Simulation System

The simulation system uses the data collected from the emulation system to instantiate simulations, which are used to find effective defender strategies through reinforcement learning and other optimization techniques (see Fig. 16). It consists of simulation configurations and Python libraries that implement numerical algorithms for computing defender strategies, for simulating Markov decision processes, and for system identification.

Figure 16: Overview of the simulation system; it uses data collected from emulated IT infrastructures to instantiate simulations of Markov decision processes (MDPs) and to optimize defender strategies through reinforcement learning and other optimization methods.

Simulation Environments

The simulation environments are listed in Table 17. Similar to an emulation execution, which is defined by an emulation configuration, a simulation is defined by a simulation configuration, which includes the set of properties listed in Table 18. Each simulation environment is implemented in Python and the configuration files are stored in the metastore. Simulations are typically based either on Markov decision processes or game-theoretic models.

Name Description
Optimal stopping game Zero-sum one-sided partially observed stochastic game.
Optimal stopping MDP MDP based on an optimal stopping formulation.
Optimal stopping POMDP POMDP based on an optimal stopping formulation.
Local intrusion response game Zero-sum partially observed stochastic game with public observations.
Local intrusion response POMDP attacker POMDP for the attacker in the local intrusion response game.
Local intrusion response POMDP defender POMDP for the defender in the local intrusion response game.
Workflow intrusion response game Zero-sum partially observed stochastic game with public observations.
Workflow intrusion response POMDP attacker POMDP for the attacker in the workflow intrusion response game.
Workflow intrusion response POMDP defender POMDP for the defender in the workflow intrusion response game.
APT stopping game Zero-sum one-sided partially observed stochastic APT game.
APT stopping MDP MDP based on an optimal stopping formulation of APT.
APT stopping POMDP POMDP based on an optimal stopping formulation of APT.
Intrusion recovery POMDP POMDP formulation of intrusion recovery
Intrusion response CMDP CMDP formulation of intrusion response and replication factor control

Table 17: Simulation environments.

Configuration property Description
name Name of the simulation environment.
gym_env_name Name of the OpenAI gym environment.
descr Description of the simulation environment.
simulation_env_input_config Input configuration to the simulation.
players_config Players configuration of the simulation.
state_space_config State space configuration of the simulation.
joint_action_space_config Joint action space configuration of the simulation.
joint_observation_space_config Joint observation space config of the simulation.
time_step_type Time-step type of the simulation
reward_function_config Reward function configuration of the of the simulation.
transition_operator_config Transition operator configuration of the simulation.
observation_function_config Observation function configuration of the simulation.
emulation_statistic_id Id of the emulation statistic.
initial_state_distribution_config Initial state distribution configuration of the simulation.
version Version of the simulation environment.
env_parameters_config Parameters that are not part of the state but that the poliy depends on.
plot_transition_probabilities Boolean parameter whether to plot transition probabilities or not.
plot_observation_function Boolean parameter whether to plot the observation function or not.
plot_reward_function Boolean parameter whether to plot the reward function or not.

Table 18: Properties of a simulation environment configuration.

Numerical Algorithms

The numerical algorithms for strategy optimization and system identification are listed in Table 19. These algorithms are implemented in Python and are based on PyTorch, NumPy, PuLP, CvxPy, Openspiel, Stable-Baselines3, emukit, and cma. A code example of running the Q-learning algorithm is shown below:

import csle_common.constants.constants as constants
from import ExperimentConfig
from csle_common.metastore.metastore_facade import MetastoreFacade
from import AgentType
from import HParam
from import PlayerType
from csle_agents.agents.q_learning.q_learning_agent import QLearningAgent
import csle_agents.constants.constants as agents_constants
# Select simulation configuration
simulation_env_config = MetastoreFacade.get_simulation_by_name(
# Setup experiment with hyperparameters
experiment_config = ExperimentConfig(output_dir="..", title="Q-learning test", random_seeds=[..], agent_type=AgentType.Q_LEARNING, hparams={..`, player_type=PlayerType.ATTACKER, player_idx=1)
agent = QLearningAgent(simulation_env_config=simulation_env_config, experiment_config=experiment_config, save_to_metastore=True)
# Run the algorithm
experiment_execution = agent.train()
# Save the results and the learned policies
for policy in experiment_execution.result.policies.values():

Listing 2: Example of strategy optimization through the Q-learning algorithm in CSLE.

Name Algorithm type
Bayesian optimization Black-box optimization
Cross-entropy method Black-box optimization
Simulated annealing Black-box optimization
Nelder-Mead Black-box optimization
Particle swarm Black-box optimization
CMA-ES Evolutionary computation
Differential evolution Evolutionary computation
Deep Q-network (DQN) Reinforcement learning
Fictitious Self-Play Computational game theory
Heuristic Search Value Iteration (HSVI) Dynamic programming
Heuristic Search Value Iteration (HSVI) for one-sided game POSGs Computational game theory
Kiefer Wolfowitz Stochastic approximation
Linear programming Computational game theory
Policy iteration Dynamic programming
Value iteration Dynamic programming
Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) Reinforcement learning
Q-learning Reinforcement learning
Random search Black-box optimization
REINFORCE Reinforcement learning
SARSA Reinforcement learning
Shapley iteration Computational game theory
Sondik’s value iteration Dynamic programming
T-FP Reinforcement learning
T-SPSA Reinforcement learning
Expectation maximization System identification
POMCP POMDP planning
Phasic Policy Gradient (PPG) Reinforcement learning

Table 19: Numerical algorithms.