Source code for csle_tolerance.dao.intrusion_response_cmdp_config

from typing import List, Dict, Any
from csle_common.dao.simulation_config.simulation_env_input_config import SimulationEnvInputConfig

[docs]class IntrusionResponseCmdpConfig(SimulationEnvInputConfig): """ Configuration of the intrusion response CMDP """ def __init__(self, p_a: float, p_c: float, p_u: float, s_max: int, transition_tensor: List[List[List[float]]], cost_tensor: List[float], negate_costs: bool, seed: int, states: List[int], actions: List[int], initial_state: int, constraint_cost_tensor: List[float], f: int, epsilon_a: float, simulation_env_name: str, gym_env_name: str, discount_factor: float): """ Initializes the DTO :param p_a: the intrusion probability :param p_c: the crash probability :param p_u: the recovery probability :param s_max: the maximum node of nodes :param transition_tensor: the transition tensor :param cost_tensor: the cost tensor :param constraint_cost_tensor: the constraint cost tensor :param negate_costs: boolean flag indicating whether costs should be negated or not :param seed: the random seed :param states: the list of states :param actions: the list of actions :param initial_state: the initial state of the CMDP :param cost_tensor: the constraint cost tensor :param f: the tolerance threshold :param epsilon_a: the expected availability threshold :param simulation_env_name: name of the simulation environment :param gym_env_name: name of the gym environment :param discount_factor: discount factor """ self.p_a = p_a self.p_c = p_c self.p_u = p_u self.s_max = s_max self.transition_tensor = transition_tensor self.cost_tensor = cost_tensor self.negate_costs = negate_costs self.seed = seed self.states = states self.actions = actions self.initial_state = initial_state self.constraint_cost_tensor = constraint_cost_tensor self.f = f self.epsilon_a = epsilon_a self.simulation_env_name = simulation_env_name self.gym_env_name = gym_env_name self.discount_factor = discount_factor def __str__(self) -> str: """ :return: a string representation of the DTO """ return (f"p_a: {self.p_a}, p_c: {self.p_c}, p_u: {self.p_u}, s_max: {self.s_max}, " f"transition_tensor: {self.transition_tensor}, cost_tensor: {self.cost_tensor}, seed: {self.seed}, " f"negate_costs: {self.negate_costs}, states: {self.states}, actions: {self.actions}, " f"initial state: {self.initial_state}, constraint_cost_tensor: {self.constraint_cost_tensor}, " f"f: {self.f}, epsilon_a: {self.epsilon_a}, simulation_env_name: {self.simulation_env_name}, " f"gym_env_name: {self.gym_env_name}, discount_factor: {self.discount_factor}")
[docs] @staticmethod def from_dict(d: Dict[str, Any]) -> "IntrusionResponseCmdpConfig": """ Converts a dict representation to an instance :param d: the dict to convert :return: the created instance """ dto = IntrusionResponseCmdpConfig( p_a=d["p_a"], p_c=d["p_c"], p_u=d["p_u"], s_max=d["s_max"], transition_tensor=d["transition_tensor"], cost_tensor=d["cost_tensor"], negate_costs=d["negate_costs"], seed=d["seed"], states=d["states"], actions=d["actions"], initial_state=d["initial_state"], constraint_cost_tensor=d["constraint_cost_tensor"], f=d["f"], epsilon_a=d["epsilon_a"], simulation_env_name=d["simulation_env_name"], gym_env_name=d["gym_env_name"], discount_factor=d["discount_factor"]) return dto
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Gets a dict representation of the object :return: A dict representation of the object """ d: Dict[str, Any] = {} d["p_a"] = self.p_a d["p_c"] = self.p_c d["p_u"] = self.p_u d["s_max"] = self.s_max d["transition_tensor"] = self.transition_tensor d["cost_tensor"] = self.cost_tensor d["negate_costs"] = self.negate_costs d["seed"] = self.seed d["states"] = self.states d["actions"] = self.actions d["initial_state"] = self.initial_state d["constraint_cost_tensor"] = self.constraint_cost_tensor d["f"] = self.f d["epsilon_a"] = self.epsilon_a d["simulation_env_name"] = self.simulation_env_name d["gym_env_name"] = self.gym_env_name d["discount_factor"] = self.discount_factor return d
[docs] @staticmethod def from_json_file(json_file_path: str) -> "IntrusionResponseCmdpConfig": """ Reads a json file and converts it to a DTO :param json_file_path: the json file path :return: the converted DTO """ import io import json with, 'r') as f: json_str = return IntrusionResponseCmdpConfig.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))