from typing import List, Dict, Any, Callable
import random
import numpy as np
from collections import Counter
from csle_common.logging.log import Logger
from csle_common.dao.simulation_config.base_env import BaseEnv
from csle_agents.agents.pomcp.node import Node
import csle_agents.constants.constants as constants
[docs]class POMCPUtil:
Class with utility functions related to POMCP
[docs] @staticmethod
def sample_from_distribution(probability_vector: List[float]) -> int:
Utility function to sample from a probability vector
:param probability_vector: the probability vector to sample from
:return: the sampled element
probability_vector_np = np.array(probability_vector)
sample = np.random.choice(list(range(len(probability_vector_np))),
p=probability_vector_np / probability_vector_np.sum())
return int(sample)
[docs] @staticmethod
def rand_choice(candidates: List[Any]) -> Any:
Selects an element from a given list uniformly at random
:param candidates: the list to sample from
:return: the sample
return random.choice(candidates)
[docs] @staticmethod
def convert_samples_to_distribution(samples) -> Dict[int, float]:
Converts a list of samples to a probability distribution
:param samples: the list of samples
:return: a dict with the sample values and their probabilities
cnt = Counter(samples)
_sum = sum(cnt.values())
return {k: v / _sum for k, v in cnt.items()}
[docs] @staticmethod
def ucb(history_visit_count, action_visit_count):
Implements the upper-confidence-bound acquisiton function
:param history_visit_count: counter of the number of times the history has been visited
:param action_visit_count: counter of the number of times the action has been taken in the history
:return: the ucb acquisition value
# If we have never seen this history before, its exploration utility is initialized to zero
if history_visit_count == 0:
return 0.0
# If we have never taken this action before, its utility is infinity to encourage exploration
if action_visit_count == 0:
return np.inf
# If we have taken this action before, return the UCB exploration bonus
return np.sqrt(np.log(history_visit_count) / action_visit_count)
[docs] @staticmethod
def ucb_acquisition_function(action: "Node", c: float) -> float:
The UCB acquisition function
:param action: the action node
:param c: the exploration parameter
:param rollout_policy: the rollout policy
:param prior_weight: the weight to put on the prior
:return: the acquisition value of the action
if action.parent.visit_count == 0:
return 0
if action.visit_count == 0:
return np.inf
return float(action.value + c * POMCPUtil.ucb(action.parent.visit_count, action.visit_count))
[docs] @staticmethod
def alpha_go_acquisition_function(action: "Node", c: float, c2: float, prior: float, prior_weight: float) -> float:
The UCB acquisition function
:param action: the action node
:param c: the exploration parameter
:param c2: the c2 parameter
:param prior: the prior weight
:param prior_weight: the weight to put on the prior
:return: the acquisition value of the action
# prior = rollout_policy.probability(o=o, a=action.action)
# visit_term = math.sqrt(action.parent.visit_count) / (action.visit_count + 1)
# base_term = math.log((action.parent.visit_count + c2 + 1) / c2 + c)
# prior_term = prior_weight * prior * visit_term * base_term
exploration_term = POMCPUtil.ucb(action.parent.visit_count, action.visit_count)
return float(action.value + (c + prior_weight * prior) * exploration_term)
# return float(action.value + prior_term + exploration_term)
[docs] @staticmethod
def trajectory_simulation_particles(o: int, env: BaseEnv, action_sequence: List[int], num_particles: int,
verbose: bool = False) -> List[int]:
Performs trajectory simulations to find possible states matching to the given observation
:param o: the observation to match against
:param env: the black-box simulator to sue for generating trajectories
:param action_sequence: the action sequence for the trajectory
:param num_particles: the number of particles to collect
:param verbose: boolean flag indicating whether logging should be verbose or not
:return: the list of particles matching the given observation
particles: List[int] = []
if verbose:
Logger.__call__().get_logger().info(f"Filling {num_particles} particles"
f" through trajectory simulations, "
f"action sequence: {action_sequence}, observation: {o}")
while len(particles) < num_particles:
done = False
_, info = env.reset()
t = 0
while not done and t < len(action_sequence):
_, r, done, _, info = env.step(action=action_sequence[t])
sampled_o = info[constants.COMMON.OBSERVATION]
s = info[constants.COMMON.STATE]
if t == len(action_sequence) - 1 and sampled_o == o:
t += 1
return particles
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_default_value(particles: List[int], action: int, default_value: float, env: BaseEnv,
value_function: Callable[[Any], float]) -> float:
Gets the default value of a node
:param particles: the particles of the parent node
:param action: the action of the node
:param default_value: the default value
:param env: the black-box simulator
:param value_function: the value function
:return: the value
node_value = default_value
if value_function is not None:
sample_values = []
for i in range(20):
state = int(POMCPUtil.rand_choice(particles))
o, r, _, _, info = env.step(action)
node_value = float(np.mean(sample_values))
return node_value