = beta_a_vec return np.array(beta)
[docs] def upper_bound_backup(self, upper_bound: Tuple[List[Any], List[Any]], b: npt.NDArray[Any], A: npt.NDArray[Any], S: npt.NDArray[Any], O: npt.NDArray[Any], Z: npt.NDArray[Any], R: npt.NDArray[Any], T: npt.NDArray[Any], gamma: float, lp: bool) -> Tuple[npt.NDArray[Any], float]: """ Adds a point to the upper bound :param upper_bound: the current upper bound :param b: the current belief point :param A: the set of actions :param S: the set of states :param O: the set of observations :param Z: the observation tensor :param R: the reward tensor :param T: the transition tensor :param gamma: the discount factor :param lp: a boolean flag whether to use LP to compute the upper bound belief :return: the new point """ q_vals = [] for a in A: v = 0 for s in S: immediate_r = b[s] * R[a][s] expected_future_rew = 0 for o in O: if self.observation_possible(o=o, b=b, Z=Z, T=T, S=S, a=a): new_belief = self.next_belief(o=o, a=a, b=b, S=S, Z=Z, T=T) for s_prime in S: expected_future_rew += \ b[s] * T[a][s][s_prime] * Z[a][s_prime][o] * self.upper_bound_value( upper_bound=upper_bound, b=new_belief, S=S, lp=lp) v += immediate_r + gamma * expected_future_rew q_vals.append(v) new_val = max(q_vals) return b, new_val
[docs] def lp_convex_hull_projection_lp(self, upper_bound: Tuple[List[Any], List[Any]], b: npt.NDArray[Any], S: npt.NDArray[Any]) -> float: """ Reference: (Hauskreht 2000) Computes the upper bound belief by performing a projection onto the convex hull of the upper bound, it is computed by solving an LP :param upper_bound: the upper bound :param b: the belief point to compute the value for :param S: the set of states :return: the upper bound value of the belief point """ upper_bound_point_set, corner_points = upper_bound problem = pulp.LpProblem("ConvexHullProjection", pulp.LpMinimize) # Convex hull coefficients lamb = [] for i in range(len(upper_bound_point_set)): lamb_i = pulp.LpVariable("lambda_" + str(i), lowBound=0, upBound=1, cat=pulp.LpContinuous) lamb.append(lamb_i) # The objective function objective = 0 for i, point in enumerate(upper_bound_point_set): objective += lamb[i] * point[1] problem += objective, "Convex hull projection" # --- The constraints --- # Belief probability constraint for j in range(len(S)): belief_sum = 0 for i, point in enumerate(upper_bound_point_set): belief_sum += lamb[i] * point[0][j] problem += belief_sum == b[j], "BeliefVectorConstraint_" + str(j) # Convex Hull constraint lambda_weights_sum = 0 for i in range(len(lamb)): lambda_weights_sum += lamb[i] problem += lambda_weights_sum == 1, "ConvexHullWeightsSumConstraint" # Solve problem.solve(pulp.PULP_CBC_CMD(msg=0)) # Obtain solution projected_lamb_coefficients = [] belief_value = 0 for i in range(len(upper_bound_point_set)): projected_lamb_coefficients.append(lamb[i].varValue) belief_value += projected_lamb_coefficients[i] * upper_bound_point_set[i][1] return belief_value
[docs] def approximate_projection_sawtooth(self, upper_bound: Tuple[List[Any], List[Any]], b: npt.NDArray[Any], S: npt.NDArray[Any]) -> float: """ Reference: (Hauskreht 2000) Performs an approximate projection of the belief onto the convex hull of the upepr bound to compute the upper bound value of the belief :param upper_bound: the upper bound :param b: the belief point :param S: the set of states :return: the value of the belief point """ upper_bound_point_set, corner_points = upper_bound alpha_corner = np.array(list(map(lambda x: x[1], corner_points))) # min_val = corner_points_belief_value interior_belief_values = [] for point in upper_bound_point_set: interior_belief_values.append(self.interior_point_belief_val(interior_point=point, b=b, alpha_corner=alpha_corner, S=S)) return min(interior_belief_values)
[docs] def interior_point_belief_val(self, interior_point: Tuple[npt.NDArray[Any], float], b: npt.NDArray[Any], alpha_corner: npt.NDArray[Any], S: npt.NDArray[Any]) -> float: """ Computes the value induced on the belief point b projected onto the convex hull by a given interior belief point :param interior_point: the interior point :param b: the belief point :param alpha_corner: the alpha vector corresponding to the corners of the belief simplex :param S: the set of states :return: the value of the belief point induced by the interior point """ min_ratios = [] for s in S: if interior_point[0][s] > 0: min_ratio = b[s] / interior_point[0][s] min_ratios.append(min_ratio) else: min_ratios.append(float("inf")) min_ratio = min(min_ratios) if min_ratio > 1: min_ratio = 1 interior_alpha_corner_dot =[0]) return float(interior_alpha_corner_dot + min_ratio * (interior_point[1] - interior_alpha_corner_dot))
[docs] def upper_bound_value(self, upper_bound: Tuple[List[Any], List[Any]], b: npt.NDArray[Any], S: npt.NDArray[Any], lp: bool = False) -> float: """ Computes the upper bound value of a given belief point :param upper_bound: the upper bound :param b: the belief point :param S: the set of states :param lp: boolean flag that decides whether to use LP to compute the upper bound value or not :return: the upper bound value """ if lp: return self.lp_convex_hull_projection_lp(upper_bound=upper_bound, b=b, S=S) else: return self.approximate_projection_sawtooth(upper_bound=upper_bound, b=b, S=S)
[docs] def lower_bound_value(self, lower_bound: List[Any], b: npt.NDArray[Any], S: npt.NDArray[Any]) -> float: """ Computes the lower bound value of a given belief point :param lower_bound: the lower bound :param b: the belief point :param S: the set of states :return: the lower bound value """ alpha_vals = [] for alpha_vec in lower_bound: sum = 0 for s in S: sum += b[s] * alpha_vec[s] alpha_vals.append(sum) return max(alpha_vals)
[docs] def next_belief(self, o: int, a: int, b: npt.NDArray[Any], S: npt.NDArray[Any], Z: npt.NDArray[Any], T: npt.NDArray[Any]) -> npt.NDArray[Any]: """ Computes the next belief using a Bayesian filter :param o: the latest observation :param a: the latest action :param b: the current belief :param S: the set of states :param Z: the observation tensor :param T: the transition tensor :return: the new belief """ b_prime = np.zeros(len(S)) for s_prime in S: b_prime[s_prime] = self.bayes_filter(s_prime=s_prime, o=o, a=a, b=b, S=S, Z=Z, T=T) assert round(sum(b_prime), 5) == 1 return b_prime
[docs] def bayes_filter(self, s_prime: int, o: int, a: int, b: npt.NDArray[Any], S: npt.NDArray[Any], Z: npt.NDArray[Any], T: npt.NDArray[Any]) -> float: """ A Bayesian filter to compute the belief of being in s_prime when observing o after taking action a in belief b :param s_prime: the state to compute the belief of :param o: the observation :param a: the action :param b: the current belief point :param S: the set of states :param Z: the observation tensor :param T: the transition tensor :return: b_prime(s_prime) """ norm = 0 for s in S: for s_prime_1 in S: prob_1 = Z[a][s_prime_1][o] norm += b[s] * prob_1 * T[a][s][s_prime_1] if norm == 0: return 0 temp = 0 for s in S: temp += b[s] * T[a][s][s_prime] * Z[a][s_prime][o] b_prime = (temp) / norm assert b_prime <= 1 return b_prime
[docs] def p_o_given_b_a(self, o: int, b: npt.NDArray[Any], a: int, S: npt.NDArray[Any], Z: npt.NDArray[Any], T: npt.NDArray[Any]) -> float: """ Computes P[o|a,b] :param o: the observation :param b: the belief point :param a: the action :param S: the set of states :param Z: the observation tensor :param T: the transition tensor :return: the probability of observing o when taking action a in belief point b """ prob = 0 for s in S: for s_prime in S: prob += b[s] * T[a][s][s_prime] * Z[a][s_prime][o] prob = round(prob, 3) assert round(prob, 3) <= 1 return prob
[docs] def excess(self, lower_bound: List[Any], upper_bound: Tuple[List[Any], List[Any]], b: npt.NDArray[Any], S: npt.NDArray[Any], epsilon: float, gamma: float, t: int, lp: bool) -> float: """ Computes the excess uncertainty (Trey Smith and Reid Simmons, 2004) :param lower_bound: the lower bound :param upper_bound: the upper bound :param b: the current belief point :param S: the set of states :param epsilon: the epsilon accuracy parameter :param gamma: the discount factor :param t: the current exploration depth :param lp: whether to use LP or not to compute upper bound belief values :return: the excess uncertainty """ w = self.width(lower_bound=lower_bound, upper_bound=upper_bound, b=b, S=S, lp=lp) if gamma == 0: return w else: return w - epsilon * math.pow(gamma, -(t))
[docs] def width(self, lower_bound: List[Any], upper_bound: Tuple[List[Any], List[Any]], b: npt.NDArray[Any], S: npt.NDArray[Any], lp: bool) -> float: """ Computes the bounds width (Trey Smith and Reid Simmons, 2004) :param lower_bound: the current lower bound :param upper_bound: the current upper bound :param b: the current belief point :param S: the set of states :param lp: boolean flag that decides whether to use LP to compute upper bound belief values :return: the width of the bounds """ ub = self.upper_bound_value(upper_bound=upper_bound, b=b, S=S, lp=lp) lb = self.lower_bound_value(lower_bound=lower_bound, b=b, S=S) return ub - lb
[docs] def q_hat_interval(self, b: npt.NDArray[Any], a: int, S: npt.NDArray[Any], O: npt.NDArray[Any], Z: npt.NDArray[Any], R: npt.NDArray[Any], T: npt.NDArray[Any], gamma: float, lower_bound: List[int], upper_bound: Tuple[List[Any], List[Any]], lp: bool) -> List[float]: """ Computes the interval (Trey Smith and Reid Simmons, 2004) :param b: the current belief point :param a: the action :param S: the set of states :param O: the set of observations :param Z: the observation tensor :param R: the reward tensor :param T: the transition tensor :param gamma: the discount factor :param lower_bound: the lower bound :param upper_bound: the upper bound :param lp: boolean flag that decides whether to use LP to compute upper bound belief values :return: the interval """ upper_Q = self.q(b=b, a=a, lower_bound=lower_bound, upper_bound=upper_bound, S=S, O=O, Z=Z, R=R, gamma=gamma, T=T, upper=True, lp=lp) lower_Q = self.q(b=b, a=a, lower_bound=lower_bound, upper_bound=upper_bound, S=S, O=O, Z=Z, R=R, gamma=gamma, T=T, upper=False, lp=lp) return [lower_Q, upper_Q]
[docs] def q(self, b: npt.NDArray[Any], a: int, lower_bound: List[int], upper_bound: Tuple[List[int], List[int]], S: npt.NDArray[Any], O: npt.NDArray[Any], Z: npt.NDArray[Any], R: npt.NDArray[Any], gamma: float, T: npt.NDArray[Any], upper: bool = True, lp: bool = False) -> float: """ Applies the Bellman equation to compute Q values :param b: the belief point :param a: the action :param lower_bound: the lower bound :param upper_bound: the upper bound :param S: the set of states :param O: the set of observations :param Z: the observation tensor :param R: the reward tensor :param gamma: the discount factor :param T: the transition tensor :param upper: boolean flag that decides whether to use the upper bound or lower bound on V to compute the Q-value :param lp: boolean flag that decides whether to use LP to compute upper bound belief values :return: the Q-value """ Q_val = 0 for s in S: immediate_r = R[a][s] * b[s] expected_future_rew = 0 for o in O: if self.observation_possible(o=o, b=b, Z=Z, T=T, S=S, a=a): new_belief = self.next_belief(o=o, a=a, b=b, S=S, Z=Z, T=T) for s_prime in S: if upper: future_val = self.upper_bound_value(upper_bound=upper_bound, b=new_belief, S=S, lp=lp) else: future_val = self.lower_bound_value(lower_bound=lower_bound, b=new_belief, S=S) expected_future_rew += \ b[s] * T[a][s][s_prime] * Z[a][s_prime][o] * future_val Q_val += immediate_r + expected_future_rew * gamma return Q_val
[docs] def prune_upper_bound(self, upper_bound: Tuple[List[Any], List[Any]], S: npt.NDArray[Any], lp: bool) \ -> Tuple[List[Any], List[Any]]: """ Prunes the points in the upper bound :param upper_bound: the current upper bound :param S: the set of states :param lp: boolean flag that decides whether to use LP to compute upper bound belief values :return: the pruned upper bound """ upper_bound_point_set, corner_points = upper_bound pruned_upper_bound_point_set = [] for point in upper_bound_point_set: true_val = self.upper_bound_value(upper_bound=upper_bound, S=S, b=point[0], lp=lp) if not (point[1] > true_val): pruned_upper_bound_point_set.append(point) return pruned_upper_bound_point_set, corner_points
[docs] def simulate(self, horizon: int, b0: npt.NDArray[Any], lower_bound: npt.NDArray[Any], Z: npt.NDArray[Any], R: npt.NDArray[Any], gamma: float, T: npt.NDArray[Any], A: npt.NDArray[Any], O: npt.NDArray[Any], S: npt.NDArray[Any]) -> float: """ Simulates the POMDP to estimate the reward of the greedy policy with respect to the value function represented by the lower bound :param horizon: the horizon for the simulation :param b0: the initial belief :param lower_bound: the lower bound which represents the value function :param Z: the observation tensor :param R: the reward tensor :param gamma: the discount factor :param T: the transition operator :param A: the action set :param O: the observation set :param S: the set of states :return: the cumulative discounted reward """ t = 0 b = b0 cumulative_r = 0.0 while t < horizon: q_values = list(map(lambda a: self.q( b=b, a=a, lower_bound=list(lower_bound.tolist()), upper_bound=([], []), S=S, O=O, Z=Z, R=R, gamma=gamma, T=T, upper=False, lp=False), A)) a = int(np.argmax(np.array(q_values))) r = 0 for s in S: r += R[a][s] * b[s] cumulative_r += math.pow(gamma, t) * r observation_probabilities = [] for o in O: p = 0 for s in S: for s_prime in S: p += b[s] * T[a][s][s_prime] * Z[a][s_prime][o] observation_probabilities.append(p) o = np.random.choice(np.arange(0, len(O)), p=observation_probabilities) b = self.next_belief(o=o, a=a, b=b, S=S, Z=Z, T=T) t += 1 return cumulative_r
[docs] def one_step_lookahead(self, state, V, num_actions, num_states, T, discount_factor, R) -> npt.NDArray[Any]: """ Performs a one-step lookahead for value iteration :param state: the current state :param V: the current value function :param num_actions: the number of actions :param num_states: the number of states :param T: the transition kernel :param discount_factor: the discount factor :param R: the table with rewards :param next_state_lookahead: the next state lookahead table :return: an array with lookahead values """ A = np.zeros(num_actions) for a in range(num_actions): reward = R[a][state] for next_state in range(num_states): prob = T[a][state][next_state] A[a] += prob * (reward + discount_factor * V[next_state]) return A
[docs] def vi(self, T: npt.NDArray[Any], num_states: int, num_actions: int, R: npt.NDArray[Any], theta=0.0001, discount_factor=1.0) -> Tuple[npt.NDArray[Any], npt.NDArray[Any]]: """ An implementation of the Value Iteration algorithm :param T: the transition kernel T :param num_states: the number of states :param num_actions: the number of actions :param state_to_id: the state-to-id lookup table :param HP: the table with hack probabilities :param R: the table with rewards :param next_state_lookahead: the next-state-lookahead table :param theta: convergence threshold :param discount_factor: the discount factor :return: (greedy policy, value function) """ V = np.zeros(num_states) while True: # Stopping condition delta = 0 # Update each state... for s in range(num_states): # Do a one-step lookahead to find the best action A = self.one_step_lookahead(s, V, num_actions, num_states, T, discount_factor, R) best_action_value = np.max(A) # Calculate delta across all states seen so far delta = max(delta, np.abs(best_action_value - V[s])) # Update the value function. Ref: Sutton book eq. 4.10. V[s] = best_action_value # Check if we can stop if delta < theta: break # Create a deterministic policy using the optimal value function policy = np.zeros([num_states, num_actions * 2]) for s in range(num_states): # One step lookahead to find the best action for this state A = self.one_step_lookahead(s, V, num_actions, num_states, T, discount_factor, R) best_action = np.argmax(A) # Always take the best action policy[s, best_action] = 1.0 return V, policy
[docs] def observation_possible(self, o, b, Z, T, S, a) -> bool: """ Checks if a given observation can be observed when taking a given action in a given state :param o: the observation to check :param b: the belief to check :param Z: the observation tensor :param T: the transition tensor :param S: the state space :param a: the aciton tocheck :return: true if possible otherwise fasle """ prob = 0 for s in S: for s_prime in S: prob += b[s] * T[a][s][s_prime] * Z[a][s_prime][o] return prob > 0