Source code for csle_rest_api.resources.file.routes

Routes and sub-resources for the /file resource
from typing import Tuple
import json
import os
from flask import Blueprint, jsonify, request, Response
import csle_common.constants.constants as constants
import csle_rest_api.constants.constants as api_constants
import csle_rest_api.util.rest_api_util as rest_api_util

# Creates a blueprint "sub application" of the main REST app
file_bp = Blueprint(
    api_constants.MGMT_WEBAPP.FILE_RESOURCE, __name__,

[docs]@file_bp.route("", methods=[api_constants.MGMT_WEBAPP.HTTP_REST_POST]) def read_file() -> Tuple[Response, int]: """ The /file resource :return: Reads a given file and returns its contents """ requires_admin = False if request.method == api_constants.MGMT_WEBAPP.HTTP_REST_POST: requires_admin = True authorized = rest_api_util.check_if_user_is_authorized(request=request, requires_admin=requires_admin) if authorized is not None: return authorized path = json.loads([api_constants.MGMT_WEBAPP.PATH_PROPERTY] data = "" if os.path.exists(path): with open(path, 'r') as fp: data = data_dict = {api_constants.MGMT_WEBAPP.LOGS_PROPERTY: data} response = jsonify(data_dict) response.headers.add(api_constants.MGMT_WEBAPP.ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN_HEADER, "*") return response, constants.HTTPS.OK_STATUS_CODE