from typing import List, Dict, Union, Any
from csle_agents.agents.pomcp.node import Node
from csle_agents.agents.pomcp.pomcp_util import POMCPUtil
[docs]class BeliefNode(Node):
Represents a node that holds the belief distribution given its history sequence in a belief tree.
It also holds the received observation after which the belief is updated accordingly
def __init__(self, id: int, history: List[int], observation: int, parent=None, value: float = -2000,
visit_count: int = 0) -> None:
Initializing the node
:param id: the id of the node
:param h: the history of the node
:param observation: the latest observation
:param parent: the parent node
:param value: the value of the node (mean return of all simulations starting from this node)
:param visit_count: the number of times the node has been visited in simulations
Node.__init__(self, id=id, history=history, parent=parent, value=value, visit_count=visit_count,
observation=observation, action=-1)
self.particles: List[int] = []
self.action_to_node_map: Dict[int, Node] = {}
[docs] def add_child(self, node: Node) -> None:
Adds a child node to this node. Since an observation is always followed by an action in the history, the next
node will be an action node
:param node: the child action node
:return: None
self.action_to_node_map[node.action] = node
[docs] def get_child(self, key: int) -> Union[Node, None]:
Gets the child node corresponding to a specific action
:param key: the action to get the node for
:return: the node or None if it was not found
return self.action_to_node_map.get(key, None)
[docs] def sample_state(self) -> Any:
Samples a state from the belief state
:return: the sampled state
return POMCPUtil.rand_choice(self.particles)
[docs] def add_particle(self, particle: Union[int, List[int]]) -> None:
Adds a paticle (a sample state) to the list of particles
:param particle: the particle to add
:return: None
if type(particle) is list:
elif type(particle) is int: