Command-Line Interface (CLI)
The Command-Line Interface (CLI) allows a user to inspect the state of emulations and to execute management operations from the command-line. The commands available in the CLI are listed in Tables 24-25. An example command and the resulting output is shown below.
kim@gpu2 ~> csle ls emulations --all
CSLE emulations:
csle-level9-010 [running]
csle-level1-010 [stopped]
csle-level2-010 [stopped]
csle-level3-010 [stopped]
csle-level4-010 [stopped]
csle-level5-010 [stopped]
csle-level6-010 [stopped]
csle-level7-010 [stopped]
csle-level8-010 [stopped]
csle-level10-010 [stopped]
csle-level11-010 [stopped]
csle-level12-010 [stopped]
Listing 4: The command "csle ls emulations --all" (line 1) and the output generated by the CSLE CLI (lines 2-14).
Command | Description |
csle attacker <em> <execid> |
Opens an attacker shell in a given execution. |
csle clean all |
Removes all containers, networks, emulations, etc. |
csle clean containers |
Removes all Docker containers in a given execution. |
csle clean emulations |
Removes all emulations in a given execution. |
csle clean emulation_traces |
Removes all emulation traces in a given execution. |
csle clean simulation_traces |
Removes all simulation traces in a given execution. |
csle clean emulation_statistics |
Removes all emulation statistics in a given execution. |
csle clean emulation_executions |
Removes all emulation executions in a given execution. |
csle em <emname> |
Get status of a given emulation. |
csle em <emname> --host |
Get status of host managers in a given emulation. |
csle em <emname> --stats |
Get status of stats managers in a given emulation. |
csle em <emname> --kafka |
Get status of kafka managers in a given emulation. |
csle em <emname> --snortids |
Get status of snortids in a given emulation. |
csle em <emname> --clients |
Get status of clients in a given emulation. |
csle em <emname> --executions |
Get status of executions in a given emulation. |
csle em <emname> --executions |
Get status of executions in a given emulation. |
csle init |
Initializes CSLE and sets up management accounts. |
csle install emulations |
Install emulation environments. |
csle install simulations |
Install simulation environments. |
csle install <emname> |
Install a given emulation. |
csle install <simname> |
Install a given simulation. |
csle install derived images |
Install derived Docker images. |
csle install base images |
Install base Docker images. |
csle install metastore |
Install the metastore. |
csle install all |
Install everything. |
csle ls all |
List all information about entities. |
csle ls containers |
List all containers. |
csle ls networks |
List all networks. |
csle ls images |
List all Docker images. |
csle ls emulations |
List all emulations. |
csle ls environments |
List all environments. |
csle ls prometheus |
List status of Prometheus. |
csle ls node_exporter |
List status of node exporter. |
csle ls cadvisor |
List status of cadvisor. |
csle ls statsmanager |
List status of statsmanager. |
csle ls managementsystem |
List status of management system. |
csle ls simulations |
List status of simulations. |
csle ls emulation_executions |
List status of emulation executions. |
csle ls <entity> --all |
List extended information of the given entity. |
csle ls <entity> --running |
Only list information about running entities. |
csle ls <entity> --stopped |
Only list information about stopped entities. |
csle ls hostmanagers <emulationame> --id <emulationid> --ip <ip> |
Lists host managers on the specified ip sever. |
csle ls clientmanager <emulationame> --id <emulationid> --ip <ip> |
Lists the client manager on the specified ip sever. |
csle ls snortmanagers <emulationame> --id <emulationid> --ip <ip> |
Lists snort managers on the specified ip sever. |
csle ls elkmanager <emulationame> --id <emulationid> --ip <ip> |
Lists the Elk manager on the specified ip sever. |
csle ls trafficmanagers <emulationame> --id <emulationid> --ip <ip> |
Lists traffic managers on the specified ip sever. |
csle ls kafkamanager <emulationame> --id <emulationid> --ip <ip> |
Lists the Kafka manager on the specified ip sever. |
csle ls ossecmanagers <emulationame> --id <emulationid> --ip <ip> |
Lists Ossec managers on the specified ip sever. |
csle ls ryumanager <emulationame> --id <emulationid> --ip <ip> |
Lists the Ryu manager on the specified ip sever. |
csle ls filebeats <emulationame> --id <emulationid> --ip <ip> |
Lists filebeats on the specified ip sever. |
csle ls metricbeats <emulationame> --id <emulationid> --ip <ip> |
Lists metricbeats on the specified ip sever. |
csle ls heartbeats <emulationame> --id <emulationid> --ip <ip> |
Lists heartbeats on the specified ip sever. |
csle ls packetbeats <emulationame> --id <emulationid> --ip <ip> |
Lists packetbeats on the specified ip sever. |
csle rm <network> |
Removes the network with the given name. |
csle rm <container> |
Removes the container with the given name. |
csle rm <image> |
Removes the Docker image with the given name. |
csle rm networks |
Removes all networks. |
csle rm images |
Removes all images. |
csle rm containers |
Removes all containers. |
Table 24: Commands available in the CSLE command-line interface (1/2).
Command | Description |
csle shell <containername> |
Opens shell in a given container. |
csle start prometheus |
Starts prometheus. |
csle start node_exporter |
Starts node exporter. |
csle start grafana |
Starts grafana. |
csle start cadvisor |
Starts cadvisor. |
csle start managementsystem |
Starts the management system. |
csle start <containername> |
Starts the given container. |
csle start <emulationname> |
Starts the given emulation. |
csle start <emulationname> --no_network |
Starts the given emulation without virtual networks. |
csle start <emulationname> --no_traffic |
Starts the given emulation without traffic generators. |
csle start <emulationname> --no_beats |
Starts the given emulation without configuring/starting beats. |
csle start <emulationname> --no_clients |
Starts the given emulation without clients. |
csle start <emulationname> --id |
Starts the given emulation with execution id. |
csle start all |
Starts everything. |
csle start all --id |
Starts everything in an execution. |
csle start statsmanager <port> <logdir> <logfile> <maxworkers> |
Starts statsmanager. |
csle start <trainingjobid> |
Starts trainingjob with a given id. |
csle start <systemidjobid> |
Starts system identification job with a given id. |
csle start <image> <containername> |
Starts a container with a given image and name. |
csle start_traffic <emulationname> <executionid> |
Starts the traffic and clients in execution. |
csle statsmanager <port> <logdir> <logfile> <maxworkers> |
Starts the statsmanager. |
csle start hostmanagers <emulationname> --id <emulationid> --ip <ip> |
Starts host managers on the specified ip sever. |
csle start hostmanager <emulationname> --id <emulationid> --ip <ip> --container_ip <containerip> |
Starts a host manager on the specified container. |
csle start clientmanager <emulationname> --id <emulationid> --ip <ip> |
Starts a client managers on the specified ip sever. |
csle start snortmanagers <emulationname> --id <emulationid> --ip <ip> |
Starts snort managers on the specified ip sever. |
csle start snort manager <emulationname> --id <emulationid> --ip <ip> --container_ip <containerip> |
Starts a snort manager on the specified container. |
csle start elkmanager <emulationname> --id <emulationid> --ip <ip> |
Starts an Elk managers on the specified ip sever. |
csle start traffic managers <emulationname> --id <emulationid> --ip <ip> |
Starts traffic managers on the specified ip sever. |
csle start trafficmanager <emulationname> --id <emulationid> --ip <ip> --container_ip <containerip> |
Starts a traffic manager on the specified container. |
csle start ossecmanagers <emulationname> --id <emulationid> --ip <ip> |
Starts Ossec managers on the specified ip sever. |
csle start ossecmanager <emulationname> --id <emulationid> --ip <ip> --container_ip <containerip> |
Starts an Ossec manager on the specified container. |
csle start ryumanager <emulationname> --id <emulationid> --ip <ip> |
Starts a Ryu managers on the specified ip sever. |
csle start filebeats <emulationname> --id <emulationid> --ip <ip> |
Starts filebeats on the specified ip sever. |
csle start filebeat <emulationname> --id <emulationid> --ip <ip> --container_ip <containerip> |
Starts the filebeat on the specified container. |
csle start metricbeats <emulationname> --id <emulationid> --ip <ip> |
Starts metricbeats on the specified ip sever. |
csle start metricbeat <emulationname> --id <emulationid> --ip <ip> --container_ip <containerip> |
Starts the metricbeat on the specified container. |
csle start heartbeats <emulationname> --id <emulationid> --ip <ip> |
Starts heartbeats on the specified ip sever. |
csle start heartbeat <emulationname> --id <emulationid> --ip <ip> --container_ip <containerip> |
Starts the heartbeat on the specified container. |
csle start packetbeats <emulationname> --id <emulationid> --ip <ip> |
Starts packetbeats on the specified ip sever. |
csle start packetbeat <emulationname> --id <emulationid> --ip <ip> --container_ip <containerip> |
Starts the packetbeat on the specified container. |
csle stop <emulationname> <execid> |
Stops the emulation execution. |
csle stop <prometheus> |
Stops prometheus. |
csle stop <cadvisor> |
Stops cadvisor. |
csle stop <grafana> |
Stops grafana. |
csle stop <managementsystem> |
Stops the management system. |
csle stop <containername> <execid> |
Stops the container. |
csle stop <statsmanager> |
Stops the statsmanager. |
csle stop emulation_executions |
Stops all emulation executions. |
csle stop all |
Stops everything that runs. |
csle stop_traffic <emulationname> <execid> |
Stops client population and traffic in execution. |
csle stop hostmanagers <emulationname> <emulationid> --ip <ip> |
Stops host managers on the specified ip sever. |
csle stop hostmanager <emulationname> <emulationid> --ip <ip> --container_ip <containerip> |
Stops a host manager on the specified container. |
csle stop clientmanager <emulationname> <emulationid> --ip <ip> |
Stops a client managers on the specified ip sever. |
csle stop snortmanagers <emulationname> <emulationid> --ip <ip> |
Stops snort managers on the specified ip sever. |
csle stop snort manager <emulationname> <emulationid> --ip <ip> --container_ip <containerip> |
Stops a snort manager on the specified container. |
csle stop elkmanager <emulationname> <emulationid> --ip <ip> |
Stops an Elk managers on the specified ip sever. |
csle stop traffic managers <emulationname> <emulationid> --ip <ip> |
Stops traffic managers on the specified ip sever. |
csle stop trafficmanager <emulationname> <emulationid> --ip <ip> --container_ip <containerip> |
Stops a traffic manager on the specified container. |
csle stop ossecmanagers <emulationname> <emulationid> --ip <ip> |
Stops Ossec managers on the specified ip sever. |
csle stop ossecmanager <emulationname> <emulationid> --ip <ip> --container_ip <containerip> |
Stops an Ossec manager on the specified container. |
csle stop ryumanager <emulationname> <emulationid> --ip <ip> |
Stops a Ryu managers on the specified ip sever. |
csle stop filebeats <emulationname> <emulationid> --ip <ip> |
Stops filebeats on the specified ip sever. |
csle stop filebeat <emulationname> <emulationid> --ip <ip> --container_ip <containerip> |
Stops the filebeat on the specified container. |
csle stop metricbeats <emulationname> <emulationid> --ip <ip> |
Stops metricbeats on the specified ip sever. |
csle stop metricbeat <emulationname> <emulationid> --ip <ip> --container_ip <containerip> |
Stops the metricbeat on the specified container. |
csle stop heartbeats <emulationname> <emulationid> --ip <ip> |
Stops heartbeats on the specified ip sever. |
csle stop heartbeat <emulationname> <emulationid> --ip <ip> --container_ip <containerip> |
Stops the heartbeat on the specified container. |
csle stop packetbeats <emulationname> <emulationid> --ip <ip> |
Stops packetbeats on the specified ip sever. |
csle stop packetbeat <emulationname> <emulationid> --ip <ip> --container_ip <containerip> |
Stops the packetbeat on the specified container. |
csle systemidentificationjob <jobid> |
Starts job. |
csle trainingjob <jobid> |
Starts job. |
csle datacollectionjob <jobid> |
Starts job. |
csle uninstall emulations |
Uninstalls emulation environments. |
csle uninstall simulations |
Uninstalls simulation environments. |
csle uninstall <emname> |
Uninstalls emulation. |
csle uninstall <simname> |
Uninstalls simulation. |
csle uninstall derived_images |
Uninstalls derived images. |
csle uninstall base_images |
Uninstalls base images. |
csle uninstall metastore |
Uninstalls metastore. |
csle uninstall all |
Uninstalls everything. |
csle help |
Lists all available commands |
Table 25: Commands available in the CSLE command-line interface (2/2).
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