from typing import Tuple, List, Union
import time
import paramiko
import psutil
import csle_collector.constants.constants as collector_constants
import csle_common.constants.constants as constants
from csle_common.dao.emulation_config.emulation_env_config import EmulationEnvConfig
from csle_common.dao.emulation_action.attacker.emulation_attacker_action import EmulationAttackerAction
from csle_common.dao.emulation_observation.common.emulation_connection_observation_state \
import EmulationConnectionObservationState
from csle_common.dao.emulation_config.emulation_env_state import EmulationEnvState
from csle_common.dao.emulation_action.attacker.emulation_attacker_action_id import EmulationAttackerActionId
from csle_common.util.env_dynamics_util import EnvDynamicsUtil
from csle_common.dao.emulation_action.attacker.emulation_attacker_action_type import EmulationAttackerActionType
from csle_common.dao.emulation_action.attacker.emulation_attacker_action_outcome import EmulationAttackerActionOutcome
from csle_common.dao.emulation_config.credential import Credential
from csle_common.dao.emulation_config.transport_protocol import TransportProtocol
from csle_common.util.ssh_util import SSHUtil
from csle_common.logging.log import Logger
[docs]class EmulationUtil:
Class containing utility functions for the emulation-middleware
[docs] @staticmethod
def execute_ssh_cmds(cmds: List[str], conn, wait_for_completion: bool = True) -> List[Tuple[bytes, bytes, float]]:
Executes a list of commands over an ssh connection to the emulation
:param cmds: the list of commands
:param conn: the ssh connection
:param wait_for_completion: whether to wait for completion of the commands or not
:return: List of tuples (outdata, errdata, total_time)
return SSHUtil.execute_ssh_cmds(cmds=cmds, conn=conn, wait_for_completion=wait_for_completion)
[docs] @staticmethod
def execute_ssh_cmd(cmd: str, conn, wait_for_completion: bool = True) -> Tuple[bytes, bytes, float]:
Executes an action on the emulation over a ssh connection,
this is a synchronous operation that waits for the completion of the action before returning
:param cmd: the command to execute
:param conn: the ssh connection
:param wait_for_completion: boolean flag whether to wait for completion or not
:return: outdata, errdata, total_time
return SSHUtil.execute_ssh_cmd(cmd=cmd, conn=conn, wait_for_completion=wait_for_completion)
[docs] @staticmethod
def log_measured_action_time(total_time, action: EmulationAttackerAction,
emulation_env_config: EmulationEnvConfig, create_producer: bool = False) -> None:
Logs the measured time of an action to Kafka
:param total_time: the total time of executing the action
:param action: the action
:param emulation_env_config: the environment config
:param create_producer: boolean flag whether to create a producer from the csle-admin
:return: None
action.execution_time = total_time
record = action.to_kafka_record()
if emulation_env_config.producer is None and create_producer:
if emulation_env_config.producer is not None:
emulation_env_config.producer.produce(collector_constants.KAFKA_CONFIG.ATTACKER_ACTIONS_TOPIC_NAME, record)
def _check_if_ssh_server_is_running(conn, telnet: bool = False) -> bool:
Checks if an ssh server is running on the machine
:param conn: the connection to use for the command
:param telnet: whether the connection is a telnet connection
:return: True if server is running, else false
cmd = "service ssh status"
if not telnet:
outdata, errdata, total_time = EmulationUtil.execute_ssh_cmd(cmd=cmd, conn=conn)
return "is running" in outdata.decode() or "is running" in errdata.decode()
cmd = cmd + "\n"
response = conn.read_until(constants.TELNET.PROMPT, timeout=5)
return "is running" in response.decode()
def _list_all_users(c: EmulationConnectionObservationState, emulation_env_config: EmulationEnvConfig,
telnet: bool = False) -> List[str]:
List all users on a machine
:param c: the connection to user for the command
:param telnet: whether it is a telnet connection
:param emulation_env_config: emulation env config
:return: list of users
cmd = constants.SHELL.LIST_ALL_USERS
users = []
if not telnet:
outdata, errdata, total_time = EmulationUtil.execute_ssh_cmd(cmd=cmd, conn=c.conn)
outdata_1 = outdata.decode()
users = outdata_1.split("\n")
users = list(filter(lambda x: x != '', users))
cmd = cmd + "\n"
response = c.conn.read_until(constants.TELNET.PROMPT, timeout=5)
response = response.decode()
users = response.split("\n")
users = list(map(lambda x: x.replace("\r", ""), users))
users = list(filter(lambda x: x != '', users))
if len(users) == 0:
if len(users) == 0:
raise ValueError("users empty, ip:{}, telnet:{}, root:{}, username:{}".format(c.ip, telnet, c.root,
return users
[docs] @staticmethod
def is_connection_active(conn):
Checks if a given connection is active or not
:param conn: the connection to check
:return: True if active, otherwise False
if conn is not None and conn.get_transport() is not None:
return conn.get_transport().is_active()
return False
[docs] @staticmethod
def setup_custom_connection(user: str, pw: str, source_ip: str, port: int, target_ip: str, proxy_conn,
root: bool) \
-> Union[EmulationConnectionObservationState, None]:
Utility function for setting up a custom SSH connection given credentials and a proxy connection
:param user: the username of the new connection
:param pw: the pw of the new connection
:param source_ip: the ip of the proxy
:param port: the port of the new connection
:param target_ip: the ip to connect to
:param proxy_conn: the proxy connection
:param root: whether it is a root connection or not
:return: the new connection
cr = Credential(username=user, pw=pw, root=root, protocol=TransportProtocol.TCP,
service=constants.SSH.SERVICE_NAME, port=constants.SSH.DEFAULT_PORT)
agent_addr = (source_ip, port)
target_addr = (target_ip, port)
agent_transport = proxy_conn.conn.get_transport()
relay_channel = agent_transport.open_channel(constants.SSH.DIRECT_CHANNEL, target_addr, agent_addr,
target_conn = paramiko.SSHClient()
target_conn.connect(target_ip, username=user, password=pw, sock=relay_channel)
transport = target_conn.get_transport()
if transport is not None:
raise ValueError(f"Connection failed, ip: {target_ip}, user: {user}, pw: {pw}")
connection_dto = EmulationConnectionObservationState(
conn=target_conn, credential=cr, root=root, service=constants.SSH.SERVICE_NAME,
port=constants.SSH.DEFAULT_PORT, proxy=proxy_conn, ip=target_ip)
return connection_dto
except Exception as e:
Logger.__call__().get_logger().warning(f"Custom connection setup failed: {str(e)}, {repr(e)}")
return None
[docs] @staticmethod
def write_remote_file(conn, file_name: str, contents: str, write_mode: str = "w") -> None:
Utility function for writing contents to a file
:param conn: the SSH connection to use for writing
:param file_name: the file name
:param contents: the contents of the file
:param write_mode: the write mode
:return: None
sftp_client = conn.open_sftp()
remote_file = sftp_client.file(file_name, mode=write_mode)
except Exception as e:
Logger.__call__().get_logger().warning(f"Exception writing file: {str(e)}, {repr(e)}")
[docs] @staticmethod
def connect_admin(emulation_env_config: EmulationEnvConfig, ip: str,
create_producer: bool = False) -> None:
Connects the admin agent
:param emulation_env_config: the configuration of the emulation to connect to
:param ip: the ip of the container to connect to
:param create_producer: boolean flag whether the producer thread to Kafka should be created also
:return: None
emulation_env_config.agent_ip = ip
emulation_env_config.connect(ip=ip, username=constants.CSLE_ADMIN.SSH_USER, pw=constants.CSLE_ADMIN.SSH_PW,
[docs] @staticmethod
def disconnect_admin(emulation_env_config: EmulationEnvConfig) -> None:
Disconnects the admin agent
:param emulation_env_config: the configuration of the emulation to disconnect the admin of
:return: None
[docs] @staticmethod
def execute_cmd_interactive_channel(cmd: str, channel) -> None:
Executes an action on the emulation using an interactive shell (non synchronous)
:param a: action to execute
:param env_config: environment config
:param channel: the channel to use
:return: None
channel.send(cmd + "\n")
[docs] @staticmethod
def read_result_interactive(emulation_env_config: EmulationEnvConfig, channel) -> str:
Reads the result of an action executed in interactive mode
:param emulation_env_config: the emulation environment config
:param the channel
:return: the result
return EmulationUtil.read_result_interactive_channel(
[docs] @staticmethod
def read_result_interactive_channel(emulation_env_config: EmulationEnvConfig, channel) -> str:
Reads the result of an action executed in interactive mode
:param emulation_env_config: the emulation environment config
:param channel: the channel to use
:return: the result
while not channel.recv_ready():
output = channel.recv(constants.COMMON.LARGE_RECV_SIZE)
output_str = output.decode("utf-8")
output_str = constants.NMAP.SHELL_ESCAPE.sub("", output_str)
return str(output_str)
[docs] @staticmethod
def is_emulation_defense_action_legal(defense_action_id: int, env_config: EmulationEnvConfig,
env_state: EmulationEnvState) -> bool:
Checks if a given defense action is legal in the current state of the environment
:param defense_action_id: the id of the action to check
:param env_config: the environment config
:param env_state: the environment state
:param attacker_action: the id of the previous attack action
:return: True if legal, else false
return True
[docs] @staticmethod
def is_emulation_attack_action_legal(attack_action_id: int, env_config: EmulationEnvConfig,
env_state: EmulationEnvState) -> bool:
Checks if a given attack action is legal in the current state of the environment
:param attack_action_id: the id of the action to check
:param env_config: the environment config
:param env_state: the environment state
:return: True if legal, else false
if attack_action_id > len(env_state.attacker_action_config.actions) - 1:
return False
action = env_state.attacker_action_config.actions[attack_action_id]
if env_state.attacker_obs_state is None:
raise ValueError("Could not obtain EmulationAttackerObservationState")
ip = env_state.attacker_obs_state.get_action_ips(action, emulation_env_config=env_config)
logged_in_ips_str = EnvDynamicsUtil.logged_in_ips_str(emulation_env_config=env_config, s=env_state)
if (, action.index, logged_in_ips_str) in env_state.attacker_obs_state.actions_tried:
return False
# Recon on subnet is always possible
if action.type == EmulationAttackerActionType.RECON and action.index == -1:
return True
# Recon on set of all found machines is always possible if there exists such machiens
if action.type == EmulationAttackerActionType.RECON and action.index == -1 and len(
env_state.attacker_obs_state.machines) > 0:
return True
# Optimal Stopping actions are always possible
if action.type == EmulationAttackerActionType.STOP or action.type == EmulationAttackerActionType.CONTINUE:
return True
machine_discovered = False
target_machine = None
logged_in = False
unscanned_filesystems = False
untried_credentials = False
root_login = False
machine_root_login = False
machine_logged_in = False
uninstalled_tools = False
machine_w_tools = False
uninstalled_backdoor = False
target_untried_credentials = False
for m in env_state.attacker_obs_state.machines:
if m.logged_in:
logged_in = True
if not m.filesystem_searched:
unscanned_filesystems = True
if m.root:
root_login = True
if not m.tools_installed and not m.install_tools_tried:
uninstalled_tools = True
machine_w_tools = True
if m.tools_installed and not m.backdoor_installed and not m.backdoor_tried:
uninstalled_backdoor = True
if m.ips == ip:
machine_discovered = True
target_machine = m
if m.logged_in:
machine_logged_in = True
if m.root:
machine_root_login = True
if m.untried_credentials:
target_untried_credentials = m.untried_credentials
# if m.shell_access and not m.logged_in:
# untried_credentials = True
if m.untried_credentials:
untried_credentials = m.untried_credentials
if action.index == -1 or == EmulationAttackerActionId.NETWORK_SERVICE_LOGIN:
machine_discovered = True
# Privilege escalation only legal if machine discovered and logged in and not root
if (action.type == EmulationAttackerActionType.PRIVILEGE_ESCALATION and
(not machine_discovered or not machine_logged_in or machine_root_login)):
return False
# Exploit only legal if we have not already compromised the node
if action.type == EmulationAttackerActionType.EXPLOIT and machine_logged_in and root_login:
return False
# Shell-access Exploit only legal if we do not already have untried credentials
if (action.type == EmulationAttackerActionType.EXPLOIT
and action.action_outcome == EmulationAttackerActionOutcome.SHELL_ACCESS
and target_untried_credentials):
return False
# Priv-Esc Exploit only legal if we are already logged in and do not have root
if action.type == EmulationAttackerActionType.EXPLOIT \
and action.action_outcome == EmulationAttackerActionOutcome.PRIVILEGE_ESCALATION_ROOT \
and (not machine_logged_in or root_login):
return False
# If IP is discovered, then IP specific action without other prerequisites is legal
if (machine_discovered and (action.type == EmulationAttackerActionType.RECON or
action.type == EmulationAttackerActionType.EXPLOIT or
action.type == EmulationAttackerActionType.PRIVILEGE_ESCALATION)):
if action.index == -1 and target_machine is None:
return True
exploit_tried = env_state.attacker_obs_state.exploit_tried(a=action, m=target_machine)
if exploit_tried:
return False
return True
# If nothing new to scan, find-flag is illegal
if == EmulationAttackerActionId.FIND_FLAG and not unscanned_filesystems:
return False
# If nothing new to backdoor, install backdoor is illegal
if == EmulationAttackerActionId.SSH_BACKDOOR and not uninstalled_backdoor:
return False
# If no new credentials, login to service is illegal
if == EmulationAttackerActionId.NETWORK_SERVICE_LOGIN and not untried_credentials:
return False
# Pivot recon possible if logged in on pivot machine with tools installed
if (machine_discovered and action.type == EmulationAttackerActionType.POST_EXPLOIT and
logged_in and machine_w_tools):
return True
# If IP is discovered, and credentials are found and shell access, then post-exploit actions are legal
if machine_discovered and action.type == EmulationAttackerActionType.POST_EXPLOIT \
and ((target_machine is not None and target_machine.shell_access
and len(target_machine.shell_access_credentials) > 0)
or action.index == -1 or == EmulationAttackerActionId.NETWORK_SERVICE_LOGIN):
return True
# Bash action not tied to specific IP only possible when having shell access and being logged in
if == EmulationAttackerActionId.FIND_FLAG and logged_in and unscanned_filesystems:
return True
# Bash action not tied to specific IP only possible when having shell access and being logged in and root
if == EmulationAttackerActionId.INSTALL_TOOLS and logged_in and root_login and uninstalled_tools:
return True
# Bash action not tied to specific IP only possible when having shell access and being logged in and root
if == EmulationAttackerActionId.SSH_BACKDOOR and logged_in and root_login \
and machine_w_tools and uninstalled_backdoor:
return True
return False
[docs] @staticmethod
def check_pid(pid: int) -> bool:
Check if a given pid is running on the host
:param pid: the pid to check
:return: True if it is running otherwise false.
return bool(psutil.Process(pid).is_running())
except Exception:
return False
[docs] @staticmethod
def physical_ip_match(emulation_env_config: EmulationEnvConfig, ip, physical_host_ip: str) -> bool:
Utility method for checking if a container ip matches a physical ip
:param emulation_env_config: the emulation config
:param ip: the ip to check
:param physical_host_ip: the physical ip
:return: True or False
if ip == emulation_env_config.kafka_config.container.docker_gw_bridge_ip and \
emulation_env_config.kafka_config.container.physical_host_ip == physical_host_ip:
return True
if ip == emulation_env_config.elk_config.container.docker_gw_bridge_ip and \
emulation_env_config.elk_config.container.physical_host_ip == physical_host_ip:
return True
if emulation_env_config.sdn_controller_config is not None and \
ip == emulation_env_config.sdn_controller_config.container.docker_gw_bridge_ip and \
emulation_env_config.sdn_controller_config.container.physical_host_ip == physical_host_ip:
return True
node_config = emulation_env_config.containers_config.get_container_from_ip(ip=ip)
if node_config is not None and node_config.physical_host_ip == physical_host_ip:
return True
return False