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from typing import List, Dict, Union, Tuple, Any
import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import NDArray
import torch
import math
from torch.distributions import Categorical
from csle_common.models.fnn_w_softmax import FNNwithSoftmax
import csle_common.constants.constants as constants
from import Policy
from import AgentType
from import PlayerType
from csle_common.dao.simulation_config.state import State
from csle_common.dao.simulation_config.state_type import StateType
from csle_common.dao.simulation_config.action import Action
from import ExperimentConfig
from import PolicyType
from csle_common.logging.log import Logger

[docs]class FNNWithSoftmaxPolicy(Policy): """ A feed-forward neural network policy with softmax output """ def __init__(self, policy_network, simulation_name: str, save_path: str, player_type: PlayerType, states: List[State], actions: List[Action], experiment_config: ExperimentConfig, avg_R: float, input_dim: int, output_dim: int): """ Initializes the policy :param policy_network: the PPO model :param simulation_name: the simulation name :param save_path: the path to save the model to :param states: list of states (required for computing stage policies) :param actions: list of actions :param experiment_config: the experiment configuration for training the policy :param avg_R: the average reward of the policy when evaluated in the simulation """ super(FNNWithSoftmaxPolicy, self).__init__(agent_type=AgentType.PPO, player_type=player_type) self.policy_network = policy_network = -1 self.simulation_name = simulation_name self.save_path = save_path self.states = states self.actions = actions self.experiment_config = experiment_config self.avg_R = avg_R self.input_dim = input_dim self.output_dim = output_dim self.policy_type = PolicyType.FNN_W_SOFTMAX if self.policy_network is None and self.save_path != "": try: hidden_dim = \ self.experiment_config.hparams[constants.NEURAL_NETWORKS.NUM_NEURONS_PER_HIDDEN_LAYER].value hidden_layers = self.experiment_config.hparams[constants.NEURAL_NETWORKS.NUM_HIDDEN_LAYERS].value activation = self.experiment_config.hparams[constants.NEURAL_NETWORKS.ACTIVATION_FUNCTION].value if not isinstance(hidden_dim, int): raise ValueError(f"The number of neurons must be an integer, got type: {type(hidden_dim)}") if not isinstance(hidden_layers, int): raise ValueError(f"The number of layers must be an integer, got type: {type(hidden_layers)}") if not isinstance(activation, str): raise ValueError(f"The type of the actvation function must be a string, " f"got type: {type(activation)}") self.policy_network = FNNwithSoftmax( input_dim=input_dim, output_dim=output_dim, hidden_dim=hidden_dim, num_hidden_layers=hidden_layers, hidden_activation=activation) self.policy_network = self.policy_network.load_state_dict(torch.load(self.save_path)) except Exception as e: Logger.__call__().get_logger().warning( f"There was an exception loading the model from path: {self.save_path}, " f"exception: {str(e)}, {repr(e)}")
[docs] def action(self, o: NDArray[Any], deterministic: bool = True) -> Any: """ Multi-threshold stopping policy :param o: the current observation :param deterministic: boolean flag indicating whether the action selection should be deterministic :return: the selected action """ state = torch.from_numpy(o).float() device = self.experiment_config.hparams[constants.NEURAL_NETWORKS.DEVICE].value if not isinstance(device, str): raise ValueError(f"Device must be a str, got type: {type(device)}") state1 = # Forward pass using the current policy network to predict P(a|s) action_probs = self.policy_network(state1).squeeze() # Set probability of non-legal actions to 0 action_probs_1 = action_probs.clone() # Use torch.distributions package to create a parameterizable probability distribution of the learned policy # PG uses a trick to turn the gradient into a stochastic gradient which we can sample from in order to # approximate the true gradient (which we can’t compute directly). It can be seen as an alternative to the # reparameterization trick policy_dist = Categorical(action_probs_1) # Sample an action from the probability distribution action = policy_dist.sample() return action
[docs] def get_action_and_log_prob(self, state: NDArray[Any]) -> Tuple[int, float]: """ Samples an action from the policy network :param policy_network: the policy network :param state: the state to sample an action for :return: The sampled action id and the log probability """ state1 = torch.from_numpy(state.flatten()).float() device = self.experiment_config.hparams[constants.NEURAL_NETWORKS.DEVICE].value if not isinstance(device, str): raise ValueError(f"Device must be a str, got type: {type(device)}") state2 = # Forward pass using the current policy network to predict P(a|s) action_probs = self.policy_network(state2).squeeze() # Set probability of non-legal actions to 0 action_probs_1 = action_probs.clone() # Use torch.distributions package to create a parameterizable probability distribution of the learned policy # PG uses a trick to turn the gradient into a stochastic gradient which we can sample from in order to # approximate the true gradient (which we can’t compute directly). It can be seen as an alternative to the # reparameterization trick policy_dist = Categorical(action_probs_1) # Sample an action from the probability distribution action = policy_dist.sample() # log_prob returns the log of the probability density/mass function evaluated at value. # save the log_prob as it will use later on for computing the policy gradient # policy gradient theorem says that the stochastic gradient of the expected return of the current policy is # the log gradient of the policy times the expected return, therefore we save the log of the policy distribution # now and use it later to compute the gradient once the episode has finished. log_prob = policy_dist.log_prob(action) return action.item(), log_prob
[docs] def probability(self, o: NDArray[Any], a: int) -> Union[int, float]: """ Multi-threshold stopping policy :param o: the current observation :return: the selected action """ action, log_prob = self.get_action_and_log_prob(state=o) if action == a: return math.exp(log_prob) else: return 0
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ :return: a dict representation of the policy """ d: Dict[str, Any] = {} d["id"] = d["simulation_name"] = self.simulation_name d["save_path"] = self.save_path d["states"] = list(map(lambda x: x.to_dict(), self.states)) d["player_type"] = self.player_type d["actions"] = list(map(lambda x: x.to_dict(), self.actions)) d["experiment_config"] = self.experiment_config.to_dict() d["agent_type"] = self.agent_type d["avg_R"] = self.avg_R d["input_dim"] = self.input_dim d["output_dim"] = self.output_dim d["policy_type"] = self.policy_type return d
[docs] @staticmethod def from_dict(d: Dict[str, Any]) -> "FNNWithSoftmaxPolicy": """ Converst a dict representation of the object to an instance :param d: the dict to convert :return: the created instance """ obj = FNNWithSoftmaxPolicy(policy_network=None, simulation_name=d["simulation_name"], save_path=d["save_path"], states=list(map(lambda x: State.from_dict(x), d["states"])), player_type=d["player_type"], actions=list(map(lambda x: Action.from_dict(x), d["actions"])), experiment_config=ExperimentConfig.from_dict(d["experiment_config"]), avg_R=d["avg_R"], input_dim=d["input_dim"], output_dim=d["output_dim"]) # policy_type=d["policy_type"]) = d["id"] return obj
[docs] def stage_policy(self, o: Union[List[int], List[float]]) -> List[List[float]]: """ Gets the stage policy, i.e a |S|x|A| policy :param o: the latest observation :return: the |S|x|A| stage policy """ b1 = o[1] l = int(o[0]) if not self.player_type == PlayerType.ATTACKER: stage_policy = [] for _ in self.states: stage_policy.append(self._get_attacker_dist(obs=o)) return stage_policy else: stage_policy = [] for s in self.states: if s.state_type != StateType.TERMINAL: o = [l, b1,] stage_policy.append(self._get_attacker_dist(obs=o)) else: stage_policy.append([0.5, 0.5]) return stage_policy
def _get_attacker_dist(self, obs) -> List[float]: """ Utility function for getting the action distribution conditioned on a given observation :param obs: the observation to condition on :return: the conditional ation distribution """ obs = np.array([obs]) actions, values, log_prob = self.policy_network.policy.forward( obs=torch.tensor(obs).to(self.policy_network.device)) action = actions[0] if action == 1: stop_prob = math.exp(log_prob) else: stop_prob = 1 - math.exp(log_prob) return [1 - stop_prob, stop_prob] def __str__(self) -> str: """ :return: a string representation of the object """ return f"policy network: {self.policy_network}, id: {}, simulation_name: {self.simulation_name}, " \ f"save path: {self.save_path}, states: {self.states}, experiment_config: {self.experiment_config}," \ f"avg_R: {self.avg_R}, input_dim: {self.input_dim}, output_dim: {self.output_dim}"
[docs] @staticmethod def from_json_file(json_file_path: str) -> "FNNWithSoftmaxPolicy": """ Reads a json file and converts it to a DTO :param json_file_path: the json file path :return: the converted DTO """ import io import json with, 'r') as f: json_str = return FNNWithSoftmaxPolicy.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
[docs] def save_policy_network(self) -> None: """ Saves the PyTorch Model Weights :return: None """ path = self.save_path, path)
[docs] def copy(self) -> "FNNWithSoftmaxPolicy": """ :return: a copy of the DTO """ return self.from_dict(self.to_dict())