csle_common.dao.datasets package


csle_common.dao.datasets.statistics_dataset module

class csle_common.dao.datasets.statistics_dataset.StatisticsDataset(name: str, description: str, download_count: int, file_path: str, url: str, date_added: float, num_measurements: int, num_metrics: int, size_in_gb: float, compressed_size_in_gb: float, citation: str, num_files: int, file_format: str, added_by: str, conditions: str, metrics: str, num_conditions: int)[source]

Bases: csle_base.json_serializable.JSONSerializable

DTO representing a dataset of statistics

static from_dict(d: Dict[str, Any]) csle_common.dao.datasets.statistics_dataset.StatisticsDataset[source]

Converts a dict representation of the DTO into an instance


d – the dict to convert


the created instance

static from_json_file(json_file_path: str) csle_common.dao.datasets.statistics_dataset.StatisticsDataset[source]

Reads a json file and converts it to a DTO


json_file_path – the json file path


the converted DTO

to_dict() Dict[str, Any][source]

Converts the object to a dict representation


a dict representation of the object

csle_common.dao.datasets.traces_dataset module

class csle_common.dao.datasets.traces_dataset.TracesDataset(name: str, description: str, download_count: int, file_path: str, url: str, date_added, num_traces: int, num_attributes_per_time_step: int, size_in_gb: float, compressed_size_in_gb: float, citation: str, num_files: int, data_schema: Dict[str, Any], file_format: str, added_by: str, columns: str)[source]

Bases: csle_base.json_serializable.JSONSerializable

DTO representing a dataset of traces

static from_dict(d: Dict[str, Any]) csle_common.dao.datasets.traces_dataset.TracesDataset[source]

Converts a dict representation of the DTO into an instance


d – the dict to convert


the created instance

static from_json_file(json_file_path: str) csle_common.dao.datasets.traces_dataset.TracesDataset[source]

Reads a json file and converts it to a DTO


json_file_path – the json file path


the converted DTO

to_dict() Dict[str, Any][source]

Converts the object to a dict representation


a dict representation of the object

Module contents