Source code for

from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Union, Optional, Any
import math
import random
import numpy as np
import csle_common.constants.constants as constants
from import Policy
from import AgentType
from csle_common.dao.simulation_config.state import State
from csle_common.dao.simulation_config.state_type import StateType
from import PlayerType
from csle_common.dao.simulation_config.action import Action
from import ExperimentConfig
from import PolicyType

[docs]class MultiThresholdStoppingPolicy(Policy): """ A multi-threshold stopping policy """ def __init__(self, theta: List[float], simulation_name: str, L: int, states: List[State], player_type: PlayerType, actions: List[Action], experiment_config: Optional[ExperimentConfig], avg_R: float, agent_type: AgentType, opponent_strategy: Optional["MultiThresholdStoppingPolicy"] = None): """ Initializes the policy :param theta: the threshold vector :param simulation_name: the simulation name :param attacker: whether it is an attacker or not :param L: the number of stop actions :param states: list of states (required for computing stage policies) :param actions: list of actions :param experiment_config: the experiment configuration used for training the policy :param avg_R: the average reward of the policy when evaluated in the simulation :param agent_type: the agent type :param opponent_strategy: optionally an opponent strategy """ super(MultiThresholdStoppingPolicy, self).__init__(agent_type=agent_type, player_type=player_type) self.theta = theta = -1 self.simulation_name = simulation_name self.L = L self.states = states self.actions = actions self.experiment_config = experiment_config self.avg_R = avg_R self.opponent_strategy = opponent_strategy self.policy_type = PolicyType.MULTI_THRESHOLD
[docs] def action(self, o: List[float], deterministic: bool = True) -> int: """ Multi-threshold stopping policy :param o: the current observation :param deterministic: boolean flag indicating whether the action selection should be deterministic :return: the selected action """ if not self.player_type == PlayerType.ATTACKER: a, _ = self._defender_action(o=o) return a else: a, _ = self._attacker_action(o=o) return a
[docs] def probability(self, o: List[float], a: int) -> float: """ Probability of a given action :param o: the current observation :param a: a given action :return: the probability of a """ if not self.player_type == PlayerType.ATTACKER: _, prob = self._defender_action(o=o) return prob else: _, prob = self._attacker_action(o=o) return prob
def _attacker_action(self, o, defender_stopping_prob: Optional[float] = None) -> Tuple[int, float]: """ Multi-threshold stopping policy of the attacker :param o: the input observation :param defender_stopping_prob: the defender's stop probability (optional) :return: the selected action (int) and its probability """ s = o[2] l = int(o[0]) if s == 2: return 0, 1.0 if int(s * self.L + l - 1) <= len(self.theta): theta_val = self.theta[int(s * self.L + l - 1)] else: theta_val = self.theta[0] if defender_stopping_prob is None: if self.opponent_strategy is None: raise ValueError("The opponent strategy is None") a1, prob = self.opponent_strategy._defender_action(o=o) if a1 == 1: defender_stopping_prob = prob else: defender_stopping_prob = 1 - prob threshold = MultiThresholdStoppingPolicy.sigmoid(theta_val) if s == 0: a, attacker_action_prob = MultiThresholdStoppingPolicy.smooth_threshold_action_selection( threshold=threshold, b1=defender_stopping_prob, threshold_action=0, alternative_action=1, k=-20) elif s == 1: a, attacker_action_prob = MultiThresholdStoppingPolicy.smooth_threshold_action_selection( threshold=threshold, b1=defender_stopping_prob, threshold_action=1, alternative_action=0, k=-20) elif s == 2: a = 0 attacker_action_prob = 1.0 else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid state: {s}, valid states are: 0, 1, and 2") return a, attacker_action_prob
[docs] def stage_policy(self, o: Union[List[int], List[float]]) -> List[List[float]]: """ Gets the stage policy, i.e a |S|x|A| policy :param o: the latest observation :return: the |S|x|A| stage policy """ b1 = o[1] l = int(o[0]) threshold = MultiThresholdStoppingPolicy.sigmoid(self.theta[l - 1]) if not self.player_type == PlayerType.ATTACKER: stage_policy = [] for _ in self.states: stopping_probability = MultiThresholdStoppingPolicy.stopping_probability(b1=b1, threshold=threshold, k=-20) stage_policy.append([1 - stopping_probability, stopping_probability]) return stage_policy else: stage_policy = [] if self.opponent_strategy is None: raise ValueError("The opponent strategy is None") a1, defender_stopping_probability = self.opponent_strategy._defender_action(o=o) if a1 == 0: defender_stopping_probability = 1 - defender_stopping_probability for s in self.states: if s.state_type != StateType.TERMINAL: theta_val = self.theta[ * self.L + l - 1] threshold = MultiThresholdStoppingPolicy.sigmoid(theta_val) threshold_action_probability = MultiThresholdStoppingPolicy.stopping_probability( b1=defender_stopping_probability, threshold=threshold, k=-20) if == 1: stage_policy.append([1 - threshold_action_probability, threshold_action_probability]) elif == 0: stage_policy.append([threshold_action_probability, 1 - threshold_action_probability]) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid state: {}, valid states are: 0 and 1") else: stage_policy.append([0.5, 0.5]) return stage_policy
def _defender_action(self, o) -> Tuple[int, float]: """ Multi-threshold stopping policy of the defender :param o: the input observation :return: the selected action (int) and its probability """ b1 = o[1] l = int(o[0]) if l > len(self.theta): l = len(self.theta) threshold = MultiThresholdStoppingPolicy.sigmoid(self.theta[l - 1]) a, prob = MultiThresholdStoppingPolicy.smooth_threshold_action_selection( threshold=threshold, b1=b1, threshold_action=1, alternative_action=0) return a, prob
[docs] @staticmethod def sigmoid(x) -> float: """ The sigmoid function :param x: the input :return: sigmoid(x) """ return 1 / (1 + math.exp(-x))
[docs] @staticmethod def inverse_sigmoid(y) -> float: """ The inverse sigmoid function :param y: sigmoid(x) :return: sigmoid(x)^(-1) """ return math.log(y / (1 - y), math.e)
[docs] @staticmethod def smooth_threshold_action_selection(threshold: float, b1: float, threshold_action: int = 1, alternative_action: int = 1, k=-20) -> Tuple[int, float]: """ Selects the next action according to a smooth threshold function on the belief :param threshold: the threshold :param b1: the belief :param threshold_action: the action to select if the threshold is exceeded :param alternative_action: the alternative action to select if the threshold is not exceeded :return: the selected action and the probability """ prob = MultiThresholdStoppingPolicy.stopping_probability(b1=b1, threshold=threshold, k=k) if random.uniform(0, 1) >= prob: return alternative_action, 1 - prob else: return threshold_action, prob
[docs] @staticmethod def stopping_probability(b1, threshold, k=-20) -> float: """ Returns the probability of stopping given a belief and a threshold :param b1: the belief :param threshold: the threshold :return: the stopping probability """ if (1 - round(b1, 2)) == 0: return 1.0 if round(b1, 2) == 0: return 0.0 if (threshold * (1 - b1)) > 0 and (b1 * (1 - threshold)) / (threshold * (1 - b1)) > 0: try: return math.pow(1 + math.pow(((b1 * (1 - threshold)) / (threshold * (1 - b1))), k), -1) except Exception: return 0.0 else: return 0.0
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ :return: a dict representation of the policy """ d: Dict[str, Any] = {} d["theta"] = self.theta d["id"] = d["simulation_name"] = self.simulation_name d["thresholds"] = self.thresholds() d["states"] = list(map(lambda x: x.to_dict(), self.states)) d["actions"] = list(map(lambda x: x.to_dict(), self.actions)) d["player_type"] = self.player_type d["agent_type"] = self.agent_type d["L"] = self.L if self.experiment_config is not None: d["experiment_config"] = self.experiment_config.to_dict() else: d["experiment_config"] = None d["avg_R"] = self.avg_R d["policy_type"] = self.policy_type return d
[docs] @staticmethod def from_dict(d: Dict[str, Any]) -> "MultiThresholdStoppingPolicy": """ Convert a dict representation of the object to an instance :param d: the dict to convert :return: the created instance """ obj = MultiThresholdStoppingPolicy( theta=d["theta"], simulation_name=d["simulation_name"], L=d["L"], states=list(map(lambda x: State.from_dict(x), d["states"])), player_type=d["player_type"], actions=list(map(lambda x: Action.from_dict(x), d["actions"])), experiment_config=ExperimentConfig.from_dict(d["experiment_config"]), avg_R=d["avg_R"], agent_type=d["agent_type"]) = d["id"] return obj
[docs] def thresholds(self) -> List[float]: """ :return: the thresholds """ return list(map(lambda x: round(MultiThresholdStoppingPolicy.sigmoid(x), 3), self.theta))
[docs] def stop_distributions(self) -> Dict[str, List[float]]: """ :return: the stop distributions and their names """ distributions = {} if self.player_type == PlayerType.DEFENDER: belief_space = np.linspace(0, 1, num=100) for l in range(1, self.L + 1): stop_dist = [] for b in belief_space: a1, prob = self._defender_action(o=[l, b]) if a1 == 1: stop_dist.append(round(prob, 3)) else: stop_dist.append(round(1 - prob, 3)) distributions[constants.T_SPSA.STOP_DISTRIBUTION_DEFENDER + f"_l={l}"] = stop_dist else: defender_stop_space = np.linspace(0, 1, num=100) for s in self.states: if s.state_type != StateType.TERMINAL: for l in range(1, self.L + 1): stop_dist = [] for pi_1_S in defender_stop_space: a2, prob = self._attacker_action(o=[l, pi_1_S,], defender_stopping_prob=pi_1_S) if a2 == 1: stop_dist.append(round(prob, 3)) else: stop_dist.append(round(1 - prob, 3)) distributions[constants.T_SPSA.STOP_DISTRIBUTION_ATTACKER + f"_l={l}_s={}"] = \ stop_dist return distributions
def __str__(self) -> str: """ :return: a string representation of the object """ return f"theta: {self.theta}, id: {}, simulation_name: {self.simulation_name}, " \ f"thresholds: {self.thresholds()}, player_type: {self.player_type}, " \ f"L:{self.L}, states: {self.states}, agent_type: {self.agent_type}, actions: {self.actions}," \ f"experiment_config: {self.experiment_config}, avg_R: {self.avg_R}, policy_type: {self.policy_type}"
[docs] @staticmethod def from_json_file(json_file_path: str) -> "MultiThresholdStoppingPolicy": """ Reads a json file and converts it to a DTO :param json_file_path: the json file path :return: the converted DTO """ import io import json with, 'r') as f: json_str = return MultiThresholdStoppingPolicy.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
[docs] def copy(self) -> "MultiThresholdStoppingPolicy": """ :return: a copy of the DTO """ return self.from_dict(self.to_dict())