csle_collector.snort_ids_manager package



csle_collector.snort_ids_manager.query_snort_ids_manager module

csle_collector.snort_ids_manager.query_snort_ids_manager.get_snort_ids_alerts(stub: SnortIdsManagerStub, timestamp: float, log_file_path: str, timeout=60) SnortIdsLogDTO[source]

Queries the IDS manager for the data of the IDS log from a given time-step

  • stub – the stub to send the remote gRPC to the server

  • timestamp – the timtestamp to parse the log from

  • log_file_path – path to the IDS log file to read

  • timeout – the GRPC timeout (seconds)


an IdsLogDTO with data of the IDS log

csle_collector.snort_ids_manager.query_snort_ids_manager.get_snort_ids_monitor_status(stub: SnortIdsManagerStub, timeout=60) SnortIdsMonitorDTO[source]

Queries the IDS manager for the status of the IDS monitor thread

  • stub – the stub to send the remote gRPC to the server

  • timeout – the GRPC timeout (seconds)


an IdsMonitorDTO describing the status of the IDS monitor thread

csle_collector.snort_ids_manager.query_snort_ids_manager.start_snort_ids(stub: SnortIdsManagerStub, ingress_interface: str, egress_interface: str, subnetmask: str, timeout=60) SnortIdsMonitorDTO[source]

Sends a request to the IDS manager to start the Snort IDS

  • stub – the stub to send the remote gRPC to the server

  • timeout – the GRPC timeout (seconds)

  • ingress_interface – the ingress interface that Snort will listen to

  • egress_interface – the egress interface that Snort will listen to

  • subnetmask – the subnetmask that Snort will listen to


an IdsMonitorDTO describing the status of the IDS and its monitor thread

csle_collector.snort_ids_manager.query_snort_ids_manager.start_snort_ids_monitor(stub: SnortIdsManagerStub, kafka_ip: str, kafka_port: int, log_file_path: str, time_step_len_seconds: int, timeout=60) SnortIdsMonitorDTO[source]

Sends a request to the IDS manager to start the IDS monitor thread

  • kafka_ip – the ip of the Kafka server

  • kafka_port – the port of the Kafka server

  • log_file_path – the path top the IDS log

  • time_step_len_seconds – the length of one time-step

  • stub – the stub to send the remote gRPC to the server

  • timeout – the GRPC timeout (seconds)


an IdsMonitorDTO describing the status of the IDS monitor thread

csle_collector.snort_ids_manager.query_snort_ids_manager.stop_snort_ids(stub: SnortIdsManagerStub, timeout=60) SnortIdsMonitorDTO[source]

Sends a request to the IDS manager to stop the Snort IDS

  • stub – the stub to send the remote gRPC to the server

  • timeout – the GRPC timeout (seconds)


an IdsMonitorDTO describing the status of the IDS and its monitor thread

csle_collector.snort_ids_manager.query_snort_ids_manager.stop_snort_ids_monitor(stub: SnortIdsManagerStub, timeout=60) SnortIdsMonitorDTO[source]

Sends a request to the IDS manager to stop the IDS monitor thread

  • stub – the stub to send the remote gRPC to the server

  • timeout – the GRPC timeout (seconds)


an IdsMonitorDTO describing the status of the IDS monitor thread

csle_collector.snort_ids_manager.snort_ids_manager module

class csle_collector.snort_ids_manager.snort_ids_manager.SnortIdsManagerServicer[source]

Bases: SnortIdsManagerServicer

gRPC server for collecting Snort IDS statistics.

getSnortIdsAlerts(request: GetSnortIdsAlertsMsg, context: ServicerContext) SnortIdsLogDTO[source]

Gets the statistics of the IDS log from a given timestamp

  • request – the gRPC request

  • context – the gRPC context


a DTO with IDS statistics

getSnortIdsMonitorStatus(request: GetSnortIdsMonitorStatusMsg, context: ServicerContext) SnortIdsMonitorDTO[source]

Gets the status of the Snort IDS Monitor thread

  • request – the gRPC request

  • context – the gRPC context


a DTO with the status of the IDS monitor

startSnortIds(request: StartSnortIdsMsg, context: ServicerContext) SnortIdsMonitorDTO[source]

Starts the Snort IDS

  • request – the gRPC request

  • context – the gRPC context


a DTO with the status of the IDS and its monitor thread

startSnortIdsMonitor(request: StartSnortIdsMonitorMsg, context: ServicerContext) SnortIdsMonitorDTO[source]

Starts the Snort IDS monitor thread

  • request – the gRPC request

  • context – the gRPC context


a DTO with the status of the IDS monitor thread

stopSnortIds(request: StartSnortIdsMsg, context: ServicerContext) SnortIdsMonitorDTO[source]

Stops the Snort IDS

  • request – the gRPC request

  • context – the gRPC context


a DTO with the status of the IDS and its monitor thread

stopSnortIdsMonitor(request: StopSnortIdsMonitorMsg, context: ServicerContext) SnortIdsMonitorDTO[source]

Stops the Snort IDS monitor thread if it is running

  • request – the gRPC request

  • context – the gRPC context


a DTO with the status of the IDS monitor thread

csle_collector.snort_ids_manager.snort_ids_manager.serve(port: int = 50048, log_dir: str = '/', max_workers: int = 10, log_file_name: str = 'snort_ids_manager.log') None[source]

Starts the gRPC server for managing clients

  • port – the port that the server will listen to

  • log_dir – the directory to write the log file

  • log_file_name – the file name of the log

  • max_workers – the maximum number of GRPC workers



csle_collector.snort_ids_manager.snort_ids_manager_pb2 module

Generated protocol buffer code.

csle_collector.snort_ids_manager.snort_ids_manager_pb2_grpc module

Client and server classes corresponding to protobuf-defined services.

class csle_collector.snort_ids_manager.snort_ids_manager_pb2_grpc.SnortIdsManager[source]

Bases: object

Interface exported by the server

static getSnortIdsAlerts(request, target, options=(), channel_credentials=None, call_credentials=None, insecure=False, compression=None, wait_for_ready=None, timeout=None, metadata=None)[source]
static getSnortIdsMonitorStatus(request, target, options=(), channel_credentials=None, call_credentials=None, insecure=False, compression=None, wait_for_ready=None, timeout=None, metadata=None)[source]
static startSnortIds(request, target, options=(), channel_credentials=None, call_credentials=None, insecure=False, compression=None, wait_for_ready=None, timeout=None, metadata=None)[source]
static startSnortIdsMonitor(request, target, options=(), channel_credentials=None, call_credentials=None, insecure=False, compression=None, wait_for_ready=None, timeout=None, metadata=None)[source]
static stopSnortIds(request, target, options=(), channel_credentials=None, call_credentials=None, insecure=False, compression=None, wait_for_ready=None, timeout=None, metadata=None)[source]
static stopSnortIdsMonitor(request, target, options=(), channel_credentials=None, call_credentials=None, insecure=False, compression=None, wait_for_ready=None, timeout=None, metadata=None)[source]
class csle_collector.snort_ids_manager.snort_ids_manager_pb2_grpc.SnortIdsManagerServicer[source]

Bases: object

Interface exported by the server

getSnortIdsAlerts(request, context)[source]

Missing associated documentation comment in .proto file.

getSnortIdsMonitorStatus(request, context)[source]

Missing associated documentation comment in .proto file.

startSnortIds(request, context)[source]

Missing associated documentation comment in .proto file.

startSnortIdsMonitor(request, context)[source]

Missing associated documentation comment in .proto file.

stopSnortIds(request, context)[source]

Missing associated documentation comment in .proto file.

stopSnortIdsMonitor(request, context)[source]

Missing associated documentation comment in .proto file.

class csle_collector.snort_ids_manager.snort_ids_manager_pb2_grpc.SnortIdsManagerStub(channel)[source]

Bases: object

Interface exported by the server

csle_collector.snort_ids_manager.snort_ids_manager_pb2_grpc.add_SnortIdsManagerServicer_to_server(servicer, server)[source]

csle_collector.snort_ids_manager.snort_ids_manager_util module

class csle_collector.snort_ids_manager.snort_ids_manager_util.SnortIdsManagerUtil[source]

Bases: object

Class with utility functions related to the Snort IDS Manager

static check_snort_ids_alerts() List[SnortIdsAlert][source]

Reads alerts from the Snort IDS alerts log


a list of alerts

static check_snort_ids_fast_log() List[SnortIdsFastLogAlert][source]

Reads alerts from the Snort IDS fast-log


env_config – the environment config


a list of alerts

static get_latest_snort_alert_ts() float[source]

Gets the latest timestamp in the snort alerts log


env_config – the environment config


the latest timestamp

static read_snort_ids_data(episode_last_alert_ts: float) Tuple[SnortIdsAlertCounters, SnortIdsRuleCounters, List[SnortIdsIPAlertCounters]][source]

Measures metrics from the Snort ids

  • env_config – environment configuration

  • episode_last_alert_ts – timestamp when the episode started


ids statistics

static snort_ids_log_dto_empty() SnortIdsLogDTO[source]

an empty SnortIdsLogDTO

static snort_ids_log_dto_from_dict(d: Dict[str, Any]) SnortIdsLogDTO[source]

Converts a dict representation of a SnortIdsLogDTO to a DTO


d – the dict to convert


the converted DTO

static snort_ids_log_dto_to_dict(snort_ids_log_dto: SnortIdsLogDTO) Dict[str, Any][source]

Converts a SnortIdsLogDTO to a dict


snort_ids_log_dto – the DTO to convert


a dict representation of the DTO

static snort_ids_monitor_dto_empty() SnortIdsMonitorDTO[source]

An empty SnortIdsMonitorDTO

static snort_ids_monitor_dto_from_dict(d: Dict[str, Any]) SnortIdsMonitorDTO[source]

Converts a dict representation of a SnortIDSMonitorDTO to a DTO


d – the dict to convert


the converted DTO

static snort_ids_monitor_dto_to_dict(snort_ids_monitor_dto: SnortIdsMonitorDTO) Dict[str, Any][source]

Converts a SnortIDSMonitorDTO to a dict


snort_ids_monitor_dto – the dto to convert


a dict representation of the DTO

Module contents