Source code for csle_tolerance.envs.intrusion_recovery_pomdp_env

from typing import Tuple, Any, Dict, List, Union
import time
import math
import gymnasium as gym
import numpy as np
from csle_common.dao.simulation_config.base_env import BaseEnv
from csle_common.dao.simulation_config.simulation_trace import SimulationTrace
from csle_tolerance.dao.intrusion_recovery_pomdp_config import IntrusionRecoveryPomdpConfig
from csle_tolerance.util.intrusion_recovery_pomdp_util import IntrusionRecoveryPomdpUtil
from csle_tolerance.util.general_util import GeneralUtil
import csle_tolerance.constants.constants as env_constants
import csle_common.constants.constants as constants

[docs]class IntrusionRecoveryPomdpEnv(BaseEnv): """ Gym Environment representing the Intrusion recovery POMDP """ def __init__(self, config: IntrusionRecoveryPomdpConfig): """ Initializes the environment :param config: the environment configuration """ self.config = config # Setup spaces self.action_space = gym.spaces.Discrete(len(self.config.actions)) self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Box( low=np.array([np.float64(1), np.float64(min(config.observations)), np.float64(0)]), high=np.array([np.float64(config.BTR), np.float64(max(config.observations)), np.float64(1)]), dtype=np.float64, shape=(3,)) # Initialize state self.b = self.config.b1.copy() self.t = 1 self.s = IntrusionRecoveryPomdpUtil.sample_initial_state(b1=self.b) self.o = 0 # Setup traces self.traces: List[SimulationTrace] = [] self.trace = SimulationTrace(simulation_env=self.config.gym_env_name) # Reset self.reset() super().__init__()
[docs] def step(self, a: int) -> Tuple[List[Union[int, int, float]], float, bool, bool, Dict[str, Any]]: """ Takes a step in the environment by executing the given action :param a: the action :return: (obs, reward, terminated, truncated, info) """ done = False # Compute the cost c = self.config.cost_tensor[a][self.s] # Sample the next state self.s = GeneralUtil.sample_next_state(transition_tensor=self.config.transition_tensor, s=self.s, a=a, states=self.config.states) # Sample the next observation self.o = IntrusionRecoveryPomdpUtil.sample_next_observation(observation_tensor=self.config.observation_tensor, s_prime=self.s, observations=self.config.observations) # Update the belief self.b = IntrusionRecoveryPomdpUtil.next_belief(o=self.o, a=a, b=self.b, states=self.config.states, observations=self.config.observations, observation_tensor=self.config.observation_tensor, transition_tensor=self.config.transition_tensor) # Increment time-step self.t += 1 # Populate info dict info: Dict[str, Any] = {} info[env_constants.ENV_METRICS.STATE] = self.s info[env_constants.ENV_METRICS.DEFENDER_ACTION] = a info[env_constants.ENV_METRICS.OBSERVATION] = self.o info[env_constants.ENV_METRICS.TIME_STEP] = self.t # Log trace self.trace.defender_rewards.append(c) self.trace.attacker_rewards.append(-c) self.trace.attacker_actions.append(-1) self.trace.defender_actions.append(a) info = self._info(info) self.trace.infos.append(info) self.trace.states.append(self.s) self.trace.beliefs.append(self.b[1]) self.trace.infrastructure_metrics.append(self.o) if not done: self.trace.attacker_observations.append(self.o) self.trace.defender_observations.append(self.o) # Check if done or not if self.t >= self.config.BTR or self.s == 2 or self.t > self.config.max_horizon: done = True t = self.t if self.config.BTR == np.inf or self.config.BTR >= 10000: t = 1 return [t, self.b[1], self.o], c, done, done, info
[docs] def reset(self, seed: Union[None, int] = None, soft: bool = False, options: Union[Dict[str, Any], None] = None) \ -> Tuple[List[Union[int, int, float]], Dict[str, Any]]: """ Resets the environment state, this should be called whenever step() returns <done> :param seed: the random seed :param soft: boolean flag indicating whether it is a soft reset or not :param options: optional configuration parameters :return: initial observation and info """ super().reset(seed=seed) if len(self.trace.defender_rewards) > 0: self.traces.append(self.trace) self.trace = SimulationTrace(simulation_env=self.config.simulation_env_name) self.b = self.config.b1.copy() self.t = 1 self.s = IntrusionRecoveryPomdpUtil.sample_initial_state(b1=self.b) self.o = 0 self.trace.beliefs.append(self.b) self.trace.states.append(self.s) self.trace.defender_observations.append(self.o) self.trace.attacker_observations.append(self.o) info: Dict[str, Any] = {} return [self.t, self.b[1], self.o], info
def _info(self, info: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Adds the cumulative reward and episode length to the info dict :param info: the info dict to update :return: the updated info dict """ R = 0 for i in range(len(self.trace.defender_rewards)): R += self.trace.defender_rewards[i] * math.pow(self.config.discount_factor, i) info[env_constants.ENV_METRICS.RETURN] = R info[env_constants.ENV_METRICS.TIME_HORIZON] = len(self.trace.defender_actions) upper_bound_return = 0 s = self.trace.states[0] for i in range(len(self.trace.states)): if s == 0 or s == 2: a = 0 else: a = 1 upper_bound_return += self.config.cost_tensor[a][s] * math.pow(self.config.discount_factor, i) if a != self.trace.defender_actions[i] or s != self.trace.states[i]: s = GeneralUtil.sample_next_state(transition_tensor=self.config.transition_tensor, s=s, a=a, states=self.config.states) else: if i < len(self.trace.states) - 1: s = self.trace.states[i + 1] info[env_constants.ENV_METRICS.AVERAGE_UPPER_BOUND_RETURN] = upper_bound_return return info
[docs] def render(self, mode: str = 'human'): """ Renders the environment. Supported rendering modes: (1) human; and (2) rgb_array :param mode: the rendering mode :return: True (if human mode) otherwise an rgb array """ raise NotImplementedError("Rendering is not implemented for this environment")
[docs] def get_traces(self) -> List[SimulationTrace]: """ :return: the list of simulation traces """ return self.traces
[docs] def reset_traces(self) -> None: """ Resets the list of traces :return: None """ self.traces = []
def __checkpoint_traces(self) -> None: """ Checkpoints agent traces :return: None """ ts = time.time() SimulationTrace.save_traces(traces_save_dir=constants.LOGGING.DEFAULT_LOG_DIR, traces=self.traces, traces_file=f"taus{ts}.json")
[docs] def set_model(self, model) -> None: """ Sets the model. Useful when using RL frameworks where the stage policy is not easy to extract :param model: the model :return: None """ self.model = model
[docs] def set_state(self, state: int) -> None: """ Sets the state. Allows to simulate samples from specific states :param state: the state :return: None """ self.s = state
[docs] def manual_play(self) -> None: """ An interactive loop to test the POMDP manually :return: None """ b1 = self.config.b1 done = False s = IntrusionRecoveryPomdpUtil.sample_initial_state(b1=b1) cumulative_costs = 0.0 c = 0.0 o = -1 t = 1 b = b1.copy() while True: raw_input = input("> ") raw_input = raw_input.strip() if raw_input == "help": print("Enter an action id to execute the action, " "press R to reset," "press S to print the set of states" "press A to print the set of actions" "press s to print the current state, press A to print the actions, " "press D to check if done" "press C to check the cumulative costs" "press H to print the history of actions") elif raw_input == "A": print(self.config.actions) elif raw_input == "S": print(self.config.states) elif raw_input == "s": print(f"s: {s}, c: {c}, o: {o}, b: {b}") elif raw_input == "D": print(done) elif raw_input == "C": print(cumulative_costs) elif raw_input == "R": print("Resetting the state") s = IntrusionRecoveryPomdpUtil.sample_initial_state(b1=b1) done = False cumulative_costs = 0 c = 0.0 o = -1 t = 1 b = b1.copy() else: try: a = int(raw_input) except Exception: continue if t == self.config.T: a = 1 c = self.config.cost_tensor[a][s] print(f"s: {s}, a: {a}, c: {c}") s = GeneralUtil.sample_next_state(transition_tensor=self.config.transition_tensor, s=s, a=a, states=self.config.states) o = IntrusionRecoveryPomdpUtil.sample_next_observation( observation_tensor=self.config.observation_tensor, s_prime=s, observations=self.config.observations) b = IntrusionRecoveryPomdpUtil.next_belief(o=o, a=a, b=b, states=self.config.states, observations=self.config.observations, observation_tensor=self.config.observation_tensor, transition_tensor=self.config.transition_tensor) if t < self.config.T: t += 1 cumulative_costs += c print(f"s: {s}, c: {c}, o: {o}, b: {b}, t: {t}")