Source code for csle_tolerance.util.general_util

from typing import List
import math
import numpy as np

[docs]class GeneralUtil: """ Class with general utility functions related to csle-tolerance """
[docs] @staticmethod def threshold_probability(b1: float, threshold: float, k=-20) -> float: """ Returns the probability of taking an action given a belief and a threshold :param b1: the belief :param threshold: the threshold :return: the stopping probability """ if (1 - round(b1, 2)) == 0: return 1.0 if round(b1, 2) == 0: return 0.0 if (threshold * (1 - b1)) > 0 and (b1 * (1 - threshold)) / ( threshold * (1 - b1) ) > 0: try: return math.pow( 1 + math.pow(((b1 * (1 - threshold)) / (threshold * (1 - b1))), k), -1, ) except Exception: return 0.0 else: return 0.0
[docs] @staticmethod def sigmoid(x) -> float: """ The sigmoid function :param x: the input :return: sigmoid(x) """ return 1 / (1 + math.exp(-x))
[docs] @staticmethod def inverse_sigmoid(y) -> float: """ The inverse sigmoid function :param y: sigmoid(x) :return: sigmoid(x)^(-1) """ return math.log(y / (1 - y), math.e)
[docs] @staticmethod def sample_next_state( transition_tensor: List[List[List[float]]], s: int, a: int, states: List[int] ) -> int: """ Samples the next state of a MDP or POMDP :param transition_tensor: the transition tensor :param s: the current state :param a: the current action :param states: the list of states :return: the next state """ state_probs = [] for s_prime in states: state_probs.append(transition_tensor[a][s][s_prime]) return int(np.random.choice(np.arange(0, len(states)), p=state_probs))
[docs] @staticmethod def register_envs() -> None: """ Utility method for registering Gymnasium environments :return: None """ from gymnasium.envs.registration import register register( id="csle-tolerance-intrusion-recovery-pomdp-v1", entry_point="csle_tolerance.envs.intrusion_recovery_pomdp_env:IntrusionRecoveryPomdpEnv", kwargs={"config": None}, ) register( id="csle-tolerance-intrusion-response-cmdp-v1", entry_point="csle_tolerance.envs.intrusion_response_cmdp_env:IntrusionResponseCmdpEnv", kwargs={"config": None}, )