The Partially Observed Markovian Optimal Stopping Problem
Optimal stopping is a classical problem domain with a well-developed theory (Wald 1947; Shirayev 2007; Peskir and Shiryaev 2006; Chow, H. Robbins, and Siegmund 1971; Dimitri P. Bertsekas 2005; Ross 1983; Bather 2000; Puterman 1994).. Example use cases for this theory include: asset selling (Dimitri P. Bertsekas 2005), change detection (Tartakovsky et al. 2006), machine replacement (Krishnamurthy 2016), hypothesis testing (Wald 1947), gambling (Chow, H. Robbins, and Siegmund 1971), selling decisions (Toit and Peskir 2009), queue management (Roy et al. 2019), advertisement scheduling (Krishnamurthy, Aprem, and Bhatt 2018), industrial control (Rabi and Johansson 2008), and the secretary problem (Puterman 1994; Kleinberg 2005).
Many variants of the optimal stopping problem have been studied. For example, discrete-time and continuous-time problems, finite horizon and infinite horizon problems, problems with fully observed state spaces and partially observed state spaces, problems with finite and infinite state spaces, Markovian and non-Markovian problems, and single-stop and multi-stop problems. Consequently, different solution methods for these variants have been developed. The most commonly used methods are the martingale approach (Peskir and Shiryaev 2006; Chow, H. Robbins, and Siegmund 1971) and the Markovian approach (Shirayev 2007; Dimitri P. Bertsekas 2005; Puterman 1994; Ross 1983; Bather 2000).
In our recent work (Hammar and Stadler 2021), we investigate the multiple stopping problem with a maximum of \(L\) stops, a finite time horizon \(T\), discrete-time progression, bounded rewards, a finite state space, and the Markov property. We use the Markovian solution approach and model the problem as a POMDP, where the system state evolves as a discrete-time Markov process \((s_{t,l})_{t=1}^{T}\) that is partially observed and depends on the number of stops remaining \(l \in \{1,...,L\}\).
At each time-step \(t\) of the decision process, two actions are available: “stop” (\(S\)) and “continue” (\(C\)). The stop action with \(l\) stops remaining yields a reward \(\mathcal{R}^{S}_{s_t,s_{t+1},l_t}\) and if only one of the \(L\) stops remain, the process terminates. In the case of a continue action or a non-final stop action \(a_t\), the decision process transitions to the next state according to the transition probabilities \(\mathcal{P}^{a_t}_{s_t,s_{t+1},l_t}\) and yields a reward \(\mathcal{R}^{a_t}_{s_t,s_{t+1},l_t}\).
The stopping time with \(l\) stops remaining is a random variable \(\tau_l\) that is dependent on \(s_1,...,s_{\tau_l}\) and independent of \(s_{\tau_{l}+1},..., s_{T}\) (Peskir and Shiryaev 2006): \(\tau_l = \inf\{t: t > \tau_{l+1}, a_t=S\}, \quad \quad \quad l\in 1,..,L,\text{ }\tau_{L+1}=0\)
The objective is to find a stopping policy \(\pi_l^{*}(s_t) \rightarrow \{S,C\}\) that depends on \(l\) and maximizes the expected discounted cumulative reward of the stopping times \(\tau_{L},\tau_{L-1},..., \tau_1\): \(\pi_l^{*} \in arg\max_{\pi_l} \mathbb{E}_{\pi_l}\Bigg[\sum_{t=1}^{\tau_{L}-1}\gamma^{t-1}\mathcal{R}^{C}_{s_t,s_{t+1},L} + \gamma^{\tau_{L}-1}\mathcal{R}^{S}_{s_{\tau_L},s_{\tau_L+1},L} + ... + \sum_{t=\tau_2+1}^{\tau_{1}-1}\gamma^{t-1}\mathcal{R}^{C}_{s_t,s_{t+1},1} + \gamma^{\tau_{1}-1}\mathcal{R}^{S}_{s_{\tau_1},s_{\tau_1+1},1} \Bigg]\)
Due to the Markov property, any policy that satisfies the above equation also satisfies the Bellman equation given below, which in the partially observed case is: \(\pi_l^{*}(b) \in arg\max_{\{S,C\}} \Bigg[\underbrace{\mathbb{E}_l\left[\mathcal{R}^{S}_{b,b^{o}_{S},l} + \gamma V_{l-1}^{*}(b^{o}_{S})\right]}_{\text{stop } (S)}, \underbrace{\mathbb{E}_l\left[\mathcal{R}^{C}_{b,b_C^o,l} + \gamma V_{l}^{*}(b_C^o)\right]}_{\text{continue } (C)}\Bigg] \quad \quad \forall b \in \mathcal{B}\) where \(\pi_l\) is the stopping policy with \(l\) stops remaining, \(\mathbb{E}_l\) denotes the expectation with \(l\) stops remaining, \(b\) is the belief state, \(V_{l}^{*}\) is the value function with \(l\) stops remaining, \(b^o_{S}\) and \(b^{o}_{C}\) can be computed using a Bayesian filter, and \(\mathcal{R}_{b,b^o_{a},l}^{a}\) is the expected reward of action \(a \in \{S,C\}\) in belief state \(b_t\) when observing \(o\) with \(l\) stops remaining.
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