Source code for csle_ryu.dao.avg_flow_statistic

from typing import Dict, Any, List
from csle_ryu.dao.flow_statistic import FlowStatistic
from csle_base.json_serializable import JSONSerializable

[docs]class AvgFlowStatistic(JSONSerializable): """ DTO containing avg data of a flow statistics returned by an OpenFlow switch """ def __init__(self, timestamp: float, datapath_id: str, total_num_packets: int, total_num_bytes: int, avg_duration_nanoseconds: int, avg_duration_seconds: int, avg_hard_timeout: int, avg_idle_timeout: int, avg_priority: int, avg_cookie: int): """ Initializes the DTO :param timestamp: the timestamp the data was received :param datapath_id: the datapath ID :param total_num_packets: the total number of packets of the flow :param total_num_bytes: the total number of bytes of the flow :param avg_duration_nanoseconds: the avg duration of the flow in nanoseconds :param avg_duration_seconds: the avg duration of the flow in seconds :param avg_hard_timeout: the avg hard timeout of the flow :param avg_idle_timeout: the avg idle timeout of the flow :param avg_priority: the avg priority of the flow :param avg_cookie: the avg cookie of the flow """ self.timestamp = timestamp self.datapath_id = datapath_id self.total_num_packets = total_num_packets self.total_num_bytes = total_num_bytes self.avg_duration_nanoseconds = avg_duration_nanoseconds self.avg_duration_seconds = avg_duration_seconds self.avg_hard_timeout = avg_hard_timeout self.avg_idle_timeout = avg_idle_timeout self.avg_priority = avg_priority self.avg_cookie = avg_cookie
[docs] @staticmethod def from_dict(d: Dict[str, Any]) -> "AvgFlowStatistic": """ Converts a dict representation to an instance :param d: the dict to convert :return: the created instance """ obj = AvgFlowStatistic( timestamp=d["timestamp"], datapath_id=d["datapath_id"], total_num_packets=d["total_num_packets"], total_num_bytes=d["total_num_bytes"], avg_duration_nanoseconds=d["avg_duration_nanoseconds"], avg_duration_seconds=d["avg_duration_seconds"], avg_hard_timeout=d["avg_hard_timeout"], avg_idle_timeout=d["avg_idle_timeout"], avg_priority=d["avg_priority"], avg_cookie=d["avg_cookie"] ) return obj
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Converts the object to a dict representation Converts the object to a dict representation :return: a dict representation of the object """ d: Dict[str, Any] = {} d["timestamp"] = self.timestamp d["datapath_id"] = self.datapath_id d["total_num_packets"] = self.total_num_packets d["total_num_bytes"] = self.total_num_bytes d["avg_duration_nanoseconds"] = self.avg_duration_nanoseconds d["avg_duration_seconds"] = self.avg_duration_seconds d["avg_hard_timeout"] = self.avg_hard_timeout d["avg_idle_timeout"] = self.avg_idle_timeout d["avg_priority"] = self.avg_priority d["avg_cookie"] = self.avg_cookie return d
def __str__(self) -> str: """ :return: a string representation of the object """ return f"timestamp: {self.timestamp}, datapath_id: {self.datapath_id}, " \ f"total_num_packets: {self.total_num_packets}," \ f"total_num_bytes: {self.total_num_bytes}, avg_duration_nanoseconds: {self.avg_duration_nanoseconds}, " \ f"avg_hard_timeout: {self.avg_hard_timeout}, avg_idle_timeout: {self.avg_idle_timeout}, " \ f"avg_priority: {self.avg_priority}," \ f"avg_cookie: {self.avg_cookie}"
[docs] @staticmethod def from_json_file(json_file_path: str) -> "AvgFlowStatistic": """ Reads a json file and converts it to a DTO :param json_file_path: the json file path :return: the converted DTO """ import io import json with, 'r') as f: json_str = return AvgFlowStatistic.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
[docs] def copy(self) -> "AvgFlowStatistic": """ :return: a copy of the DTO """ return AvgFlowStatistic.from_dict(self.to_dict())
[docs] @staticmethod def from_kafka_record(record: str) -> "AvgFlowStatistic": """ Converts a kafka record to a DTO :param record: the kafka record :return: the DTO """ parts = record.split(",") obj = AvgFlowStatistic(timestamp=float(parts[0]), datapath_id=parts[1], total_num_packets=int(parts[2]), total_num_bytes=int(parts[3]), avg_duration_nanoseconds=int(parts[4]), avg_duration_seconds=int(parts[5]), avg_hard_timeout=int(parts[6]), avg_idle_timeout=int(parts[7]), avg_priority=int(parts[8]), avg_cookie=int(parts[9])) return obj
[docs] def to_kafka_record(self) -> str: """ Converts the DTO into a kafka record :return: the kafka record """ return f"{self.timestamp},{self.datapath_id}," \ f"{self.total_num_packets},{self.total_num_bytes},{self.avg_duration_nanoseconds}," \ f"{self.avg_duration_seconds}," \ f"{self.avg_hard_timeout},{self.avg_idle_timeout},{self.avg_priority},{self.avg_cookie}"
[docs] def update_with_kafka_record(self, record: str) -> None: """ Updates the DTO with a new kafka record :param record: the kafka record :return: None """ parts = record.split(",") self.timestamp = float(parts[0]) self.datapath_id = parts[1] self.total_num_packets = int(parts[2]) self.total_num_bytes = int(parts[3]) self.avg_duration_nanoseconds = int(parts[4]) self.avg_duration_seconds = int(parts[5]) self.avg_hard_timeout = int(parts[6]) self.avg_idle_timeout = int(parts[7]) self.avg_priority = int(parts[8]) self.avg_cookie = int(parts[9])
[docs] @staticmethod def average_flow_statistics(timestamp: float, datapath_id: str, flow_statistics: List[FlowStatistic]) -> "AvgFlowStatistic": """ Computes the average metrics from a list of flow statistics :param flow_statistics: the list of flow statistics to average :return: the computed averages """ total_num_packets = 0 total_num_bytes = 0 total_duration_nanoseconds = 0 total_duration_seconds = 0 total_hard_timeout = 0 total_idle_timeout = 0 total_priority = 0 total_cookie = 0 for flow in flow_statistics: total_num_packets += flow.num_packets total_num_bytes += flow.num_bytes total_duration_nanoseconds += flow.duration_nanoseconds total_duration_seconds += flow.duration_seconds total_hard_timeout += flow.hard_timeout total_idle_timeout += flow.idle_timeout total_priority += flow.priority total_cookie += flow.cookie num_flows = len(flow_statistics) aggregated_flow_statistics_dto = AvgFlowStatistic( timestamp=timestamp, datapath_id=datapath_id, total_num_packets=total_num_packets, total_num_bytes=total_num_bytes, avg_duration_nanoseconds=int(total_duration_nanoseconds / num_flows), avg_duration_seconds=int(total_duration_seconds / num_flows), avg_hard_timeout=int(total_hard_timeout / num_flows), avg_idle_timeout=int(total_idle_timeout / num_flows), avg_priority=int(total_priority / num_flows), avg_cookie=int(total_cookie / num_flows) ) return aggregated_flow_statistics_dto