Emulation System

The emulation system uses a virtualization layer provided by Docker containers and virtual networks to emulate IT infrastructures. An emulated IT infrastructure is defined by an emulation configuration, which includes the properties listed in Table 2. The set of configurations supported by the emulation system are stored in the metastore and can be seen as a configuration space, which defines the class of infrastructures that can be emulated (see Fig. 5).

Figure 5: The configuration space of the emulation system, which defines the class of infrastructures that the emulation system can emulate.

Configuration property Description
name The name of the emulation.
containers_config Configuration of each container (ip, hostname, resources, etc.).
users_config Configuration of user accounts on each container.
flags_config Configuration of flags on each container.
vuln_config Configuration of vulnerabilities on each container.
topology_config Configuration of the emulation’s network topology.
traffic_config Configuration of traffic generators and client population.
resources_config Configuration of physical resources (CPU, memory, etc.).
services_config Configuration of services running on each container.
descr Description of the emulation.
static_attacker_sequences Configuration of pre-defined attacker sequences.
ovs_config Configuration of Open vSwitches (virtual OpenFlow switches).
sdn_controller_config Configuration of SDN controllers.
host_manager_config Configuration of host managers.
snort_ids_manager_config Configuration of Snort IDS managers.
ossec_ids_manager_config Configuration of OSSEC IDS managers.
docker_stats_manager_config Configuration of Docker stats managers.
beats_config Configuration of filebeats, packetbeats, etc.
elk_config Configuration of the ELK stack in the management network.
level Level of the emulation.
version Version of the emulation.
execution_id ID of the execution that the emulation belongs to (if any).
csle_collector_version Version of the csle-collector library.
csle_ryu_version Verion of the csle-ryu library.

Table 2: Properties of an emulation configuration.

Users of CSLE can create new emulation configurations and insert them into the metastore. CSLE also includes a set of pre-installed configurations (see Table 3). One of these pre-installed configurations is csle-level9-080 (as an example), whose topology is shown in Fig. 6 and whose configuration is listed in Table 4.

Emulation configuration Description
csle-level1-080 Emulation with 7 components, 3 flags, password vulnerabilities, no IDS.
csle-level2-080 Emulation with 13 components, 6 flags, password vulnerabilities, no IDS.
csle-level3-080 Emulation with 34 components, 6 flags, password vulnerabilities, no IDS.
csle-level4-080 Emulation with 7 components, 3 flags, password vulnerabilities, IDS.
csle-level5-080 Emulation with 13 components, 6 flags, password vulnerabilities, IDS.
csle-level6-080 Emulation with 34 components, 6 flags, password vulnerabilities, IDS.
csle-level7-080 Emulation with 7 components, 3 flags, password & RCE vulnerabilities, IDS.
csle-level8-080 Emulation with 13 components, 6 flags, password & RCE vulnerabilities, IDS.
csle-level9-080 Emulation with 34 components, 6 flags, password & RCE vulnerabilities, IDS.
csle-level10-080 Emulation with 16 components, 12 flags, password & RCE vulnerabilities, IDS.
csle-level11-080 Emulation with 36 components, 6 flags, password & RCE vulnerabilities, IDS.
csle-level12-080 Emulation with 7 components, 3 flags, password RCE vulnerabilities, IDS, SDN.
csle-level13-080 Emulation with 64 components, 6 flags, password RCE vulnerabilities, IDS, SDN.
csle-level14-080 Emulation with 17 components, 12 flags, password RCE vulnerabilities, IDS, SDN.

Table 3: Pre-installed emulation configurations.

Figure 6: Topology of the emulation configuration `csle-level9-080`

ID (s) OS:Services:Exploitable Vulnerabilities
N1 Ubuntu20:Snort(community ruleset v2.9.17.1),SSH:-
N2 Ubuntu20:SSH,HTTP Erl-Pengine,DNS:SSH-pw
N4 Ubuntu20:HTTP Flask,Telnet,SSH:Telnet-pw
N10 Ubuntu20:FTP,MongoDB,SMTP,Tomcat,TS3,SSH:FTP-pw
N12 Deb10.2:TS3,Tomcat,SSH:CVE-2010-0426,SSH-pw
N17 Wheezy:Apache2,SNMP,SSH:CVE-2014-6271
N18 Deb10.2:IRC,Apache2,SSH:SQL Injection
N22 Deb10.2:PROFTPD,SSH,Apache2,SNMP:CVE-2015-3306
N23 Deb10.2:Apache2,SMTP,SSH:CVE-2016-10033
N24 Deb10.2:SSH:CVE-2015-5602,SSH-pw
N25 Deb10.2: Elasticsearch,Apache2,SSH,SNMP:CVE-2015-1427
N27 Deb10.2:Samba,NTP,SSH:CVE-2017-7494
N3,N11,N5-N9 Ubuntu20:SSH,SNMP,PostgreSQL,NTP:-
N13-16,N19-21,N26,N28-31 Ubuntu20:NTP, IRC, SNMP, SSH, PostgreSQL:-

Table 4: Configuration of the emulation configuration `csle-level9-080`, whose topology is shown in Fig. 6.

An emulation execution consists of a set of running containers and virtual networks, which are defined by an associated emulation configuration.

Creating an execution involves two main tasks of the emulation system. The first task is to replicate relevant parts of the physical infrastructure that is emulated, such as physical resources, operating systems, network interfaces, and network conditions. The second task is to instrument the emulated infrastructure with monitoring and management capabilities. Since the emulation execution will be used to evaluate reinforcement learning agents, it must be possible to monitor system metrics in real-time and to perform control actions prescribed by reinforcement learning agents.

In the following seven sections, we describe how the emulation system emulates physical hosts, network links, switches, network conditions, client populations, attackers, and defenders, respectively. In the subsequent three sections, we describe the monitoring and management capabilities of the emulation system. Lastly, we describe the process of creating an emulation execution from an emulation configuration.

Emulating Physical Hosts

Physical hosts are emulated with Docker containers. A container is a lightweight executable package that includes everything needed to emulate the host: a runtime system, code, system tools, system libraries, and configurations. Multiple containers can run on the same physical host and share the same operating system kernel, in which case their resources and processes are isolated using cgroups (see Fig. 7).

Figure 7: Software and hardware stack of a physical server that runs CSLE; closest to the hardware is the operating system; on top of the operating system is the Docker engine, which provides the base for running CSLE and virtual containers.

The CSLE Docker images are listed in Table 5 and include images for emulating application servers, Software-Defined Networking (SDN) controllers, clients, attackers, Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPSs), and storage systems. Detailed configuration of each image is available here.

Name Description OS
cve_2010_0426_1 An image with the CVE-2010-0426 vulnerability. Debian:10.2
cve_2015_1427_1 An image with the CVE-2015-1427 vulnerability. Debian:10.2
cve_2015_3306_1 An image with the CVE-2015-3306 vulnerability. Debian:10.2
cve_2015_5602_1 An image with the CVE-2015-5602 vulnerability. Debian:10.2
cve_2016_10033_1 An image with the CVE-2016-10033 vulnerability. Debian:10.2
hacker_kali_1 An image with tools for penetration testing. Kali
samba_1 An image with the CVE-2017-7494 vulnerability. Debian:10.2
samba_2 An image with the CVE-2017-7494 vulnerability. Debian:10.2
shellshock_1 An image with the CVE-2014-6271 vulnerability. Debian:Wheezy
sql_injection_1 An image with SQL-injection vulnerability. Debian:10.2
ftp_1 An image with an FTP server. Ubuntu:14
ftp_2 An image with an FTP server. Ubuntu:14
ssh_1 An image with a SSH server. Ubuntu:20
ssh_2 An image with a SSH server. Ubuntu:20
ssh_3 An image with a SSH server. Ubuntu:20
telnet_1 An image with a Telnet server. Ubuntu:20
telnet_2 An image with a Telnet server. Ubuntu:20
telnet_3 An image with a Telnet server. Ubuntu:20
honeypot_1 An image with various honeypot services. Ubuntu:20
honeypot_2 An image with various honeypot services. Ubuntu:20
router_1 A blank image. Ubuntu:20
router_2 An image with the Snort IDPS. Ubuntu:20
client_1 A blank image. Ubuntu:20
blank_1 A blank image. Ubuntu:20
pengine_exploit_1 An image with the pengine exploit. Ubuntu:20
ovs_1 An image with the OVS virtual switch. Ubuntu:20
ryu_1 An image with the Ryu SDN controller. Ubuntu:20
elk_1 An image with the ELK stack. Ubuntu:20
kafka_1 An image with Kafka. Ubuntu:20

Table 5: Docker images in CSLE.

Network connectivity is emulated by virtual links implemented by Linux bridges. Network isolation between emulated hosts and emulated switches on the same physical host is achieved through network namespaces, which create logical copies of the physical host’s network stack.

Each emulation execution has a dedicated virtual subnetwork with the subnet mask:


where executionID identifies the execution and emulationID identifies the emulation configuration. This addressing scheme allows several executions of the same emulation configuration to execute concurrently on the same physical servers without overlapping address spaces.

In the case that an emulated network spans multiple physical servers of the management system, VXLAN connections are used. These connections tunnel the emulated network traffic over the physical network (see Fig. 8). In other words, the physical network that connects the servers of the management system provides a substrate network, on top of which the emulation system deploys virtual networks.

Figure 8: Architecture diagram of a distributed emulation execution; servers of the management system are connected through a physical IP network, over which virtual networks are overlayed using VXLAN tunnels.

Emulating Physical Switches

Physical switches are emulated with Docker containers that run Open vSwitch (OVS) version 2.16 (see Fig. 9). The emulated switches connect to an SDN controller using the OpenFlow protocol version 1.3 over a secure TLS tunnel. The SDN controller is emulated by a container that resides in the management network (the management network is described below). (Since the switches are programmed through flow tables, they can act either as classical L2 switches or as routers, depending on the flow table configurations.)

Figure 9: Physical switches in CSLE are emulated as Open vSwitch (OVS) switches; each emulated switch runs the OpenFlow protocol and can be configured via a Software-Defined Networking (SDN) controller.

Emulating Network Conditions

Network conditions of virtual links are configured using the NetEm module in the Linux kernel, which allows fine-gained configuration of bit rates, packet delays, packet loss probabilities, jitter, and packet reordering probabilities (see Fig. 10).

Figure 10: Method to emulate network conditions with the Netem module in the Linux kernel; Netem uses a dedicted queueing discipline in the Linux networking stack and emulates bit rates, latencies, packet loss probabilities, packet reordering probabilities, and jitter according to a predefined configuration.

Emulating Client Populations

Client populations in CSLE are emulated by processes that run inside Docker containers and interact with emulated hosts through various network protocols, e.g., HTTP, SSH, and DNS. The clients select functions from the list in Table 6 according to some probability distribution.

Function Description
HTTP Download web pages and use REST APIs.
SSH Connect to emulated components using SSH.
SNMP Perform network management operations through SNMP.
ICMP Ping emulated components.
IRC Communicate with IRC servers.
PostgreSQL Communicate with PostgreSQL servers.
FTP Download and upload files to FTP servers.
DNS Make DNS queries.
Telnet Connect to emulated components using Telnet.

Table 6: Network functions that emulated clients may invoke.

Client arrivals are emulated by a Poisson process with exponentially distributed service times (see Fig. 11). This process may be stationary or non-stationary, e.g., it may be sine-modulated to model periodic load patterns. The duration of a time-step in an emulation is defined by its configuration; a typical duration is 30 seconds.

Figure 11: Clients are emulated by processes that invoke network functions of emulated hosts; client arrivals and service times are emulated by a Poisson process with exponentially distributed service times.

Emulating Attackers

Attackers are emulated by automated programs that select actions from a pre-defined set. The actions are selected according to an attacker strategy, which may depend on system metrics of the emulation. (These metrics are collected in real-time by monitoring agents described below.) The attacker commands are listed in Table 7.

Type Actions
Reconnaissance TCP-SYN scan, UDP port scan,
  TCP Null scan, TCP Xmas scan, TCP FIN scan,
  ping-scan, TCP connection scan,
  TCP-xmas-tree scan, OS-detection scan
  “Vulscan” vulnerability scanner
  “Vulners” vulnerability scanner
  Nikto web scan, masscan
  firewall walk, HTTP-enum scan
  finger scan
Brute-force attack Telnet, SSH, FTP, Cassandra,
  IRC, MongoDB, MySQL, SMTP, Postgres
Exploit CVE-2017-7494, CVE-2015-3306,
  CVE-2010-0426, CVE-2015-5602,
  CVE-2014-6271, CVE-2016-10033
  CVE-2015-1427, SQL Injection

Table 7: Attacker commands.

Emulating Defenders

Defender actions are emulated by executing system commands on emulated hosts. These commands are invoked through a management API based on gRPC and SSH (the API is detailed below). Similar to the attacker actions, the defender actions are prescribed by a defender strategy, which may depend on system metrics collected by monitoring agents (described below). The defender actions are listed in Table 8.

Index Action
1 Revoke user certificates.
2 Blacklist IPs.
3-37 Drop traffic that generates IDPS alerts of priority $1-34$.
38 Block gateway.
39 Server migration between different zones of the infrastructure.
40 Traffic redirect from one server to another.
41 Server isolation.
42 Deploying new security functions (e.g., firewalls and IDPSs).
43 Server shutdown.

Table 8: Defender commands.

The Management Network

Each emulation execution has a dedicated virtual subnetwork, called the management network, which spans the following address space:


This network interfaces directly with the management system and also has an interface to each emulated component. The purpose of this network is to connect management systems to the emulated devices, e.g., storage systems, monitoring systems, and SDN controllers (see Fig. 12). The reason for using a dedicated management network instead of carrying management traffic on the network that carries device-to-device traffic is to avoid interference and to simplify control of the execution.

Figure 12: The management network; it is a dedicated network used for operation of the emulated infrastructure.

Monitoring Agents

Each emulated device runs a monitoring agent that reads local metrics of the device and pushes those metrics to a distributed Kafka queue, which is deployed inside the management network (see Fig. 13). The metrics collected at every time-step are listed in Tables 10-13.

The data in the Kafka queue is organized in a set of topics (see Table 9), each of which stores a sequence of records in a first-in first-out (FIFO) order for a pre-determined time window. These topics are distributed over a set of partitions, each of which is stored at a server in the Kafka cluster.

The topics are consumed by a set of data pipelines implemented with Spark, which process the data and write the results to Presto and Elasticsearch for persistent storage and search, respectively. These storage systems are then consumed by various downstream applications, e.g., dashboards applications and machine learning applications. The processed data is also input to reinforcement learning agents, which use it to decide on control actions.

Figure 13: The monitoring system of CSLE; monitoring agents running on emulated devices push metric data to a distributed Kafka queue; the data in this queue is consumed by data pipelines that process the data and write to Presto and Elasticsearch for persistent storage and search, respectively; the processed data is used by Reinforcement Learning (RL) agents to decide on control actions, and by downstream applications to create dashboards and statistical models.

Topic Description
client_population Statistics of the client population (e.g., number of clients per time.step).
snort_ids_log Information about Snort IDS alerts per time-step.
ossec_ids_log Information about OSSEC IDS alerts per time-step.
host_metrics Information about system metrics per host.
docker_stats Resource statistics of docker containers.
docker_host_stats Resource statistics of host servers.
openflow_flow_stats Statistics of flows.
openflow_port_stats Statistics of ports.
openflow_flow_agg_stats Aggregate flow statistics.
avg_openflow_flow_stats_per_switch Aggregate flow statstics per switch.
avg_openflow_port_stats_per_switch Aggregate port statistics per switch.
attacker_actions Attacker actions in the emulation.
defender_actions Defender actions in the emulation.

Table 9: Kafka topics.

Metric Description
num_clients Number of active clients.
clients_arrival_rate Arrival rate of clients.
pids Number of pids per container.
cpu_percent CPU utilization per container.
mem_current The total memory usage per container.
mem_total The memory limit per container.
mem_percent The memory utilization per container.
blk_read Number of blocks read per container.
blk_write Number of blocks written per container.
net_rx Number of received network bytes per container.
net_tx Number of transmitted network bytes per container.
avg_pids Average number of pids.
avg_cpu_percent Average CPU utilization.
avg_mem_current Average total memory usage.
avg_mem_total Average memory limit.
avg_mem_percent Average memory utilization.
avg_blk_read Average number of blocks read.
avg_blk_write Average number of blocks written.
avg_net_rx Average number of received network bytes.
avg_net_tx Average number of transmitted network bytes.
num_logged_in_users Number of logged in users per container.
num_failed_login_attempts Number of failed logins per container.
num_open_connections Number of open connections per container.
num_login_events Number of login events per container.
num_processes Number of processes per container.
num_users Number of users per container.
avg_num_logged_in_users Average number of logged in users per container.
avg_num_failed_login_attempts Average number of failed logins per container.
avg_num_open_connections Average number of open connections per container.
avg_num_login_events Average number of login events per container.
avg_num_processes Average number of processes per container.
avg_num_users Average number of users per container.

Table 10: Metrics collected per time-step by the monitoring system (1/4).

Metric Description
defender_action_id Defender action ID.
defender_action_name Defender action name.
defender_action_cmds List of defender action commands.
defender_action_type Defender action type.
defender_action_descr Defender action description.
defender_action_outcome Defender action outcome.
defender_action_execution_time Defender action execution time.
attacker_action_id Attacker action ID.
attacker_action_name Attacker action name.
attacker_action_cmds List of attacker action commands.
attacker_action_type Attacker action type.
attacker_action_descr Attacker action description.
attacker_action_outcome Attacker action outcome.
attacker_action_execution_time Attacker action execution time.
attacker_action_vulnerability Attacker action vulnerability.
snort_priority_alerts List of number of Snort alerts of priorities 1-4.
snort_class_alerts List of number of Snort alerts of classes 1-34.
snort_total_alerts Total number of Snort alerts.
snort_alerts_weighted_by_priority Number of Snort alerts weighted by priority.
ossec_level_alerts Number of OSSEC IDS alerts of level 1-16 per container.
ossec_group_alerts Number of OSSEC IDS alerts of group 1-12 per container.
ossec_total_alerts Total number of OSSEC IDS alerts per container.
ossec_alerts_weighted_by_priority Total number of OSSEC IDS alerts weighted by priority per container.
avg_ossec_level_alerts Average number of OSSEC IDS alerts of level 1-16.
avg_ossec_group_alerts Average number of OSSEC IDS alerts of group 1-12.
avg_ossec_total_alerts Average number of OSSEC IDS alerts.
avg_ossec_alerts_weighted_by_priority Average number of OSSEC IDS alerts weighted by priority.

Table 11: Metrics collected per time-step by the monitoring system (2/4).

Metric Description
flow_num_packets Number of packets per flow.
flow_num_bytes Number of transceived bytes per flow.
flow_duration Duration per flow.
flow_in_port Input port per flow.
flow_out_port Output port per flow.
flow_dst_mac_address Destination MAC address per flow.
flow_datapath_id Datapath id per flow.
avg_flow_num_bytes Average number of transceived bytes per flow.
avg_flow_duration Average duration per flow.
of_port_datapath_id OpenFlow switch port datapath id.
of_port_num_received_packets Number of received packets per OpenFlow port.
of_port_num_received_bytes Number of received bytes per OpenFlow port.
of_port_num_received_errors Number of received errors per OpenFlow port.
of_port_num_transmitted_packets Number of transmitted packets per OpenFlow port.
of_port_num_transmitted_bytes Number of transmitted bytes per OpenFlow port.
of_port_num_transmitted_errors Number of transmitted errors per OpenFlow port.
of_port_num_received_dropped Number of received dropped packets per OpenFlow port.
of_port_num_transmitted_dropped Number of transmitted dropped packets per OpenFlow port.
of_port_num_received_frame_errors Number of received frame errors per OpenFlow port.
of_port_num_received_overrun_errors Number of received overrun errors per OpenFlow port.
of_port_num_received_crc_errors Number of received CRC errors per OpenFlow port.
of_port_num_collisions Number of received collisions per OpenFlow port.
of_port_duration_seconds Duration uptime per OpenFlow port.
avg_of_port_num_received_packets Average OpenFlow port number of received packets.
avg_of_port_num_received_bytes Average OpenFlow port number of received bytes.
avg_of_port_num_received_errors Average OpenFlow port number of received errors.
avg_of_port_num_transmitted_packets Average OpenFlow port number of transmitted packets.
avg_of_port_num_transmitted_bytes Average OpenFlow port number of transmitted bytes.
avg_of_port_num_transmitted_errors Average OpenFlow port number of transmitted errors.
avg_of_port_num_received_dropped Average OpenFlow port number of received dropped packets.
avg_of_port_num_transmitted_dropped Average OpenFlow port number of transmitted dropped packets.
avg_of_port_num_received_frame_errors Average OpenFlow port number of received frame errors.
avg_of_port_num_received_overrun_errors Average OpenFlow port number of received overrun errors.
avg_of_port_num_received_crc_errors Average OpenFlow port number of received CRC errors.
avg_of_port_num_collisions Average OpenFlow port number of received collisions.
avg_of_port_duration_seconds Average OpenFlow port duration uptime.

Table 12: Metrics collected per time-step by the monitoring system (3/4).

Metric Description
switch_flow_num_packets Number of packets per flow per switch.
switch_flow_num_bytes Number of transceived bytes per flow per switch.
switch_flow_duration Duration per flow per switch.
switch_flow_in_port Input port per flow per switch.
switch_flow_out_port Output port per flow per switch.
switch_flow_dst_mac_address Destination MAC address per flow per switch.
switch_flow_datapath_id Datapath id per flow per switch.
switch_avg_flow_num_bytes Average number of transceived bytes per flow per switch.
switch_avg_flow_duration Average duration per flow per switch.
switch_of_port_datapath_id OpenFlow switch port datapath id.
switch_of_port_num_received_packets Number of received packets per OpenFlow port per switch.
switch_of_port_num_received_bytes Number of received bytes per OpenFlow port per switch.
switch_of_port_num_received_errors Number of received errors per OpenFlow port per switch.
switch_of_port_num_transmitted_packets Number of transmitted packets per OpenFlow port per switch.
switch_of_port_num_transmitted_bytes Number of transmitted bytes per OpenFlow port per switch.
switch_of_port_num_transmitted_errors Number of transmitted errors per OpenFlow port per switch.
switch_of_port_num_received_dropped Number of received dropped packets per OpenFlow port per switch.
switch_of_port_num_transmitted_dropped Number of transmitted dropped packets per OpenFlow port per switch.
switch_of_port_num_received_frame_errors Number of received frame errors per OpenFlow port per switch.
switch_of_port_num_received_overrun_errors Number of received overrun errors per OpenFlow port per switch.
switch_of_port_num_received_crc_errors Number of received CRC errors per OpenFlow port per switch.
switch_of_port_num_collisions Number of received collisions per OpenFlow port per switch.
switch_of_port_duration_seconds Duration uptime per OpenFlow port per switch.
switch_avg_of_port_num_received_packets Average OpenFlow port number of received packets.
switch_avg_of_port_num_received_bytes Average OpenFlow port number of received bytes.
switch_avg_of_port_num_received_errors Average OpenFlow port number of received errors.
switch_avg_of_port_num_transmitted_packets Average OpenFlow port number of transmitted packets.
switch_avg_of_port_num_transmitted_bytes Average OpenFlow port number of transmitted bytes.
switch_avg_of_port_num_transmitted_errors Average OpenFlow port number of transmitted errors.
switch_avg_of_port_num_received_dropped Average OpenFlow port number of received dropped packets.
switch_avg_of_port_num_transmitted_dropped Average OpenFlow port number of transmitted dropped packets.
switch_avg_of_port_num_received_frame_errors Average OpenFlow port number of received frame errors.
switch_avg_of_port_num_received_overrun_errors Average OpenFlow port number of received overrun errors.
switch_avg_of_port_num_received_crc_errors Average OpenFlow port number of received CRC errors.
switch_avg_of_port_num_collisions Average OpenFlow port number of received collisions.
switch_avg_of_port_duration_seconds Average OpenFlow port duration uptime.

Table 13: Metrics collected per time-step by the monitoring system (4/4).

Management Agents

In addition to the monitoring agent, each emulated device runs a management agent, which is connected to the management network and exposes a gRPC API for management actions (see Fig. 14). This API is invoked by the management system to perform management operations on behalf of CSLE users and reinforcement learning agents, e.g., restarting services, rotating log files, or updating firewall configurations. The management functions available in the API are listed in Tables 14-16.

Figure 14: The management setup in CSLE; each emulated device runs a management agent which is connected to the management network and exposes a gRPC API for management actions, which is invoked by the management system on behalf of CSLE users and reinforcement learning agents.

Remote procedure call Description
getClients() Gets the number of clients.
stopClients() Stops the client population.
startClients() Starts the client population.
startProducer() Starts the Kafka producer thread of the client population.
stopProducer() Stops the Kafka producer thread of the client population.
getDockerStatsMonitorStatus() Gets the status of the Docker statsmanager.
stopDockerStatsMonitor() Stops the Docker statsmanager.
startDockerStatsMonitor() Starts the Docker statsmanager.
getElkStatus() Gets the status of the ELK stack.
stopElk() Stops the ELK stack.
startElk() Starts the ELK stack.
stopElastic() Stops Elasticsearch.
startElastic() Starts Elasticsearch.
stopLogstash() Stops Logstash.
startLogstash() Starts Logstash.
stopKibana() Stops Kibana.
startKibana() Starts Kibana.
stopHostMonitor() Stops the host monitor of a particular host.
startHostMonitor() Starts the host monitor of a particular host.
getHostStatus() Gets the status of a host.
getHostMetric() Gets a list of metrics of a given host.
stopFilebeat() Stops filebeat on a given host.
startFilebeat() Starts filebeat on a given host.
configFilebeat() Configures filebeat on a given host.
stopPacketbeat() Stops packetbeat on a given host.
updateFirewall() Updates the firewall configuration on a given host.
createUserAccount() Creates a user account on a given host.
revokeUserCertificates() Revokes user certificates on a given host.

Table 14: Remote procedure calls (RPCs) in the gRPC API exposed by management agents (1/3).

Remote procedure call Description
startPacketbeat() Starts packetbeat on a given host.
configPacketbeat() Configures packetbeat on a given host.
stopMetricbeat() Stops metricbeat on a given host.
startMetricbeat() Starts metricbeat on a given host.
configMetricbeat() Configures metricbeat on a given host.
stopHeartbeat() Stops heartbeat on a given host.
startHeartbeat() Starts heartbeat on a given host.
configHeartbeat() Configures heartbeat on a given host.
getKafkaStatus() Gets the status of the Kafka cluster.
stopKafka() Stops the Kafka cluster.
startKafka() Starts the Kafka cluster.
createTopic() Creates a topic in Kafka.
deleteTopic() Deletes a topic in Kafka.
getOSSECIdsAlerts() Gets the list of OSSEC IDS alerts of a given host.
stopOSSECIdsMonitor() Stops the OSSEC IDS monitor of a given host.
startOSSECIdsMonito() Starts the OSSEC IDS monitor of a given host.
stopOSSECIds() Stops the OSSEC IDS on a given host.
startOSSECIds() Starts the OSSEC IDS on a given host.

Table 15: Remote procedure calls (RPCs) in the gRPC API exposed by management agents (2/3).

Remote procedure call Description
getOSSECIdsMonitorStatus() Gets the status of the OSSEC IDS monitor of a given host.
getRyuStatus() Gets the status of the Ryu SDN manager.
stopRyu() Stops the Ryu SDN manager.
startRyu() Starts the Ryu SDN manager.
stopRyuMonitor() Stops the Ryu monitor.
startRyuMonitor() Starts the Ryu monitor.
getSnortIdsAlerts() Gets the list of Snort IDS alerts.
stopSnortIdsMonitor() Stops the Snort IDS monitor.
startSnortIdsMonitor() Starts the Snort IDS monitor.
getSnortIdsMonitorStatus() Gets the status of the Snort IDS monitor.
stopSnortIds() Stops the Snort IDS.
startSnortIds() Starts the Snort IDS.
getTrafficStatus() Gets the status of the traffic generator of a given host.
stopTraffic() Stops the traffic generator on a given host.
startTraffic() Starts the traffic generator on a given host.
updateSnortConfig() Updates the Snort configuration on a given host.
updateOssecConfig() Updates the OSSEC IDS configuration on a given host.
updateRyuConfig() Updates the Ryu configuration on a given host.

Table 16: Remote procedure calls (RPCs) in the gRPC API exposed by management agents (3/3).

Starting an Emulation Execution

An emulation execution corresponds to a set of running Docker containers and virtual networks. Starting an execution takes around 10-15 minutes. To start an execution, the emulation system first reads the emulation configuration from the metastore and starts the containers that are described in the configuration. Once the containers have started, the emulation system applies the emulation configuration. This step involves executing a sequence of Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) through the gRPC API described above, e.g., RPCs to create user accounts, to start services, and to configure services (see Fig. 15).

Figure 15: Sequence diagram of the emulation system's procedure to start an emulation execution.