
25 Jul ‘24
Our conference paper “Conjectural Online Learning with First-order Beliefs in Asymmetric Information Stochastic Games” was accepted to CDC24. A preprint is available.
12 Jul ‘24
A video of my presentation at the CDIS conference 2024 is available.
3 Jul ‘24
Our conference paper “Online Policy Adaptation for Networked Systems using Rollout” is available in the NOMS´24 proceedings.
25 June ‘24
Attending DSN24 in Brisbane, Australia. dsn24
20 June ‘24
Visit to Prof. Tansu Alpcan at the University of Melbourne.
22 May ‘24
Gave a presentation at the CDIS Spring Conference 2024.
20 May ‘24
A preprint of our DSN24 paper is available.
21 Mar ‘24
Our conference paper “Intrusion Tolerance for Networked Systems Through Two-Level Feedback Control” was accepted to DSN24. A preprint will be available soon.
20 Mar ‘24
We have a summer internship opening in our group. Apply!
21 Feb ‘24
A preprint of our paper “Automated Security Response through Online Learning with Adaptive Conjectures” is available.
29 Dec ‘23
The camera ready of our paper “Scalable Learning of Intrusion Responses through Recursive Decomposition” is now available in the GameSec23 proceedings.
23 Dec ‘23
Our conference paper “Online Policy Adaptation for Networked Systems using Rollout” was accepted to NOMS24. A preprint will be available soon.
19 Dec ‘23
Dr. Neil Dhir from Siemens Research is visiting our lab at KTH.
28 Oct ‘23
Participating in the IEEE Xtreme programming competition. We ranked first among the teams from sweden.
18 Oct ‘23
Attending GameSec23 in Avignon.
28 Aug ‘23
Our system the “Cyber Security Learning Environment” (CSLE) is now available open source here. csle
26 Aug ‘23
Our conference paper “Scalable Learning of Intrusion Responses through Recursive Decomposition” was accepted to GameSec23. A preprint will be available soon.
24 June ‘23
Our conference paper “Digital Twins for Security Automation” is available in the NOMS´23 proceedings.
24 June ‘23
Our conference paper “Demonstrating a System for Dynamically Meeting Management Objectives on a Service Mesh” is available in the NOMS´23 proceedings.
25 May ‘23
Attending the CDIS conference in Stockholm. cdis23
19 May ‘23
Visit to Dr. Una-May O’Reilly from MIT ALFA. MITvisit
17 May ‘23
Visit to Dr. Neil Dhir at Siemens Research in Princeton.
17 May ‘23
Visit to Professor Maria Apostolaki at Princeton University.
15 May ‘23
Visit to Professor Quanyan Zhu at New York University.
8 May ‘23
Attending NOMS´23 in Miami, Florida. NOMSposter
5 May ‘23
Attending Aurora23
29 Mar ‘23
Our demo paper “Demonstrating a System for Dynamically Meeting Management Objectives on a Service Mesh” was accepted to NOMS´23.
29 Mar ‘23
Our workshop paper “Digital Twins for Security Automation” was accepted to NOMS´23.
22 Feb ‘23
We have a summer internship opening in our group. Apply!
30 Jan ‘23
I gave a talk at New York University, a recording is available here.
21 Dec ‘22
Dr. Neil Dhir from Siemens Research is visiting us at KTH.
6 Dec ‘22
Dr. Erik Hemberg from MIT ALFA is visiting us at KTH.
1 Nov ‘22
Attending CNSM´22 in Thessaloniki, Greece.
27 Aug ‘22
Our conference paper “An Online Framework for Adapting Security Policies in Dynamic IT Environments” was accepted to CNSM´22.
17 Jul ‘22
Attending ICML 22 in Baltimore. We will present our paper “Learning Security Strategies through Game Play and Optimal Stopping (Camera ready version) on 22 July at the workshop on machine learning for cyber security (workshop). A pre-recorded video of our presentation is available.
26 June ‘22
Our conference paper “Learning Security Strategies through Game Play and Optimal Stopping” was accepted to the Machine learning for cyber security workshop at ICML´22, a preprint version is available here
13 June ‘22
Our conference paper “A System for Interactive Examination of Learned Security Policies” is available in the NOMS´22 proceedings.
8 June ‘22
We presented a poster at the EECS conference at KTH. cdis_spring_conf_poster
2 Jun ‘21
Jakob Stymne, master thesis student in our group, successfully defended his M.Sc., with thesis entitled “Self-Play Reinforcement Learning for Finding Intrusion Prevention Strategies”.
29 May ‘21
A preprint of our paper “Learning Security Strategies through Game Play and Optimal Stopping” is available. To be submitted.
24 May ‘22
We presented a poster at the CDIS spring conference at KTH. cdis_spring_conf_poster
22 May ‘22
Our journal paper “Intrusion Prevention through Optimal Stopping” was accepted to IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management and is available in early access.
30 Apr ‘22
Our demonstration at IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium was awarded the best demonstration award. A preprint is available here and a video of the demonstration is available here. NOMS22Budapest
14 Apr ‘22
A demonstration of our method for finding effective security strategies through reinforcement learning is available.
11 Mar ‘22
Our demo paper “A System for Interactive Examination of Learned Security Policies” was accepted to NOMS´22, a preprint is available.
17 Jan ‘22
We had a poster presentation at the Digital Futures Machine Learning day at KTH. df_poster
30 Oct ‘21
Preprint of our journal paper “Intrusion Prevention through Optimal Stopping” is available.
26 Oct ‘21
Our conference paper “Learning Intrusion Prevention Policies through Optimal Stopping” is available in the CNSM´21 proceedings.
21 Oct ‘21
Master thesis Bayesian Reinforcement Learning Methods for Network Intrusion Prevention by Antonio Frederico Nesti Lopes, available here.
15 Oct ‘21
Attended the CDIS Fall Research Workshop at Balingsholm and presented our research project. The slides are available here.
30 Aug ‘21
Antonio Frederico Nesti Lopes, master thesis student in our group, successfully defended his M.Sc., with thesis entitled “Bayesian Reinforcement Learning Methods for Network Intrusion Prevention”. The camera ready version will be available soon.
23 July ‘21
Attending the DLRL summer school and presenting a poster. Our poster is available here.
16 July ‘21
Our conference paper “Learning Intrusion Prevention Policies through Optimal Stopping” was accepted to CNSM´21, a preprint is available.
15 June ‘21
Preprint of our conference paper “Learning Intrusion Prevention Policies through Optimal Stopping” is available.
24 Mar ‘21
Slides of our presentation at the CDIS spring conference is available.
14 Sep ‘20
Our CNSM´20 paper “Finding Effective Security Strategies through Reinforcement Learning and Self-Play” was accepted, a preprint is available.
27 Feb ‘20
Our WEB´20 paper is now available.
10 Feb ‘20
Article on and about our research.
18 Nov ‘19
Attending the WASP4ALL conference in Stockholm.
1 Nov ‘19
Starting as a Ph.D student at NSE@KTH.
30 Oct ‘19
Attending the Gamesec conference in Stockholm.
1 Apr ‘19
Our SysML ´19 demo paper is now available.
6 Dec ‘18
Our IEEE/WIC/ACM ´18 paper is now available.
1 Jun ‘18
I successfully defended my M.Sc., with thesis entitled “Deep Text Mining of Instagram Data Without Strong Supervision”.