Source code for gym_csle_apt_game.dao.apt_game_config

from typing import Dict, Any
import gymnasium as gym
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
from csle_common.dao.simulation_config.simulation_env_input_config import SimulationEnvInputConfig

[docs]class AptGameConfig(SimulationEnvInputConfig): """ DTO class containing the configuration of the APT game """ def __init__(self, env_name: str, T: npt.NDArray[Any], O: npt.NDArray[np.int_], Z: npt.NDArray[Any], C: npt.NDArray[Any], S: npt.NDArray[np.int_], A1: npt.NDArray[np.int_], A2: npt.NDArray[np.int_], b1: npt.NDArray[np.float64], N: int, p_a: float, save_dir: str, checkpoint_traces_freq: int, gamma: float = 1) -> None: """ Initializes the DTO :param env_name: the name of the environment :param T: the transition tensor :param O: the observation space :param Z: the observation tensor :param C: the cost tensor :param S: the state space :param A1: the action space of the defender :param A2: the action space of the attacker :param N: the number of servers :param p_a: the attack success probability :param b1: the initial belief :param save_dir: the directory to save artefacts produced by the environment :param checkpoint_traces_freq: how frequently to checkpoint traces to disk :param gamma: the discount factor """ super().__init__() self.T = T self.O = O self.Z = Z self.C = C self.S = S self.N = N self.p_a = p_a self.A1 = A1 self.A2 = A2 self.b1 = b1 self.save_dir = save_dir self.env_name = env_name self.checkpoint_traces_freq = checkpoint_traces_freq self.gamma = gamma
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Converts the object to a dict representation :return: a dict representation of the object """ d: Dict[str, Any] = {} d["T"] = list(self.T.tolist()) d["O"] = list(self.O.tolist()) d["Z"] = list(self.Z.tolist()) d["R"] = list(self.C.tolist()) d["S"] = list(self.S.tolist()) d["A1"] = list(self.A1.tolist()) d["A2"] = list(self.A2.tolist()) d["b1"] = list(self.b1.tolist()) d["N"] = self.N d["p_a"] = self.p_a d["save_dir"] = self.save_dir d["env_name"] = self.env_name d["checkpoint_traces_freq"] = self.checkpoint_traces_freq d["gamma"] = self.gamma return d
[docs] @staticmethod def from_dict(d: Dict[str, Any]) -> "AptGameConfig": """ Converts a dict representation to an instance :param d: the dict to convert :return: the created instance """ obj = AptGameConfig( T=np.array(d["T"]), O=np.array(d["O"]), Z=np.array(d["Z"]), C=np.array(d["R"]), S=np.array(d["S"]), A1=np.array(d["A1"]), A2=np.array(d["A2"]), b1=np.array(d["b1"]), save_dir=d["save_dir"], env_name=d["env_name"], checkpoint_traces_freq=d["checkpoint_traces_freq"], gamma=d["gamma"], N=d["N"], p_a=d["p_a"] ) return obj
def __str__(self) -> str: """ :return: a string representation of the object """ return f"T:{self.T}, O:{self.O}, Z:{self.Z}, R:{self.C}, S:{self.S}, A1:{self.A1}, A2:{self.A2}, " \ f"b1:{self.b1}, N: {self.N}, p_a: {self.p_a}, " \ f"save_dir: {self.save_dir}, env_name: {self.env_name}," \ f"checkpoint_traces_freq: {self.checkpoint_traces_freq}, gamma: {self.gamma}"
[docs] def attacker_observation_space(self) -> gym.spaces.Box: """ :return: the attacker's observation space """ return gym.spaces.Box(low=np.array([np.float64(0), np.float64(0)]), high=np.array([np.float64(1), np.float64(2)]), dtype=np.float64, shape=(2,))
[docs] def defender_observation_space(self) -> gym.spaces.Box: """ :return: the defender's observation space """ return gym.spaces.Box(low=np.array([np.float64(0)]), high=np.array([np.float64(1)]), dtype=np.float64, shape=(1,))
[docs] def attacker_action_space(self) -> gym.spaces.Discrete: """ :return: the attacker's action space """ return gym.spaces.Discrete(len(self.A2))
[docs] def defender_action_space(self) -> gym.spaces.Discrete: """ :return: the defender's action space """ return gym.spaces.Discrete(len(self.A1))
[docs] @staticmethod def from_json_file(json_file_path: str) -> "AptGameConfig": """ Reads a json file and converts it to a DTO :param json_file_path: the json file path :return: the converted DTO """ import io import json with, 'r') as f: json_str = return AptGameConfig.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))