Installing CSLE

This section contains instructions for installing CSLE. A video that walks through the installation process is available here.


To install and run CSLE you need at least one server or virtual machine that meets the following criteria:

  • Ubuntu 18.04+;
  • at least 16GB RAM (the exact amount of RAM necessary depends on the emulations to deploy; 16GB is sufficient for the smallest emulations, e.g., in the size of 5-10 containers);
  • at least 2 CPUs;
  • 50 GB of free hard-disk space;
  • outside Internet access;
  • and a UNIX user account with sudo privileges.

Below are a list of dependencies that will be installed with CSLE (unless they are already installed):

  • Docker 20.10.14+;
  • Python 3.9+;
  • Python libraries: torch, numpy, gym, docker, paramiko, stable-baselines3, psycopg, pyglet, flask, click, waitress, scp, psutil, grpcio, grpcio-tools, scipy, confluent-kafka, requests, pyopenssl, sphinx, mypy, mypy-extensions, mypy-protobuf, types-PyYAML, types-protobuf, types-paramiko, types-requests, types-urllib3, flake8, pytest, gevent, eventlet, dnspython, csle-ryu-fork, gpytorch, pulp, Bayesian optimization, emukit, cma, pycryptodome, mitreattack-python.
  • PostgreSQL 12+;
  • make, git, bzip2, build-essential;
  • Prometheus 2.23+;
  • Node exporter 1.0.1+;
  • cAdvisor (any version);
  • Grafana (any version);
  • Node v16.13.1+;
  • and npm v6.14.8+.

Running the Installation

The network setup for a minimal installation includes (i) a leader server; (ii) zero or more worker servers; and (iii) a user host, e.g., a laptop or workstation (see Fig. 26.)

Figure 26: Network topology of a typical CSLE installation; the cluster consists of a leader and zero or more workers; the installation commands are executed from an external user host that runs Ansible; the servers are connected through a private network as well as to the Internet; the user host has access to the private network.

Start by setting up SSH keys so that a) all servers (leader and workers) have SSH access to each other without requiring a password; and b) the user host from which the installation will be executed has SSH access to all servers. To do this, start by generating an SSH key pair on each host using the command ssh-keygen. After generating the keys, copy the public key of each host (e.g., to the file .ssh/authorized_keys on the other hosts.

Next, clone the CSLE git repository on the user host by running the following command.

git clone

Listing 5: Commands to clone the CSLE git-repository.

Now configure the installation by setting the parameters in the files:

  • csle/ansible/inventory
  • csle/ansible/groups_vars/all/variables.yml

In most cases the default parameters can be used. However, you must always configure the IP addresses of the servers in your cluster in csle/ansible/inventory as well as configure the variables leader_ip, leader_public_ip, metastore_ip, and cluster_nodes in the file csle/ansible/groups_vars/all/variables.yml.

After configuring the installation, install Ansible on the user host by running the command:

pip install ansible

Listing 6: Command to install Ansible.

Finally, start the automated installation by running the following commands on the user host:

cd csle/ansible; ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass install.yml

Listing 7: Command to run the automated installation of CSLE with Ansible.

The above command will ask for a sudo password to the servers. After entering the password, Ansible will install all components of CSLE on all servers in your cluster. This process usually takes around 40 minutes.