Source code for csle_attacker.emulation.attacker_stopping_middleware

from csle_common.dao.emulation_config.emulation_env_state import EmulationEnvState
from csle_common.dao.emulation_action.attacker.emulation_attacker_action import EmulationAttackerAction

[docs]class AttackerStoppingMiddleware: """ Class that implements optimal stopping actions for the attacker """
[docs] @staticmethod def stop_intrusion(s: EmulationEnvState, a: EmulationAttackerAction) -> EmulationEnvState: """ Performs a stopping action for the attacker :param s: the current state :param a: the action to take :return: s_prime """ raise NotImplementedError("Not Implemented yet")
[docs] @staticmethod def continue_intrusion(s: EmulationEnvState, a: EmulationAttackerAction) -> EmulationEnvState: """ Performs a "continue" action for the attacker (does nothing) :param s: the current state :param a: the action to take :return: s_prime, reward, done """ return s