import threading
import time
from confluent_kafka import Consumer, KafkaError, KafkaException
import csle_collector.constants.constants as collector_constants
from csle_collector.host_manager.dao.host_metrics import HostMetrics
from csle_common.logging.log import Logger
[docs]class HostMetricsConsumerThread(threading.Thread):
Thread that polls Kafka to get the latest metrics for a specific host
def __init__(self, host_ip: str, kafka_server_ip: str, kafka_port: int,
host_metrics: HostMetrics, auto_offset_reset: str = "latest") -> None:
Initializes the thread
:param host_ip: the ip of the host
:param kafka_server_ip: the ip of the kafka server
:param kafka_port: the port of the kafka server
:param machine: the machine state to update
:param auto_offset_reset: the offset for kafka to start reading from
self.running = True
self.host_ip = host_ip
self.kafka_server_ip = kafka_server_ip
self.kafka_port = kafka_port
self.ts = time.time()
self.kafka_conf = {
collector_constants.KAFKA.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_PROPERTY: f"{self.kafka_server_ip}:{self.kafka_port}",
collector_constants.KAFKA.GROUP_ID_PROPERTY: f"host_metrics_consumer_thread_{self.host_ip}_{self.ts}",
collector_constants.KAFKA.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_PROPERTY: auto_offset_reset}
self.consumer = Consumer(**self.kafka_conf)
self.host_metrics = host_metrics
[docs] def run(self) -> None:
Runs the thread
:return: None
while self.running:
msg = self.consumer.poll(timeout=5.0)
if msg is not None:
if msg.error():
if msg.error().code() == KafkaError._PARTITION_EOF:
f"reached end of partition: {msg.topic(), msg.partition(), msg.offset()}")
elif msg.error():
raise KafkaException(msg.error())
self.host_metrics.update_with_kafka_record(record=msg.value().decode(), ip=self.host_ip)