from typing import List, Union, Callable, Any, Dict, Tuple
import time
import random
import torch
import math
import numpy as np
import copy
from csle_common.dao.simulation_config.base_env import BaseEnv
from import Policy
from csle_common.logging.log import Logger
from csle_agents.agents.pomcp.belief_tree import BeliefTree
from csle_agents.agents.pomcp.belief_node import BeliefNode
from csle_agents.agents.pomcp.action_node import ActionNode
from csle_agents.agents.pomcp.pomcp_acquisition_function_type import POMCPAcquisitionFunctionType
from csle_agents.agents.pomcp.pomcp_util import POMCPUtil
import csle_agents.constants.constants as constants
[docs]class POMCP:
Class that implements the POMCP algorithm
def __init__(self, A: List[int], gamma: float, env: BaseEnv, c: float,
initial_particles: List[Any], planning_time: float = 0.5, max_particles: int = 350,
reinvigoration: bool = False,
reinvigorated_particles_ratio: float = 0.1,
rollout_policy: Union[Policy, None] = None,
value_function: Union[Callable[[Any], float], None] = None, verbose: bool = False,
default_node_value: float = 0, prior_weight: float = 1.0, prior_confidence: int = 0,
acquisition_function_type: POMCPAcquisitionFunctionType = POMCPAcquisitionFunctionType.UCB,
c2: float = 1, use_rollout_policy: bool = False, prune_action_space: bool = False,
prune_size: int = 3) -> None:
Initializes the solver
:param S: the state space
:param A: the action space
:param gamma: the discount factor
:param env: the environment for sampling
:param c: the weighting factor for UCB
:param initial_particles: the initial list of particles
:param planning_time: the planning time
:param max_particles: the maximum number of particles (samples) for the belief state
:param reinvigorated_particles_ratio: probability of new particles added when updating the belief state
:param reinvigoration: boolean flag indicating whether reinvigoration should be done
:param rollout_policy: the rollout policy
:param verbose: boolean flag indicating whether logging should be verbose
:param default_node_value: the default value of nodes in the tree
:param num_evals_per_process: number of evaluations per process
:param prior_weight: the weight to put on the prior
:param prior_confidence: the prior confidence (initial count)
:param acquisition_function_type: the type of acquisition function
:param c2: the weighting factor for alpha go exploration
:param use_rollout_policy: boolean flag indicating whether rollout policy should be used
:param prune_action_space: boolean flag indicating whether the action space should be pruned
:param prune_size: the size of the pruned action space
self.A = A
self.env = env
o, info = self.env.reset()
self.root_observation = info[constants.COMMON.OBSERVATION]
self.gamma = gamma
self.c = c
self.c2 = c2
self.planning_time = planning_time
self.max_particles = max_particles
self.reinvigorated_particles_ratio = reinvigorated_particles_ratio
self.rollout_policy = rollout_policy
self.initial_visit_count = 0
self.value_function = value_function
self.initial_particles = initial_particles
self.reinvigoration = reinvigoration
self.default_node_value = default_node_value
self.prior_weight = prior_weight
root_particles = copy.deepcopy(self.initial_particles)
self.tree = BeliefTree(root_particles=root_particles, default_node_value=self.default_node_value,
root_observation=self.root_observation, initial_visit_count=self.initial_visit_count)
self.verbose = verbose
self.prior_confidence = prior_confidence
self.acquisition_function_type = acquisition_function_type
self.use_rollout_policy = use_rollout_policy
self.prune_action_space = prune_action_space
self.prune_size = prune_size
self.num_simulation_steps = 0
[docs] def compute_belief(self) -> Dict[int, float]:
Computes the belief state based on the particles
:return: the belief state
belief_state = {}
particle_distribution = POMCPUtil.convert_samples_to_distribution(self.tree.root.particles)
for state, prob in particle_distribution.items():
belief_state[state] = round(prob, 6)
return belief_state
[docs] def rollout(self, state: int, history: List[int], depth: int, max_rollout_depth: int, t: int) -> float:
Perform randomized recursive rollout search starting from the given history
until the max depth has been achieved
:param state: the initial state of the rollout
:param history: the history of the root node
:param depth: current planning horizon
:param max_rollout_depth: max rollout depth
:param t: the time step
:return: the estimated value of the root node
if depth > max_rollout_depth:
if self.value_function is not None:
o = self.env.get_observation_from_history(history=history)
return self.value_function(o)
return 0
if not self.use_rollout_policy or self.rollout_policy is None or self.env.is_state_terminal(state):
rollout_actions = self.env.get_actions_from_particles(particles=[state], t=len(history),
a = POMCPUtil.rand_choice(rollout_actions)
a = self.rollout_policy.action(o=self.env.get_observation_from_history(history=history),
_, r, _, _, info = self.env.step(a)
self.num_simulation_steps += 1
s_prime = info[constants.COMMON.STATE]
o = info[constants.COMMON.OBSERVATION]
return float(r) + self.gamma * self.rollout(state=s_prime, history=history + [a, o], depth=depth + 1,
max_rollout_depth=max_rollout_depth, t=t)
[docs] def simulate(self, state: int, max_rollout_depth: int, c: float, history: List[int], t: int,
max_planning_depth: int, depth=0, parent: Union[None, BeliefNode, ActionNode] = None) \
-> Tuple[float, int]:
Performs the POMCP simulation starting from a given belief node and a sampled state
:param state: the sampled state from the belief state of the node
:param max_rollout_depth: the maximum depth of rollout
:param max_planning_depth: the maximum depth of planning
:param c: the weighting factor for the ucb acquisition function
:param depth: the current depth of the simulation
:param history: the current history (history of the start node plus the simulation history)
:param parent: the parent node in the tree
:param t: the time-step
:return: the Monte-Carlo value of the node and the current depth
# Check if we have reached the maximum depth of the tree
if depth > max_planning_depth:
if len(history) > 0 and self.value_function is not None:
o = self.env.get_observation_from_history(history=history)
return self.value_function(o), depth
return 0, depth
# Check if the new history has already been visited in the past of should be added as a new node to the tree
observation = -1
if len(history) > 0:
observation = history[-1]
if observation != -1 and self.value_function is not None:
value = self.value_function(self.env.get_observation_from_history(history))
value = self.default_node_value
current_node = self.tree.find_or_create(history=history, parent=parent, observation=observation,
initial_visit_count=self.prior_confidence, initial_value=value)
# If a new node was created, then it has no children, in which case we should stop the search and
# do a Monte-Carlo rollout with a given base policy to estimate the value of the node
if len(current_node.children) == 0:
# Prune action space
if self.prune_action_space and self.rollout_policy is not None:
obs_vector = self.env.get_observation_from_history(current_node.history)
dist = self.rollout_policy.model.policy.get_distribution(
dist = list(map(lambda i: (math.exp(dist[i]), self.A[i]), list(range(len(dist)))))
rollout_actions = list(map(lambda x: x[1], sorted(dist, reverse=True,
key=lambda x: x[0])[:self.prune_size]))
rollout_actions = self.A
if isinstance(current_node, BeliefNode):
rollout_actions = self.env.get_actions_from_particles(particles=current_node.particles + [state],
t=t + depth, observation=observation)
if len(current_node.children) == 0:
# since the node does not have any children, we first add them to the node
for action in rollout_actions:
self.tree.add(history + [action], parent=current_node, action=action, value=self.default_node_value)
# Perform the rollout from the current state and return the value
return (self.rollout(state=state, history=history, depth=depth, max_rollout_depth=max_rollout_depth, t=t),
# If we have not yet reached a new node, we select the next action according to the acquisiton function
if self.acquisition_function_type == POMCPAcquisitionFunctionType.UCB:
next_action_node = sorted(
current_node.children, key=lambda x: POMCPUtil.ucb_acquisition_function(x, c=c), reverse=True)[0]
elif self.acquisition_function_type == POMCPAcquisitionFunctionType.ALPHA_GO:
o = self.env.get_observation_from_history(current_node.history)
if self.rollout_policy is None:
raise ValueError("Cannot use the AlphaGo acquisiton function without a rollout policy")
dist = self.rollout_policy.model.policy.get_distribution(
dist = list(map(lambda i: math.exp(dist[i]), list(range(len(dist)))))
next_action_node_idx = sorted(
list(range(len(current_node.children))), key=lambda x: POMCPUtil.alpha_go_acquisition_function(
current_node.children[x], c=c, c2=self.c2, prior=dist[x],
prior_weight=self.prior_weight), reverse=True)[0]
next_action_node = current_node.children[next_action_node_idx]
raise ValueError(f"Acquisition function type: {self.acquisition_function_type} not recognized")
# Simulate the outcome of the selected action
a = next_action_node.action
_, r, _, _, info = self.env.step(a)
self.num_simulation_steps += 1
o = info[constants.COMMON.OBSERVATION]
s_prime = info[constants.COMMON.STATE]
# Recursive call, continue the simulation from the new node
assert isinstance(next_action_node, ActionNode)
R, rec_depth = self.simulate(
state=s_prime, max_rollout_depth=max_rollout_depth, depth=depth + 1,
history=history + [next_action_node.action, o],
parent=next_action_node, c=c, max_planning_depth=max_planning_depth, t=t)
R = float(r) + self.gamma * R
# The simulation has completed, time to backpropagate the values
# We start by updating the belief particles and the visit count of the current belief node
if isinstance(current_node, BeliefNode):
current_node.particles += [state]
# Next we update the statistics and visit counts of the action node
if isinstance(next_action_node, ActionNode):
current_node.visit_count += 1
next_action_node.visit_count += 1
next_action_node.value += (R - next_action_node.value) / next_action_node.visit_count
return float(R), rec_depth
[docs] def solve(self, max_rollout_depth: int, max_planning_depth: int, t: int) -> None:
Runs the POMCP algorithm with a given max depth for the lookahead
:param max_rollout_depth: the max depth for rollout
:param max_planning_depth: the max depth for planning
:return: None
if self.verbose:
f"Starting POMCP, max rollout depth: {max_rollout_depth}, max planning depth: {max_planning_depth}, "
f"c: {self.c}, planning time: {self.planning_time}, gamma: {self.gamma}, "
f"max particles: {self.max_particles}, "
f"reinvigorated_particles_ratio: {self.reinvigorated_particles_ratio}, "
f"prior weight: {self.prior_weight}, "
f"acquisiton: {self.acquisition_function_type.value}, c2: {self.c2}, prune: {self.prune_action_space}, "
f"prune size: {self.prune_size}, use_rollout_policy: {self.use_rollout_policy}, "
f"prior confidence: {self.prior_confidence}")
self.num_simulation_steps = 0
begin = time.time()
n = 0
state = self.tree.root.sample_state()
while time.time() - begin < self.planning_time:
n += 1
state = self.tree.root.sample_state()
_, depth = self.simulate(state=state, max_rollout_depth=max_rollout_depth, history=self.tree.root.history,
parent=self.tree.root, max_planning_depth=max_planning_depth, depth=0, t=t)
if self.verbose:
action_values = np.zeros((len(self.A),))
best_action_idx = 0
best_value = -np.inf
counts = []
values = []
for i, action_node in enumerate(self.tree.root.children):
action_values[action_node.action] = action_node.value - 10 / (1 + action_node.visit_count)
if action_values[action_node.action] > best_value:
best_action_idx = i
best_value = action_values[action_node.action]
values.append(round(action_values[action_node.action], 1))
f"Planning time left {self.planning_time - time.time() + begin}s, "
f"best action: {self.tree.root.children[best_action_idx].action}, "
f"value: {self.tree.root.children[best_action_idx].value}, "
f"count: {self.tree.root.children[best_action_idx].visit_count}, "
f"planning depth: {depth}, counts: "
f"{sorted(counts, reverse=True)[0:5]}, values: {sorted(values, reverse=True)[0:5]}")
if self.verbose:
Logger.__call__().get_logger().info(f"Planning complete, num simulation steps: {self.num_simulation_steps}")
[docs] def get_action(self) -> int:
Gets the next action to execute based on the state of the tree. Selects the action with the highest value
from the root node.
:return: the next action
root = self.tree.root
action_vals = [(action.value - 10 / (action.visit_count + 1), action.action) for action in root.children]
if self.verbose:
for a in root.children:
Logger.__call__().get_logger().info(f"action: {a.action}, value: {a.value}, "
f"visit count: {a.visit_count}")
return int(max(action_vals)[1])
[docs] def update_tree_with_new_samples(self, action_sequence: List[int], observation: int, t: int) -> List[Any]:
Updates the tree after an action has been selected and a new observation been received
:param action_sequence: the action sequence that was executed
:param observation: the observation that was received
:param t: the time-step
:return: the updated particle state
root = self.tree.root
if len(action_sequence) == 0:
raise ValueError("Invalid action sequence")
action = action_sequence[-1]
# Since we executed an action we advance the tree and update the root to the the node corresponding to the
# action that was selected
child = root.get_child(action)
if child is not None:
new_root = child.get_child(observation)
raise ValueError(f"Could not find child node for action: {action}")
# If we did not have a node in the tree corresponding to the observation that was observed, we select a random
# belief node to be the new root (note that the action child node will always exist by definition of the
# algorithm)
if new_root is None:
# Get the action node
action_node = root.get_child(action)
if action_node is None:
raise ValueError("Chould not find the action node")
if action_node.children:
# If the action node has belief state nodes, select a random of them to be the new root
new_root = POMCPUtil.rand_choice(action_node.children)
# or create the new belief node randomly
particles = copy.deepcopy(self.initial_particles)
if self.value_function is not None:
# initial_value = self.value_function(observation)
initial_value = self.default_node_value
initial_value = self.default_node_value
new_root = self.tree.add(history=action_node.history + [observation], parent=action_node,
observation=observation, particle=particles, value=initial_value,
# Check how many new particles are left to fill
if isinstance(new_root, BeliefNode):
new_root.particles = []
particle_slots = self.max_particles - len(new_root.particles)
raise ValueError("Invalid root node")
if particle_slots > 0:
if self.verbose:
Logger.__call__().get_logger().info(f"Filling {particle_slots} particles")
particles = []
# fill particles by Monte-Carlo using reject sampling
count = 0
while len(particles) < particle_slots:
s = root.sample_state()
_, r, _, _, info = self.env.step(action)
s_prime = info[constants.COMMON.STATE]
o = info[constants.COMMON.OBSERVATION]
if o == observation:
count = 0
count += 1
if count >= 50000:
target = root.sample_state().red_agent_target
f"Invalid observation: {observation}, target: {target}, "
f"given state: 1: \n{root.sample_state()}, \n"
f"2: \n {root.sample_state()}\n, 3: {root.sample_state()}\n ")
for i in range(particle_slots - len(particles)):
s = root.sample_state()
_, r, _, _, info = self.env.step(action)
s_prime = info[constants.COMMON.STATE]
new_root.particles += particles
# We now prune the old root from the tree
self.tree.prune(root, exclude=new_root)
# and update the root
self.tree.root = new_root
# Prune children
if self.verbose:
Logger.__call__().get_logger().info("Pruning children")
feasible_actions = (
self.env.get_actions_from_particles(particles=self.tree.root.particles, t=t, observation=observation,
if self.verbose:
Logger.__call__().get_logger().info(f"feasible actions: {feasible_actions}")
children = []
for ch in self.tree.root.children:
if ch.action in feasible_actions:
self.tree.root.children = children
# To avoid particle deprivation (i.e., that the algorithm gets stuck with the wrong belief)
# we do particle reinvigoration here
if self.reinvigoration and len(self.initial_particles) > 0:
if self.verbose:
Logger.__call__().get_logger().info("Starting reinvigoration")
# Generate some new particles randomly
num_reinvigorated_particles = int(len(new_root.particles) * self.reinvigorated_particles_ratio)
reinvigorated_particles = []
for i in range(num_reinvigorated_particles):
s = root.sample_state()
_, r, _, _, info = self.env.step(action)
s_prime = info[constants.COMMON.STATE]
# Randomly exchange some old particles for the new ones
for particle in reinvigorated_particles:
new_root.particles[np.random.randint(0, len(new_root.particles))] = particle
return new_root.particles