

Optimal Defender Strategies for CAGE-2 using Causal Modeling and Tree Search; Kim Hammar, Neil Dhir, and Rolf Stadler arXiv(preprint) bib
Automated Security Response through Online Learning with Adaptive Conjectures; Kim Hammar, Tao Li, Rolf Stadler, and Quanyan Zhu arXiv(preprint) bib


Learning Near-Optimal Intrusion Responses Against Dynamic Attackers; Journal paper, TNSM 2023: IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (IEEE TNSM). Kim Hammar and Rolf Stadler IEEE Proceedings arXiv(preprint) PDF(preprint) bib
Intrusion Prevention through Optimal Stopping; Journal paper, TNSM 2022: IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (IEEE TNSM), special issue on recent advances in network security management. Kim Hammar and Rolf Stadler IEEE Proceedings arXiv(preprint) PDF(preprint) bib
Deep text classification of Instagram data using word embeddings and weak supervision; Journal paper, Web Intelligence 2020. Kim Hammar, Shatha Jaradat, Nima Dokoohaki and Mihhail Matskin Link PDF bib


Conjectural Online Learning with First-order Beliefs in Asymmetric Information Stochastic Games; Conference paper, 63rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC’24), Milan, Italy, December 16-19, 2024. Tao Li, Kim Hammar, Rolf Stadler, and Quanyan Zhu arXiv(preprint) bib
Intrusion Tolerance for Networked Systems through Two-Level Feedback Control; Conference paper, 54th IEEE/IFIP Dependable Systems and Networks Conference (DSN’24), Brisbane, Australia, June 24-27, 2024. Kim Hammar and Rolf Stadler arXiv(preprint) bib
Online Policy Adaptation for Networked Systems using Rollout; Conference paper, NOMS 2024: IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, Seoul, South Korea May 6-10. Forough Shahab Samani, Kim Hammar and Rolf Stadler IEEE Proceedings PDF bib
Scalable Learning of Intrusion Responses through Recursive Decomposition; Conference paper, GameSec 2023: International Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security, Avignon, France, Oct 18-20. Kim Hammar and Rolf Stadler Springer book chapter arXiv(preprint) bib
Digital Twins for Security Automation; Conference paper, NOMS 2023: IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, Miami, USA May 8-12. Kim Hammar and Rolf Stadler IEEE Proceedings PDF(preprint) bib
Demonstrating a System for Dynamically Meeting Management Objectives on a Service Mesh; Conference paper, NOMS 2023: IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, Miami, USA May 8-12. Forough Shahab Samani, Kim Hammar and Rolf Stadler IEEE Proceedings PDF(preprint) bib
An Online Framework for Adapting Security Policies in Dynamic IT Environments; Conference paper, CNSM 2022: International Conference on Network and Service Management, Thessaloniki, Greece October 31 - November 4. Kim Hammar and Rolf Stadler IEEE Proceedings IFIP Open Library Conference Proceedings IFIP Open Library PDF PDF(preprint) bib
Learning Security Strategies through Game Play and Optimal Stopping; Conference paper, ICML Ml4Cyber Workshop 2022: International Conference on Machine Learning, Baltimore, USA July 17-23. Kim Hammar and Rolf Stadler PDF(extended version preprint) Camera ready version
A System for Interactive Examination of Learned Security Policies; (Best demonstration paper award); Diploma; Conference paper, NOMS 2022: IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, Budapest, Hungary April 25-29. Kim Hammar and Rolf Stadler Video IEEE Proceedings PDF(preprint) arXiv(preprint) bib
Learning Intrusion Prevention Policies through Optimal Stopping; Conference paper, CNSM 2021: International Conference on Network and Service Management, Izmir, Turkey October 25-29. Kim Hammar and Rolf Stadler IFIP Open Library Conference Proceedings IFIP Open Library PDF IEEE Proceedings PDF arXiv(preprint) PDF(preprint) bib
Finding Effective Security Strategies through Reinforcement Learning and Self-Play; Conference paper, CNSM 2020: International Conference on Network and Service Management, Izmir, Turkey November 2-6. Kim Hammar and Rolf Stadler IEEE Proceedings IFIP Open Library Conference Proceedings arXiv(preprint) PDF(preprint) bib
TALS: A Framework For Text Analysis, Fine-Grained Annotation, Localisation and Semantic Segmentation; Conference paper, COMPSAC 2019: Data Driven Intelligence for a Smarter World Hosted by Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA July 15-19. Shatha Jaradat, Nima Dokoohaki, Ummal Wara, Mallu Goswami, Kim Hammar and Mihhail Matskin Link bib
Horizontally Scalable ML Pipelines with a Feature Store; Conference paper, Demo track, SysML Conference, March 31 - April 2 2019, Stanford CA. Alexandru A. Ormenisan, Mahmoud Ismail, Kim Hammar, Robin Andersson, Ermias Gebremeskel, Theofilos Kakantousis, Antonios Kouzoupis, Fabio Buso, Gautier Berthou, Jim Dowling and Seif Haridi. Link PDF
Dynamic CNN Models For Fashion Recommendation in Instagram; Conference Paper, International Conference on Social Computing and Networking (SocialCom 2018), 11-13 Dec. 2018, Melbourne, Australia. Shatha Jaradat, Nima Dokoohaki, Kim Hammar, Ummul Wara and Mihhail Matskin Link bib
Deep Text Mining of Instagram Data Without Strong Supervision; Conference Paper, Web Intelligence Conference 2018, Santiago Chile. Kim Hammar, Shatha Jaradat, Nima Dokoohaki and Mihhail Matskin Link PDF ArXiv bib


Learning Security Strategies through Game Play and Optimal Stopping; Workshop paper, ML4Cyber workshop ICML 2022, Baltimore USA, July 17-23. Kim Hammar and Rolf Stadler PDF

Technical reports

Optimal Observation-Intervention Trade-Off in Optimisation Problems with Causal Structure; Kim Hammar and Neil Dhir arXiv(preprint) bib


Intrusion Tolerance for Networked Systems through Two-Level Feedback Control; IEEE/IFIP Dependable Systems and Networks Conference (DSN’24), Brisbane, Australia, June 24-27. Kim Hammar and Rolf Stadler PDF
Intrusion Tolerance for Networked Systems through Two-Level Feedback Control; CDIS pring conference 2024, Stockholm, Sweden May 22. Kim Hammar and Rolf Stadler PDF
Learning Near-Optimal Intrusion Responses Against Dynamic Attackers; CDIS pring conference 2023, Stockholm, Sweden May 25. Kim Hammar and Rolf Stadler PDF
Demonstrating a System for Dynamically Meeting Management Objectives on a Service Mesh; NOMS 2023: IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, Miami, USA May 8-12. Forough Shahab Samani, Kim Hammar and Rolf Stadler PDF
Intrusion Prevention through Optimal Stopping; Poster, KTH EECS Summer Conference 8 June 2022. Kim Hammar and Rolf Stadler PDF
Intrusion Prevention through Optimal Stopping; Poster, CDIS Spring Conference 24 May 2022. Kim Hammar and Rolf Stadler PDF
Intrusion Prevention through Optimal Stopping; Poster, Digital Futures Machine Learning Day 17 Jan 2022. Kim Hammar and Rolf Stadler PDF
Learning Intrusion Prevention Policies through Optimal Stopping; Poster, CIFAR Deep Learning + Reinforcement Learning (DLRL) Summer School 2021. Kim Hammar and Rolf Stadler PDF

External Blog Posts

Guide to File Formats for Machine Learning: Columnar, Training, and Inferencing; Blog post, 25 Oct 2019. Jim Dowling, Moritz Meister, and Kim Hammar Link
Feature Store: the missing data layer in ML pipelines?; Blog post, 30 Dec 2018. Kim Hammar and Jim Dowling Link bib
Goodbye Horovod, Hello CollectiveAllReduce; Blog post, 22 Oct 2018. Robin Andersson, Jim Dowling, Ermias Gebremeskel and Kim Hammar Link


Deep Text Mining of Instagram Data Without Strong Supervision; Master’s Thesis, KTH School of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Kim Hammar Link PDF bib
Integrating Monitoring Systems - Pre-Study; Bachelor’s Thesis, KTH School of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Kim Hammar and Marcus Blom Link PDF bib


An RCE Exploit of a Remote SLD Resolver in Prolog; 18 June 2021. Kim Hammar PDF
Using Reinforcement Learning in Self-Driving Systems; 28 May 2020. A PoC. Forough Shahab and Kim Hammar PDF
Programming the Semantic Web; 12 Jan 2018. A Tutorial. Kim Hammar PDF
Distributed Human Activity Recognition; Dec 2017. Scalable Deep Learning Course Project at KTH. (Best project award, awarded a graphics card) ; Kim Hammar and Konstantin Sozinov Link
Machine Learning for Failure Detection in Distributed Systems; 23 Nov 2017. A project report. Kim Hammar and Konstantin Sozinov PDF
Conflict free p2p replicated datatypes; 22 May 2017. A project report. Kim Hammar and Maxime Dufour PDF
Linearizable Key-Value Store; 12 Mar 2017. A project report. Kim Hammar and Konstantin Sozinov PDF