Source code for csle_agents.agents.sondik_vi.sondik_vi_agent

from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Any
import math
import time
import os
import numpy as np
import gymnasium as gym
from csle_common.dao.simulation_config.simulation_env_config import SimulationEnvConfig
from import ExperimentConfig
from import ExperimentResult
from import AgentType
from csle_common.util.experiment_util import ExperimentUtil
from csle_common.logging.log import Logger
from csle_common.metastore.metastore_facade import MetastoreFacade
from import TrainingJobConfig
from import ExperimentExecution
from import AlphaVectorsPolicy
from csle_common.util.general_util import GeneralUtil
from csle_common.dao.simulation_config.base_env import BaseEnv
from csle_agents.agents.base.base_agent import BaseAgent
import csle_agents.constants.constants as agents_constants
from scipy.optimize import linprog
from itertools import product

[docs]class SondikVIAgent(BaseAgent): """ Sondik's value iteration for POMDPs (Sondik 1971) """ def __init__(self, simulation_env_config: SimulationEnvConfig, experiment_config: ExperimentConfig, training_job: Optional[TrainingJobConfig] = None, save_to_metastore: bool = True, env: Optional[BaseEnv] = None): """ Initializes the Sondik-VI agent :param simulation_env_config: configuration of the simulation environment :param experiment_config: the experiment configuration :param training_job: an existing training job to use (optional) :param save_to_metastore: boolean flag whether to save the execution to the metastore :param env: the gym environment for training """ super().__init__(simulation_env_config=simulation_env_config, emulation_env_config=None, experiment_config=experiment_config) assert experiment_config.agent_type == AgentType.SONDIK_VALUE_ITERATION self.training_job = training_job self.save_to_metastore = save_to_metastore self.env = env
[docs] def train(self) -> ExperimentExecution: """ Runs the value iteration algorithm to compute V* :return: the results """ pid = os.getpid() # Initialize metrics exp_result = ExperimentResult() exp_result.plot_metrics.append(agents_constants.COMMON.AVERAGE_RETURN) exp_result.plot_metrics.append(agents_constants.COMMON.RUNNING_AVERAGE_RETURN) exp_result.plot_metrics.append(agents_constants.SONDIK_VI.INITIAL_BELIEF_VALUES) exp_result.plot_metrics.append(agents_constants.SONDIK_VI.NUM_ALPHA_VECTORS) descr = f"Computation of V* with the Sondik value algorithm using " \ f"simulation:{}" for seed in self.experiment_config.random_seeds: exp_result.all_metrics[seed] = {} exp_result.all_metrics[seed][agents_constants.COMMON.AVERAGE_RETURN] = [] exp_result.all_metrics[seed][agents_constants.COMMON.RUNNING_AVERAGE_RETURN] = [] exp_result.all_metrics[seed][agents_constants.SONDIK_VI.NUM_ALPHA_VECTORS] = [] exp_result.all_metrics[seed][agents_constants.SONDIK_VI.INITIAL_BELIEF_VALUES] = [] if self.env is None: self.env = gym.make(self.simulation_env_config.gym_env_name, config=self.simulation_env_config.simulation_env_input_config) # Initialize training job if self.training_job is None: self.training_job = TrainingJobConfig(, experiment_config=self.experiment_config, progress_percentage=0, pid=pid, experiment_result=exp_result, emulation_env_name=None, simulation_traces=[], num_cached_traces=0, log_file_path=Logger.__call__().get_log_file_path(), descr=descr, physical_host_ip=GeneralUtil.get_host_ip()) if self.save_to_metastore: training_job_id = MetastoreFacade.save_training_job(training_job=self.training_job) = training_job_id else: = pid self.training_job.progress_percentage = 0 self.training_job.experiment_result = exp_result if self.save_to_metastore: MetastoreFacade.update_training_job(training_job=self.training_job, # Initialize execution result ts = time.time() emulation_name = None if self.emulation_env_config is not None: emulation_name = simulation_name = self.exp_execution = ExperimentExecution(result=exp_result, config=self.experiment_config, timestamp=ts, emulation_name=emulation_name, simulation_name=simulation_name, descr=descr, log_file_path=self.training_job.log_file_path) if self.save_to_metastore: exp_execution_id = MetastoreFacade.save_experiment_execution(self.exp_execution) = exp_execution_id for seed in self.experiment_config.random_seeds: ExperimentUtil.set_seed(seed) exp_result = self.sondik_vi_algorithm(exp_result=exp_result, seed=seed) # Calculate average and std metrics exp_result.avg_metrics = {} exp_result.std_metrics = {} for metric in exp_result.all_metrics[self.experiment_config.random_seeds[0]].keys(): value_vectors = [] for seed in self.experiment_config.random_seeds: value_vectors.append(exp_result.all_metrics[seed][metric]) avg_metrics = [] std_metrics = [] for i in range(len(value_vectors[0])): if type(value_vectors[0][0]) is int or type(value_vectors[0][0]) is float \ or type(value_vectors[0][0]) is np.int64 or type(value_vectors[0][0]) is np.float64: seed_values = [] for seed_idx in range(len(self.experiment_config.random_seeds)): seed_values.append(value_vectors[seed_idx][i]) avg = ExperimentUtil.mean_confidence_interval( data=seed_values, confidence=self.experiment_config.hparams[agents_constants.COMMON.CONFIDENCE_INTERVAL].value)[0] if not math.isnan(avg): avg_metrics.append(avg) ci = ExperimentUtil.mean_confidence_interval( data=seed_values, confidence=self.experiment_config.hparams[agents_constants.COMMON.CONFIDENCE_INTERVAL].value)[1] if not math.isnan(ci): std_metrics.append(ci) else: std_metrics.append(-1) else: avg_metrics.append(-1) std_metrics.append(-1) exp_result.avg_metrics[metric] = avg_metrics exp_result.std_metrics[metric] = std_metrics ts = time.time() self.exp_execution.timestamp = ts self.exp_execution.result = exp_result self.training_job.experiment_result = exp_result if self.save_to_metastore: MetastoreFacade.update_experiment_execution(experiment_execution=self.exp_execution, MetastoreFacade.update_training_job(training_job=self.training_job, return self.exp_execution
[docs] def hparam_names(self) -> List[str]: """ :return: a list with the hyperparameter names """ return [agents_constants.COMMON.EVAL_BATCH_SIZE, agents_constants.COMMON.CONFIDENCE_INTERVAL, agents_constants.COMMON.RUNNING_AVERAGE, agents_constants.COMMON.GAMMA, agents_constants.SONDIK_VI.TRANSITION_TENSOR, agents_constants.SONDIK_VI.REWARD_TENSOR, agents_constants.SONDIK_VI.OBSERVATION_TENSOR, agents_constants.SONDIK_VI.OBSERVATION_SPACE, agents_constants.SONDIK_VI.STATE_SPACE, agents_constants.SONDIK_VI.USE_PRUNING, agents_constants.SONDIK_VI.PLANNING_HORIZON, agents_constants.SONDIK_VI.INITIAL_BELIEF]
[docs] def sondik_vi_algorithm(self, exp_result: ExperimentResult, seed: int) -> ExperimentResult: """ Runs :param exp_result: the experiment result object :param seed: the random seed :return: the updated experiment result """ discount_factor = self.experiment_config.hparams[agents_constants.COMMON.GAMMA].value eval_batch_size = self.experiment_config.hparams[agents_constants.COMMON.EVAL_BATCH_SIZE].value T = self.experiment_config.hparams[agents_constants.SONDIK_VI.TRANSITION_TENSOR].value R = self.experiment_config.hparams[agents_constants.SONDIK_VI.REWARD_TENSOR].value Z = self.experiment_config.hparams[agents_constants.SONDIK_VI.OBSERVATION_TENSOR].value O = self.experiment_config.hparams[agents_constants.SONDIK_VI.OBSERVATION_SPACE].value S = self.experiment_config.hparams[agents_constants.SONDIK_VI.STATE_SPACE].value A = self.experiment_config.hparams[agents_constants.SONDIK_VI.ACTION_SPACE].value b0 = self.experiment_config.hparams[agents_constants.SONDIK_VI.INITIAL_BELIEF].value use_pruning = \ self.experiment_config.hparams[agents_constants.SONDIK_VI.USE_PRUNING].value planning_horizon = self.experiment_config.hparams[agents_constants.SONDIK_VI.PLANNING_HORIZON].value Logger.__call__().get_logger().info(f"Starting Sondik's value iteration," f"discount_factor: {discount_factor}, pruning: {use_pruning}, b0: {b0}") alpha_vectors, num_alpha_vectors, initial_belief_values, avg_returns, running_avg_returns = \ self.sondik_vi(P=np.array(T), R=np.array(R), n_obs=len(O), n_states=len(S), Z=np.array(Z), n_actions=len(A), b0=b0, T=planning_horizon, gamma=discount_factor, eval_batch_size=eval_batch_size) exp_result.all_metrics[seed][agents_constants.SONDIK_VI.INITIAL_BELIEF_VALUES] = initial_belief_values exp_result.all_metrics[seed][agents_constants.SONDIK_VI.NUM_ALPHA_VECTORS] = num_alpha_vectors exp_result.all_metrics[seed][agents_constants.COMMON.AVERAGE_RETURN] = avg_returns exp_result.all_metrics[seed][agents_constants.COMMON.RUNNING_AVERAGE_RETURN] = running_avg_returns alpha_vec_policy = AlphaVectorsPolicy( player_type=self.experiment_config.player_type, actions=self.simulation_env_config.joint_action_space_config.action_spaces[ self.experiment_config.player_idx].actions, states=self.simulation_env_config.state_space_config.states, alpha_vectors=alpha_vectors, agent_type=self.experiment_config.agent_type, avg_R=-1,, transition_tensor=T, reward_tensor=R) exp_result.policies[seed] = alpha_vec_policy return exp_result
[docs] def compute_all_conditional_plans_conditioned_on_a_t(self, n_alpha_vectors_t_plus_one, n_obs): """ Compute the number of conditional plans conditioned on an action a. It produces all possible combinations of (observation -> conditional_plan) :param n_alpha_vectors_t_plus_one: Number of alpha-vectors (number of conditional plans) for t+1 :param n_obs: Number of observations :return: list of lists, where each list contains n_obs elements, and each element is in [0, n_alpha_vectors-1]. The number of conditional plans will be be n_alpha_vectors^n_obs elements. The plan is of the form: (o^(1)_i, o^(2)_j, ..., o^(n_alpha_vectors_t_plus_one)_k) where o^(1)_i means that if observation o_i is observed, conditional plan 1 should be followed, o^(2)_j means that if observation o_j is observed, conditional plan 2 should be followed, o^(n_alpha_vectors_t_plus_one)_k means that if observation o_k is observed, conditional plan n_alpha_vectors_t_plus_one should be followed. """ x = list(range(n_alpha_vectors_t_plus_one)) return [p for p in product(x, repeat=n_obs)]
[docs] def sondik_vi(self, P, Z, R, T, gamma, n_states, n_actions, n_obs, b0, eval_batch_size: int, use_pruning: bool = True) \ -> Tuple[List[Any], List[int], List[float], List[float], List[float]]: """ :param P: The transition probability matrix :param Z: The observation probability matrix :param R: The immediate rewards matrix :param T: The planning horizon :param gamma: The discount factor :param n_states: The number of states :param n_actions: The number of actions :param n_obs: The number of observations :param eval_batch_size: number of simulations to evaluate the policy induced by the alpha vectors at each iteration :param b0: The initial belief :return: """ alepth_t_plus_1 = set() zero_alpha_vec = (-1, tuple(np.zeros(n_states))) # an alpha vector is associated with an action and # a set of values alepth_t_plus_1.add(zero_alpha_vec) first = True num_alpha_vectors: List[int] = [] num_alpha_vectors.append(len(alepth_t_plus_1)) initial_values: List[float] = [] average_returns: List[float] = [] average_running_returns: List[float] = [] # Backward induction for t in range(T): Logger.__call__().get_logger().info( '[Value Iteration] planning horizon {}, |aleph|:{} ...'.format(t, len(alepth_t_plus_1))) # New set of alpha vectors which will be constructed from the previous (backwards) set aleph_t+1. aleph_t = set() # Weight the alpha vectors in aleph_t by the transition probabilities alpha(s)*Z(s'|s,o)*P(s'|s,a) # forall a,o,s,s' # alpha'(s) = alpha(s)*Z(s'|s,o)*P(s'|s,a) forall a,o,s,s' alpha_new = np.zeros(shape=(len(alepth_t_plus_1), n_actions, n_obs, n_states)) n_alpha_vectors = 0 for old_alpha_vec in alepth_t_plus_1: for a in range(n_actions): for o in range(n_obs): for s in range(n_states): for s_prime in range(n_states): # Half of Sondik's one-pass DP backup, alpha'_(a,o)(s)=alpha(s')*Z(s'|s,o)*P(s'|s,a) # forall a,o,s,s' # note that alpha(s) is a representation of $V(s)$ alpha_new[n_alpha_vectors][a][o][s] += \ np.array(old_alpha_vec[1][s_prime]) * Z[a][s_prime][o] * P[a][s][s_prime] n_alpha_vectors += 1 # Compute the new alpha vectors by adding the discounted immediate rewards and the expected # alpha vectors at time t+1 # There are in total |Gamma^(k+1)|=|A|*|Gamma^k|^(|Z|) number of conditional plans, which means that there # is |Gamma^(k+1)|=|A|*|Gamma^k|^(|Z|) number of alpha vectors for a in range(n_actions): # |Gamma^k|^(|Z|) number of conditional plans conditioned on 'a' conditional_plans_conditioned_on_a = self.compute_all_conditional_plans_conditioned_on_a_t( n_alpha_vectors, n_obs) # Each conditional plan is of the form (o^(1)_i, o^(2)_j, ..., o^(n_alpha_vectors_t_plus_one)_k) # where o^(p)_i means that if observation o_i is observed, conditional plan p should be followed for conditional_plan_conditioned_on_a in conditional_plans_conditioned_on_a: for o in range(n_obs): conditional_plan_to_follow_when_observing_o = conditional_plan_conditioned_on_a[o] temp = np.zeros(n_states) for s in range(n_states): # Second half of Sondik's one-pass DP backup, # alpha_(a,o,beta)'(s) = gamma*(R(a,s) alpha_beta(s)*Z(s'|s,o)*P(s'|s,a) forall a,o,s,s') temp[s] = gamma * (R[a][s] + alpha_new[conditional_plan_to_follow_when_observing_o][a][o][s]) aleph_t.add((a, tuple(temp))) alepth_t_plus_1.update(aleph_t) num_alpha_vectors.append(len(alepth_t_plus_1)) if first: # remove the dummy alpha vector alepth_t_plus_1.remove(zero_alpha_vec) first = False if use_pruning: alepth_t_plus_1 = self.prune(n_states, alepth_t_plus_1) # remove dominated alpha vectors # The optimal value function is implicitly represented by aleph^0. Note that aleph^0 is a much larger set of # elements than the set of states. To compute the optimal value function V^*(b0) given an initial belief b0, # compute # V^*(b) = max_alpha b0*alpha for all alpha in aleph^0 max_v = -np.inf for alpha in aleph_t: v =[1]), b0) if v > max_v: max_v = v initial_values.append(max_v) avg_R = -1.0 if len(average_returns) > 0: avg_R = average_returns[-1] alpha_vec_policy = AlphaVectorsPolicy( player_type=self.experiment_config.player_type, actions=self.simulation_env_config.joint_action_space_config.action_spaces[ self.experiment_config.player_idx].actions, states=self.simulation_env_config.state_space_config.states, alpha_vectors=list(map(lambda x: x[1], list(aleph_t))), agent_type=self.experiment_config.agent_type, avg_R=avg_R,, transition_tensor=P, reward_tensor=R) avg_r = self.evaluate_policy(alpha_vec_policy, eval_batch_size=eval_batch_size) average_returns.append(avg_r) running_avg_J = ExperimentUtil.running_average( average_returns, self.experiment_config.hparams[agents_constants.COMMON.RUNNING_AVERAGE].value) average_running_returns.append(running_avg_J) vectors: List[Any] = list(map(lambda x: x[1], list(aleph_t))) return (vectors, num_alpha_vectors, initial_values, average_returns, average_running_returns)
[docs] def prune(self, n_states, aleph): """ Remove dominated alpha-vectors using Lark's filtering algorithm :param n_states :return: """ # parameters for linear program delta = 0.0000000001 # equality constraints on the belief states A_eq = np.array([np.append(np.ones(n_states), [0.])]) b_eq = np.array([1.]) # dirty set F = aleph.copy() # clean set Q = set() for i in range(n_states): max_i = -np.inf best = None for av in F: # av[1] = np.array(av[1]) if av[1][i] > max_i: max_i = av[1][i] best = av if best is not None and len(F) > 0: Q.update({best}) F.remove(best) while F: av_i = F.pop() # get a reference to av_i F.add(av_i) # don't want to remove it yet from F dominated = False for av_j in Q: c = np.append(np.zeros(n_states), [1.]) A_ub = np.array([np.append(-(np.array(av_i[1]) - np.array(av_j[1])), [-1.])]) b_ub = np.array([-delta]) res = linprog(c, A_eq=A_eq, b_eq=b_eq, A_ub=A_ub, b_ub=b_ub, bounds=(0, None)) if res.x[n_states] > 0.0: # this one is dominated dominated = True F.remove(av_i) break if not dominated: max_k = -np.inf best = None for av_k in F: b = res.x[0:2] v =, b) if v > max_k: max_k = v best = av_k F.remove(best) if not self.check_duplicate(Q, best): Q.update({best}) return Q
[docs] def check_duplicate(self, a, av): """ Check whether alpha vector av is already in set a :param a: :param av: :return: """ for av_i in a: if np.allclose(av_i[1], av.v): return True if av_i[1][0] == av[1][0] and av_i[1][1] > av[1][1]: return True if av_i[1][1] == av[1][1] and av_i[1][0] > av[1][0]: return True
[docs] def evaluate_policy(self, policy: AlphaVectorsPolicy, eval_batch_size: int) -> float: """ Evalutes a tabular policy :param policy: the tabular policy to evaluate :param eval_batch_size: the batch size :return: None """ if self.env is None: raise ValueError("An environment must be specified to run policy evaluation") returns = [] for i in range(eval_batch_size): done = False o, _ = self.env.reset() R = 0 while not done: b1 = o[1] b = [1 - b1, b1, 0] a = policy.action(b) o, r, done, _, info = self.env.step(a) R += r returns.append(R) avg_return = np.mean(returns) return float(avg_return)