Source code for csle_common.dao.emulation_config.elk_config

from typing import Dict, Any, List
from csle_common.dao.emulation_config.node_container_config import NodeContainerConfig
from csle_common.dao.emulation_config.node_resources_config import NodeResourcesConfig
from csle_common.dao.emulation_config.node_firewall_config import NodeFirewallConfig
from csle_base.json_serializable import JSONSerializable

[docs]class ElkConfig(JSONSerializable): """ Represents the configuration of an ELK node in CSLE """ def __init__(self, container: NodeContainerConfig, resources: NodeResourcesConfig, firewall_config: NodeFirewallConfig, elk_manager_log_file: str, elk_manager_log_dir: str, elk_manager_max_workers: int, elastic_port: int = 9200, kibana_port: int = 5601, logstash_port: int = 5044, time_step_len_seconds: int = 15, elk_manager_port: int = 50045, version: str = "0.0.1") -> None: """ Initializes the DTO :param container: the container for the ELK stack :param network: the network :param elastic_port: the port that the Elastic db server is listening to :param kibana_port: the port that the kibana web server listens to :param logstash_port: the port that the logstash beat interface listens to :param elk_manager_port: the default port for the gRPC manager :param time_step_len_seconds: the length of a time-step (period for logging) :param firewall_config: the firewall configuration :param container: the container :param version: the version :param elk_manager_log_file: the log file of the elk manager :param elk_manager_log_dir: the log dir of the elk manager :param elk_manager_max_workers: the maximum number of GRPC workers for the elk maanger """ self.elastic_port = elastic_port self.kibana_port = kibana_port self.logstash_port = logstash_port self.elk_manager_port = elk_manager_port self.time_step_len_seconds = time_step_len_seconds self.version = version self.container = container self.resources = resources self.firewall_config = firewall_config self.elk_manager_log_file = elk_manager_log_file self.elk_manager_log_dir = elk_manager_log_dir self.elk_manager_max_workers = elk_manager_max_workers
[docs] @staticmethod def from_dict(d: Dict[str, Any]) -> "ElkConfig": """ Converts a dict representation to an instance :param d: the dict to convert :return: the created instance """ obj = ElkConfig( container=NodeContainerConfig.from_dict(d["container"]), resources=NodeResourcesConfig.from_dict(d["resources"]), elastic_port=d["elastic_port"], kibana_port=d["kibana_port"], logstash_port=d["logstash_port"], time_step_len_seconds=d["time_step_len_seconds"], elk_manager_port=d["elk_manager_port"], version=d["version"], firewall_config=NodeFirewallConfig.from_dict(d["firewall_config"]), elk_manager_max_workers=d["elk_manager_max_workers"], elk_manager_log_dir=d["elk_manager_log_dir"], elk_manager_log_file=d["elk_manager_log_file"] ) return obj
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Converts the object to a dict representation :return: a dict representation of the object """ d: Dict[str, Any] = {} d["container"] = self.container.to_dict() d["resources"] = self.resources.to_dict() d["elastic_port"] = self.elastic_port d["kibana_port"] = self.kibana_port d["logstash_port"] = self.logstash_port d["elk_manager_port"] = self.elk_manager_port d["time_step_len_seconds"] = self.time_step_len_seconds d["version"] = self.version d["firewall_config"] = self.firewall_config.to_dict() d["elk_manager_log_file"] = self.elk_manager_log_file d["elk_manager_log_dir"] = self.elk_manager_log_dir d["elk_manager_max_workers"] = self.elk_manager_max_workers return d
def __str__(self) -> str: """ :return: a string representation of the object """ return f"container: {self.container}, " \ f"elastic port:{self.elastic_port}, version: {self.version}, resources: {self.resources}, " \ f"kibana port: {self.kibana_port}, logstash_port: {self.logstash_port} " \ f"elk_manager_port:{self.elk_manager_port}, time_step_len_seconds: {self.time_step_len_seconds}, " \ f"firewall_config: {self.firewall_config}, " \ f"elk_manager_log_file: {self.elk_manager_log_file}, " \ f"elk_manager_log_dir: {self.elk_manager_log_dir}, " \ f"elk_manager_max_workers: {self.elk_manager_max_workers}"
[docs] @staticmethod def from_json_file(json_file_path: str) -> "ElkConfig": """ Reads a json file and converts it to a DTO :param json_file_path: the json file path :return: the converted DTO """ import io import json with, 'r') as f: json_str = return ElkConfig.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
[docs] def copy(self) -> "ElkConfig": """ :return: a copy of the DTO """ return ElkConfig.from_dict(self.to_dict())
[docs] def create_execution_config(self, ip_first_octet: int, physical_servers: List[str]) -> "ElkConfig": """ Creates a new config for an execution :param ip_first_octet: the first octet of the IP of the new execution :param physical_servers: the physical servers where the execution is deployedn :return: the new config """ config = self.copy() config.container = config.container.create_execution_config(ip_first_octet=ip_first_octet, physical_servers=physical_servers) config.resources = config.resources.create_execution_config(ip_first_octet=ip_first_octet) config.firewall_config = config.firewall_config.create_execution_config(ip_first_octet=ip_first_octet) return config
[docs] @staticmethod def schema() -> "ElkConfig": """ :return: get the schema of the DTO """ return ElkConfig(container=NodeContainerConfig.schema(), resources=NodeResourcesConfig.schema(), firewall_config=NodeFirewallConfig.schema(), elk_manager_log_file="elk_manager.log", elk_manager_log_dir="/", elk_manager_max_workers=10)