Source code for csle_common.dao.system_identification.gaussian_mixture_conditional

from typing import List, Dict, Any
from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture
from scipy.stats import norm
import numpy as np
from csle_base.json_serializable import JSONSerializable

[docs]class GaussianMixtureConditional(JSONSerializable): """ A DTO representing a Gaussian Mixture Conditional Distribution """ def __init__(self, conditional_name: str, metric_name: str, num_mixture_components: int, dim: int, mixtures_means: List[List[float]], mixtures_covariance_matrix: List[List[List[float]]], mixture_weights: List[float], sample_space: List[int]) -> None: """ Initializes the DTO :param conditional_name: the name of the conditional :param num_mixture_components: the number of mixture components :param dim: the dimension of the distribution, i.e., if it is multivariate :param mixtures_means: the means of the mixtures :param mixtures_covariance_matrix: the covariance matrices of the mixtures :param mixture_weights: the mixture weights :param sample_space: the sampĺe space """ self.conditional_name = conditional_name self.dim = dim self.num_mixture_components = num_mixture_components self.mixtures_means = mixtures_means self.mixtures_covariance_matrix = mixtures_covariance_matrix self.mixture_weights = mixture_weights self.metric_name = metric_name self.sample_space = sample_space self.weighted_mixture_distributions: List[List[float]] = [] self.generate_distributions() self.combined_distribution: List[float] = []
[docs] def generate_distributions(self) -> None: """ Generates the combined mixture distribution by taking a convex combination of the Gaussians. :return: None """ self.sample_space.sort() dists = [] for weight, mean, covar in zip(self.mixture_weights, self.mixtures_means, self.mixtures_covariance_matrix): dists.append(list(weight * norm.pdf(self.sample_space, mean, np.sqrt(covar)).ravel())) self.weighted_mixture_distributions = dists combined_dist = np.zeros(len(self.sample_space)) for dist in dists: d_arr = np.array(dist) combined_dist = combined_dist + d_arr self.combined_distribution = list(combined_dist)
[docs] def generate_distributions_for_samples(self, samples: List[float], normalize: bool = False): """ Generates a distribution over a given list of samples :param samples: the samples to generate the distribution for :param normalize: a boolean flag indicating whether the density distribution should be normalized or not :return: the mixture distribution over the given samples. """ samples.sort() dists = [] for weight, mean, covar in zip(self.mixture_weights, self.mixtures_means, self.mixtures_covariance_matrix): density_dist = list(weight * norm.pdf(samples, mean, np.sqrt(covar)).ravel()) dists.append(density_dist) combined_density_dist = np.zeros(len(samples)) for density_dist in dists: d_arr = np.array(density_dist) combined_density_dist = combined_density_dist + d_arr combined_density_dist_1 = list(combined_density_dist) if normalize: combined_prob_dist = list(np.array(combined_density_dist_1) * (1 / sum(combined_density_dist_1))) else: combined_prob_dist = combined_density_dist_1 return combined_prob_dist
[docs] @staticmethod def from_dict(d: Dict[str, Any]) -> "GaussianMixtureConditional": """ Converts a dict representation of the DTO into an instance :param d: the dict to convert :return: the converted instance """ return GaussianMixtureConditional( conditional_name=d["conditional_name"], num_mixture_components=d["num_mixture_components"], dim=d["dim"], mixtures_means=d["mixture_means"], mixtures_covariance_matrix=d["mixtures_covariance_matrix"], mixture_weights=d["mixture_weights"], metric_name=d["metric_name"], sample_space=d["sample_space"] )
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ :return: a dict representation of the DTO """ d: Dict[str, Any] = {} d["conditional_name"] = self.conditional_name d["dim"] = self.dim d["num_mixture_components"] = self.num_mixture_components d["mixture_means"] = self.mixtures_means d["mixtures_covariance_matrix"] = self.mixtures_covariance_matrix d["mixture_weights"] = self.mixture_weights d["metric_name"] = self.metric_name d["sample_space"] = self.sample_space d["weighted_mixture_distributions"] = self.weighted_mixture_distributions d["combined_distribution"] = self.combined_distribution return d
def __str__(self) -> str: """ :return: a string representation of the DTO """ return f"conditional_name:{self.conditional_name}, num_mixture_components: {self.num_mixture_components}, " \ f"dim: {self.dim}, mixtures_means: {self.mixtures_means}, " \ f"mixtures_covariance_matrix: {self.mixtures_covariance_matrix}, " \ f"mixture_weights: {self.mixture_weights}," \ f"metric_name: {self.metric_name}, sample space: {self.sample_space}, " \ f"combined distribution: {self.combined_distribution}"
[docs] @staticmethod def from_json_file(json_file_path: str) -> "GaussianMixtureConditional": """ Reads a json file and converts it to a DTO :param json_file_path: the json file path :return: the converted DTO """ import io import json with, 'r') as f: json_str = return GaussianMixtureConditional.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
[docs] @staticmethod def from_sklearn_gaussian_mixture(gmm: GaussianMixture, conditional_name: str, metric_name: str, num_components: int, sample_space: List[int], dim: int = 1) -> "GaussianMixtureConditional": """ Creates the DTO from a Gaussian mixture fitted with sklearn :param gmm: the sklearn model :param conditional_name: the name of the conditional :param metric_name: the metric name :param num_components: the number of components of the mixture :param dim: the dimension of the mixture :param sample_space: the sample space :return: a GaussianMixtureConditional instance """ mixture_weights = list(gmm.weights_) means = list(gmm.means_.tolist()) covariances = list(gmm.covariances_.tolist()) return GaussianMixtureConditional( conditional_name=conditional_name, metric_name=metric_name, num_mixture_components=num_components, mixtures_means=means, mixtures_covariance_matrix=covariances, mixture_weights=mixture_weights, dim=dim, sample_space=sample_space)